oneshot EVERYONE IS DUMB &. spar

He's lounging in the sun when it starts.

Idly listening to the clans chatter, Nightdust and Stonepool's voices loud above the rest. They speak of Nightdust's last hunting patrol, of Bramblebird's adamancy to go towards one part of the forest, when he and Oaktuft wanted to go another. He speaks of Finchcatcher's decision to follow Bramblebird, and claims of how little prey they actually caught because of the choice. They speak of Stonepool's apprentice, Toadpaw - how he's fairing in training, and so on and so forth. Bits and pieces of conversation and commentary on ThunderClan's life.

The two warriors seem close - they're always lounging in the sun together in between patrols and training. Not once had he seen the two so much as glare at one another.

But, oh, how that changes, so fast.

Just as he finally begins to drown the duo out, hisses erupt. Olive eyes go wide at the noise, head turning to see the dark-furred Nightdust snarling at his counterpart. And suddenly, suddenly --

Stonepool strikes, and Kindleheart finds himself leaping to his feet. A fight. Stars, they were fighting. How soon until blood spills, until someone tries to stop them, until... How long until one of them dies? Kindleheart should get help. He should tell Howlingstar, Flycatcher, tell someone who is capable of stepping in. But he stands there, frozen at the scene. Unmoving as he stares at the fight that had broken out before him.

And oh, why isn't anyone else paying attention? Why isn't anyone else stopping them? Why are they allowed to battle to the death, right in the middle of camp? Stonepool has an apprentice, he can't die!

"H-hey," he starts to say. Maybe you shouldn't do that. It takes more effort than he likes, frustration growing to mix into his fear, his panic.

And, it takes longer than he likes to admit, noticing. Noticing why no one was caring. Neither warriors' claws are unsheathed.

This isn't a real battle. It's... It's fake. Merely a game. Like how kits fight one another and pretend to be warriors, Nightdust and Stonepool do the same.

Kindleheart feels the heat of embarrassment radiating off of him. How foolish of him, to think this was real! To think the two warriors would stoop that low, act so rashly in the middle of camp. It's fake, it's fake. He settles back down in his spot in the sun, heart pounding from the misread scene, the almost battle. He hopes no one has noticed his mistake, just as they hadn't paid attention to the warriors' sparring.

Everything is fine.

// PROMPT : kindleheart overhears some clanmates sparring. does he jump to conclusions and believe they are fighting? if so, does he try to diffuse the situation? or does he remove himself from the situation?​