everybody's fool ;; blazestar


Fireflypaw can feel the breeze on his face as he pads out of his den, having finished his duties for all he can in that moment. He excuses himself from the high priest's side if only for a moment, meeting his father outside with an unsure expression on his face. "Thank you for meeting with me, 'pa." He greets the tom with respect, as he always did- his father was the strongest warrior amongst them, after all. A sharp inhale of a breath, scenting the air for any signs of sickness. But none came, at least for now. With how his father was going, though, Fireflypaw wouldn't be surprised if he lost a life to this unknown illness.

"How have you been? I hope you aren't taking on too much." He tries to muster up a brief conversation before the serious one starts, tries to temper his own anxiety over whatever this.. This sickness seems to be. They have limited knowledge, after all. Perhaps he could go hunting for something new to use soon. "How.. How is Howlfire? I haven't.. Had the opportunity to talk to her yet. I feel.. Guilty."
Blazestar feels the weariness settling into his bones, a familiar ache that has only intensified through each moon of his leadership. This sickness, the trouble with ThunderClan, their most recent battle with WindClan… he feels as though he’s sleepwalking some days, and today is one of them. His son’s blind blue eyes find his own, and the Ragdoll forces himself to relax at least a little. He can see Fireflypaw’s nostrils flare, as though he’s scenting for sickness on his father—and he seems relieved, finding nothing. “I will always make time for you. My son or not, you’re the medicine cat apprentice.” He smiles, forgetting, as he often does, that Fireflypaw cannot see the expression on his face. “Sit with me a moment.

He brushes his tail against the seal point’s flank, so that the two of them can settle just outside the medicine cat’s den. Blazestar studies the scars across his kit’s face, a dull ache tugging at his heart. “I’m… I’m fine, Fireflypaw. But I worry about you.And Dawnglare, though he won’t verbalize that. He doesn’t know if it’s even true—insolent thought, barreling out of shadows. “More and more cats are getting sick. You must be busy… and please be careful.” He sighs. “I don’t want you getting ill.

As she always does, Morningpaw’s tiny, frail body, caked with blood and shriveled in Dawnglare’s patient nest, comes to mind.

Howlfire?” His ears flick. “You’re referring to that nonsense at the border?” Blazestar’s silence must speak volumes. After several heavy heartbeats, he speaks again, “Your sisters are at odds. Moonpaw denounced me at the border. She does not want to be called my daughter anymore… and Howlfire got a little… well, fired up.” He tries for a smile, but it does not reach his eyes, a fact Fireflypaw would be ignorant to anyway.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun