everyday disasters 𓆟 beached boat / intro


◌༘͙ portrait of the spirit
May 15, 2024
"FATE IS A SUNDRESS" ˚୭ .ೃ⁀➷ tags ── THE SUN BEATS down on dizzypaw's face. oversized paws sweat on hot sand - her long coat doesn't much help. she closes her eyes and the sun cuts still through her eyelids.

it's time for a swim.

dizzypaw quietly gathers a veritable band to tag along. one can never be too cautious - given twoleg activity, she finds herself wanting to look over her shoulder at any given moment. still, it's curious to her to think about their habits; do twolegs swim, much like cats? she had heard about a "water-monster" in passing, but hadn't taken the time to investigate. do they, too, take to the water to cool off in days such as these?

water winds through her feet and parts for her body. she watches it swash and swirl around her clanmates, and something about it leaves her feeling even more vulnerable. it's terrible to think prospectively on twolegs - they've taken from her clan and of her friends, more importantly. it hurts her heart to think on too long.

all, well. this is a moment of fun amidst all the turmoil. (she hopes so, at least.)

dizzypaw's thoughts come crashing to a halt as she crashes - if she had the word for metal, she would know it instantly. she sputters and spits in the water and struggles to stay afloat and somehow, she manages, though by that point she's on the shore. whether she's been dragged or made it to the bank herself, she isn't sure.

dizzypaw brings a paw to her sore nose. her shoulders heave as she continues to cough, eyes squint as she blinks the water from them. she is fine - shaken, but fine. all the same: "oh, careful! careful!" casts over the water. her warning is late and probably unappreciated. oh well.

ooc: this is also for the bingo! here is a bowfinnnn 🐟 🐠 🎣 🐡
dizzypaw is fine and doesn't need tended to, but she's slammed right into the side of a beached boat lol! anyone can have been assumed to have joined dizz on her escapade. the boat could prolly be explored If You Dare...​
The sun's ultraviolet rays down on Foxtail's pelt, and he wishes there was some cloud coverage today. Much like Dizzypaw, Foxtail has a long... thick coat. It does wonders during Leafbare— in harsh and snowy temperatures, he appreciates the warmth his long fur coat brings him. ...But during the Newleaf when the temperature grows more and more hot? ....Not as much.

The young warrior pads onto the hot sand, his olive green eyes focused on the river before him. His ears prick as the river flows along, and he can almost feel how cold and refreshing that water must be. Foxtail moves forward and steps into the river; soaking his paws in the water. He lets out a quiet sigh at how cold the water feels— he can already feel his body cooling down. It would be even better if he dipped further in, but he stays put at the edge for now... enjoying the coolness on a hot day.

His olive green eyes land on Dizzypaw, smiling lightly as she swims freely through the river. He can see how thick her coat is— she must've be melting as much as he was. For a moment he takes his eyes off of her and scans the river... twolegs have been more and more frequent lately. ...He saw twolegs on board a water monster mere days ago. It was be horrifying if one of those monsters came upon the apprentice as she swims. His eyes can't make out any danger on the river, and the warrior lets out a sigh of relief. Perhaps there won't be any twoleg interference today....

His olive green eyes look back over at the apprentice, and his fur bristles as she seemingly crashes, spits and sputters. Without so much blinking, Foxtail is on the move— racing over to her along the shore. Foxtail knew how dangerous the water can be... while RiverClan is known for having strong, talented swimmers, the river isn't to be messed with. It can take lives quickly and quietly... even the most talented swimmers aren't immune to drowning.

To his relief, Dizzypaw stumbles onto the shore, and while she coughs up water Foxtail pads over to her. "Dizzypaw! Are y-you okay?" He mews with a gasp, but his finds his eyes trailing behind her. ....And then his eyes land on it— a water monster laying on their shore. It appears to be laying on it's side, possibly in poor condition, and it isn't even close to the river bank. "It's a water m-monster!" His fur bristles in alarm, while it isn't like a monster that rumbles on the thunderpath.... It's still a twoleg contraption. It appears to be stuck, but that doesn't stop the tom from being cautious around it. It almost feels strange to see if beached on their shore. "...I think it's asleep? We... We should probably stay clear of it." Foxtail won't be inspecting it, that's for sure!

  • apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons


⋆ 。° ✩  Cricketpaw keeps to the shallows of the shore - shamefully, but he does not show it. Waves lap gently at the apprentice's ankles a welcome respite from the sun that beats down upon his dark pelt. His eyes are shut, willing quiet the humming of nerves, but his ears remain pricked.

His paws move swiftly when he hears the crash, the yells that follow. Dizzypaw, disoriented on the bank, with a monster behind her. He blinks at the scene wide-eyed, mind whirring as he processes.

And he is drawn, as a moth to a flame, towards the slumbering form of the water monster. Something dazed and awed colors his expression, and in his trance he forgets even to ask after the other apprentice. She looks fine to him, anyway. "It seems pretty sound asleep, if it still hasn't woken," Cricketpaw comments at Foxtail's words, eyes fixed upon the beast. "Look at how it lies - dead, maybe? I should certainly hope so." No blood stains the sand, and yet it is unmoving. Beached like a fish - perhaps it too can only breathe water?

...She can't pass up this opportunity. "I've not seen one so close before - perhaps it couldn't hurt to..." His words trail to a breathy sort of mutter as Cricketpaw creeps closer to the strange beast, reaching a careful paw out towards it. He touches it to the shining surface, and draws it back. Burning hot in the bright sun - how strange. She begins to circle, intent on studying the thing as closely as she can. She can only hope that she is right, and the beast will not wake again.

  • 81495373_qvx6EJLrxQ82G3T.png
  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Her personal curiosity is one that will bring harm to her one day, she is too-aware of such possibility. But Splashpaw still presses forward nonetheless. She knows her limits in some regards but she is willing to bet more often than not that there are trials and tribulations that she should challenge, regardless of if she is ShadowClan or RiverClan. Her mothers taught her to live by her own rule and only bend for self benefit, and while she doesn't fully align with those views, she follows them to her own personal extent.

She stands on the shore, not beside Cricketpaw per say, but not far from him either. The sleeping water-monster brings her closer - for she's seen plenty on the thunderpath, but of course not many in the water. The swamplands didn't afford much room for their big, black paws. But this one... "It has to be dead," she decides, "It's missing its legs - monsters have big, spinning legs," she says in a sort of matter-of-fact tone, though curiosity still peaks with every other syllable.​