pafp everything all rolled into one || practice makes perfect


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
The black tabby crouches low, tail twisting in a mixture of sand and nettles that litter the camp clearing. Kite's muscles twitch beneath their shadowy fur in anticipation but they remain still but poised to leap forward. Before Skyclan, Kite did not just live on scraps they scavenged from dumpsters but also from rats and mice alike. Kite did not usually have to leap upon their prey like Skyclanner's must, they would kind of just... drop onto an unsuspecting rat from the top of a dumpster or raid one of their nests. Kite got by fine and did okay with this method, but their lack of hunting expertise will not do in the clan. Reluctantly, Kite has resigned to asking for help. Their hunting crouch is messy- their ever moving tail twists like a snake, haunches too low and the fur of their stomach rasps against sand- but the strength rippling beneath striped fur suggests Kite will surely be a good fighter if their hunting skills remain subpar.

Kite only felt comfortable asking Florabreeze to teach them better technique, it was a decision Kite made based on two things: Florabreeze is the only Skyclanner that Kite will tolerate being touched by but also they reckon that Florabreeze understands the struggle of adjusting to the clan. Kite's small head tilts to the side as they twist to watch Florabreeze pad around themself, checking their form, maybe. "What can I.... improve?" Kite asks this softly, pressing upwards to stand. They huff, vibrant eyes narrowing. "Be honest, is this a... waste of time?" Warily, they lower down and assumes the pose they were in just in. Their inky fur prickles, Kite is sure others that occupy the camp clearing are watching. But let them watch, at least it is proof Kite is trying to fit into this clan; respect only homes with hard work and Kite intends to prove themselves to each and every single doubter.

  • black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 38, ages every 21st
    — peaceful powerplay allowed

It was surprising to Florabreeze that someone would ask for her help of all cats, given the fact that probably the majority of SkyClan remembers her affinity for scaring prey back when she first joined their ranks. Kite wasn't there during that time, a blessing to be sure, maybe they wouldn't enjoy her company as much if they had. There wasn't really any point dwelling on this though, they were here and she liked to spend this time helping them so that was all she needed to worry about.

Spending her days keeping an eye on Sfogliatella and Jellypaw had made her more cut out for this assigned task than she originally thought. She circles around the black tabby slowly, lightly tapping her tail against their flank with a grin. “Not a waste of time at all, I think you've got the right idea but you just need to shuffle around” all hope wasn't lost and she didn't want them to think that at all.

“You're a little low, try crouching a little higher from the ground?” She wasn't one hundred percent sure that this was the only issue but it was a start. The maine coon moves to stand beside them, tilting her head curiously “do you already notice the difference?” She considered requesting that they try jumping but she can understand that it may feel ridiculous to do so in the middle of camp. Instead she glanced to the nearest cat outside of the little bubble they crafted for themself here. “Hey, you look like a crouching expert! What do ya think about Kite's form?” This could be an act of socialising too, she noticed the disconnect between themself and some clanmates. Trust couldn’t be earned overnight but maybe showing some kind of vulnerability like this would be a good launching point.

  • Anyone can be the cat that she's talking to :3
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 35 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
beechdapple admittedly had already been watching the pair from her spot beneath the shade, mismatched hues taking note of every shift in movement and exchange of dialouge while practice ensued and honestly it's become a bit of an unconcious form of habit for the seasoned she-cat to analyze her clanmates skills and pick out the noticable mistakes or flaws being made before offering what she believes is helpful advice even if it means putting that poor soul on the spot.

this time though none of that is necessary as florabreeze calls out to the molly in particular for an opinion on kite's current framework.

"well, they almost got it down just needs a bit more adjusting." beechdapple starts off, sauntering over on heavy paws to join them with a cordial smile. "florabreeze was right about being crouched too low. your belly fur should just barely be touching the ground unless you wanna end up like a snake, slithering instead of stalking." a lighthearted laugh slips from an uneven jaw, hoping to perhaps ease the mind of the black tabby with some playful jest. "another important thing to keep in mind is keeping that tail still, you'll end up stirring up the grass and your prey will bolt the second it hears the slightest rustle." beechdapple adds on, putting on a demonstration by dropping into a crouch with practiced ease and of course it's a bit more tricky if your a cat like her and have mountains of fur but there's always adjustments being made. she doesn't go on further yet and instead opts to wait for a possible response or follow from kite or incase anyone else wishes to jump in with some advice.
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Kite is pleasantly surprised when Florabreeze begins to instruct them as soon as they request feedback and the edges of her frown twitch ever so slightly into the most elusive smile ever. They do not flinch away from Florabreeze's bushy tail when it flicks against her flank, instead Kite's neck twists so they flash a half-hearted glare at Florabreeze. This moon has brought the two closer together, Kite is no longer doubts their friendship could be a farce.

"Like so?" Kite applies Florabreeze's critique, shuffling their appendages closer beneath themself and lifting her underside away from the earth. They roll their shoulders forward as though they will begin to stalk forward to catch something unawares. An image of themself prowling forward, inky fur camouflaged in the shadows, flits into their mind. Their overactive imagination continues to conjure many possibilities where this crouch may be needed but the thoughts are pushed away as Florabreeze comes up next to them again. Kite looks up and blinks expectantly, expecting praise which she does receive.

It is hard for Kite to pinpoint if she is disappointed her friend invites another clanmate advise them as well, but it is brushed off quickly. The tabby has only gotten to know Florabreeze and Eggbounce well and this will serve as an opportunity for Kite to strengthen their connections with the clan. Kite returns a smile to Beechdapple (best as they could) and rises to listen more intently on the feedback. "I see... I guess my tail does have a mind of it's own, hm?" They offer an airy laugh to the two she-cats before directing their entire attention to Beechdapple's demonstration.

Kite crouches, applying all which has been told to them by the two in addition to closely watching Beechdapple's form through narrowed eyes. "It feels better! Thank you, Beechdapple, is it? I'll owe... each successful hunt to you," they murmur softly, green pools sparking with gratefulness as they regard Beechdapple. Then they turn their attention to Florabreeze, their maw twitching into an odd smile once more. Kite remains in her crouch still and so they prowl forward on light paws before leaping forward, lightly tackling Florabreeze. The inky tabby attempts to use their brute strength to pin the much larger she-cat. Kite is sure Florabreeze may have allowed for it to happen so easily, though they do not mind, and holds her down softly as they declare, "First catch."

  • black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 38, ages every 21st
    — peaceful powerplay allowed