Although Roepaw had been given the end-of recovery news only the night before, the green-light hadn’t been given soon enough in her opinion. She couldn’t think of a time she had ever moved her things out of a den so quickly, or had been so relieved to sleep in the apprentices den before.
She shuffled her hind legs against the dirt, sinking her claws into the ground for a more solid stance as she faced Cherrypaw, who was about a fox length away.
A whole moon- over a tweaked hind leg, countless nights of thoughts gnawing at her. How she had left things with Snowpaw, how her training would be stunted, how her world outside of camp would only be granted through scraps of gossip. Now that she was determined to throw herself back into the swing of things, new anxiety and excitement has trickled in. Anxious that her reintroduction would be rocky, excited to show off how well her camouflage and tracking skills have gotten.
So far, however, she could feel herself falling back into the ease of old habits, albeit a new training partner. Everyone seemed in agreement that Roepaw should start off slow and easy, much to the mollys disagreement. Either way, combat training in camp was better than no training at all- and Roepaw was desperate to hear more about the dog attack.
Initially, she had been grief stricken over Emberstars abrupt but heroic death, a singular thought keeping her rigidly awake most nights.
Did I ever let her know that I forgave her for Cinderfrost? Did she know that I didn’t hate her?
As the grief pulled back and forth like an oceans tide, new questions became uncovered.
"Were they as scary as the others say? .. the dogs?" Roepaw suddenly asked, seemingly out of the blue but keeping her defensive stance.
"I can’t believe I missed I all the fight over a tweaked leg."

[please wait for Cherrypaw !]



"Uhh... Well, they're dogs, I'd be shocked if they weren't." Cherrypaw stands across from Roepaw, watching her carefully. Since the dog attack, he's been working as hard as he possibly can to gain more training--and that includes offering himself up as a sparring partner to other apprentices. As much as exhaustion lugs at his limbs from the lack of sleep and slight dizziness, he refused to let it affect him too much, digging his own paws into the earth.
Hopefully it doesn't affect him too much...

"To be honest with you... you should be grateful you didn't see most of it. We're lucky the dogs didn't kill anyone, but when that dog broke into camp..." He shudders at the memory. "It was horrible. Almost everyone went to fight the dogs at Sunningrocks--but nobody ever realized a dog would actually find its way to camp, so it took all of us by surprise. Wildpaw got his entire tail bitten off, when he tried to fight it during a patrol a while ago, and my sister ran into them, too... the dogs did a number on us, man, and we're lucky Flycatcher's battle patrol came back just in time."

As he's talking, he drops down into a crouch, before using his hind legs to launch himself forwards Roepaw, sending the sand flying up behind him. He leaps up, aiming to land on Roepaw's back to shove her to the ground. If he succeeds, he'll land on top of Roepaw, biting harmlessly into her neck to pull her down and use his lighter weight to throw her off-balance, then pin her against the floor.

"Why--huff--do you ask? Something on your mind?"

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"It was dreadful." Her tone is heavy, morose, she wants to forget the dogs. Forget the bloodstains, but when she closes her eyes they are still there and blinding upon the snow. Moonpaw sits near the two but shows no interest in joining the training, she gets enough of it from Raccoontail who is far from lenient with her and often times left her with her fair share of bumps and bruises for her efforts. Tortie dappled paws lace over one another where she lays, a casual lounge with legs and tail outstretched behind her, at any moment she could get up and go if she felt it but she'd chosen instead to observe.
"I saw it happen." She states, then quickly clarifies with an awkward shift of her gaze to the side, "Wildpaw's tail, I mean. I was was awful. We used his blood to lure the dog away..." Copper drenched moss tossed by her brother into the surrounding woods so they could finally descend the tree and run for their lives. Her whiskers quiver at the memory, she will not soon forget it and it will join the other blood-soaked figures of her nightmares in time though thankfully she did not have them as frequently as she once did. Was she...moving on? Part of her felt irritation at herself for it, that she should continue to live without burden and leave her sister behind but another part of her felt relief in the gradual shift forward. She wants to think of newleaf, of flowers blooming and the nursery filled with kits. She wants to stop being hungry. With the dogs gone, they could thrive again and for once Moonpaw considers a future where she can be happy, it felt so far away but now it didn't seem impossible.
"Watch your footing, Roepaw." The tortie finds herself speaking without thinking, briefly embarrassed at herself for trying to coach a much older apprentice before she catches herself. No. She was allowed to speak.

Aimlessly, Roepaw nods along with Cherrypaws first sentiment. That was true, wasn’t it?
Yet, he continues, his expression looking almost distant for a moment as he recalls the memory, and Roepaw can feel a small chill sparking through her own spine. She loses focus to the lull of his words and the faint chime of Moonpaws, and suddenly he’s lunging towards her.
Watch your footing, Roepaw. Moonpaws forewarning is too late, she feels the other land square on her shoulders, and barely has enough time to sheathe her claws from where they dug into the ground. She relaxes against her fighting instincts, letting her limbs become liquid and dropping to her stomach, only feeling Cherrypaw’s hot breath instead of his harmless nip. In her cooperation, she meets the ground with just enough space to flip onto her back. If all went according to plan, Cherrypaws forepaws would be firmly planted on either side of her shoulders, and wide green eyes would be staring directly into his to properly answer his question.
"No not really, I guess it’s just easier to wish you were apart of something than to actually experience it." As she’d reply, she’d snap her hindlegs into her underbelly, wincing only subtly when a sore pain would shoot up one of them. Still, she’d push through it and aim to kick them upward into Cherrypaw’s own underbelly, with only enough power to shove him off and possibly wind the tom.
If her move were to have worked, she’d take split moment of opportunity to spring upwards and charge towards the staggering tom with her ears flattened and head bowed to protect the sensitive part of her frontal crown , aiming to plow into his shoulder with the intent to unbalance the other and take the offense of this spar.
