everything I do [ FLYCATCHER XX FLAMEWHISKER ] I do for you | thunderclan SHP litter, closed


THEIR STORY: The story begins one fateful day, when, after fleeing from dogs, Flamewhisker arrives on ThunderClan’s border. Injured and alone, she is eventually found by Flycatcher and a patrol and is taken back to camp to recover. Once healed, Flamewhisker eventually joins the clan officially. From the beginning, the pair were close, but their feelings for each other only truly began to develop after the fire that briefly raged through their camp. Often kept awake by terrible nightmares from the event, Flamewhisker found comfort and good company in the form of Flycatcher, who would often stay awake with her. As their feelings grew the two admitted to having feelings for each other but neither pushed the relationship further from there. It is only recently - and after much teasing from teammates and some reflection on both their parts - that they decided to take the plunge and officially become mates.

The discovery that Flamewhisker is expecting kits will be a surprise to the pair, not having planned on becoming parents so soon. Regardless of the poor weather and the other plots unfolding between the clans, the pair will strive to do their best under the circumstances and the children will be raised with much love and attention.

— There will be one or two kits available here
— We have no set choosing date but we’re aiming for some time in January so as to give you all time to set up subaccounts and the like
— This will be a fairly realistic pregnancy and we’re aiming for Feb 18th as a birth date
— Kits will begin at three moons old and age realistically
— This isn’t a FCFS litter and we both hope for the kits to go to active RPers who will love them well. If you need to go inactive for a while please let either myself or @Icey ! know, otherwise we retain the right to rehome after a few weeks of inactivity without notice
— These kits will be born in ThunderClan and it is preferred they stay there until they are at least warriors
— Form is a free-for-all just please include the basic information
— Name themes do not have to be followed but it is highly encouraged

— nieces / nephews to Smokey, Nemo, and Nala (through Flamewhisker, all NPCs) and Bee, Cricket, and Moth (through Flycatcher, all NPCs)
— cousins to Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, Hailpaw
— grandchildren to Storm & Lily (through Flamewhisker, both NPCs) and Cloudy & Shimmer (through Flycatcher, both NPCs)
SIRE: LH blue mackerel tabby with low white (carries solid)
DAM: LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)

males can be red tabby or cream tabby
females can be tortie, torbie, blue tortie, or blue torbie
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have any amount of white or none at all
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red kits can mask black or black tabby; cream kits can mask blue or blue tabby
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits may or may not carry solid

— Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth, Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog/Foggy, Mist/Misty, Drizzle, Rain/Rainy (bug and weather names inspired by family)
— Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay. Sparrow, Harrier (bird names)
—Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)

—Lily, Seed, Petal, Daisy, Flower, Stem, Leaf, Oak, Maple, Acorn, Bee, Birch, Timber (plant/tree names inspired by mother)
—Mouse, Rabbit, Swift, Owl, Bird, Running, Sharp, Shrew, Squirrel (hunting inspired names)
—Hawk, Lion, Lightning, Tiger (names she believes are strong)
—Wouldn’t name them after anything resembling fire because of the fire in the camp, or any member of the canine family (dogs, coyote, wolf, etc)
— Kitten One
— Kitten Two
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  • STORM /stôrm/
    1. a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.

    a compromise between two loving parents, her name harkens back to weather names inspired by flycatcher's family, as well as flame whisker's desire for something strong. and perhaps one might say she was named in mind of the clan itself who saved her parents—especially her mother.
  • torbico she-cat with a feathery tail and blue eyes
    ↳ longhaired
    ↳ high white, carries dilute

    Small—that's all one can think of as they look upon the newborn bundle of torbie fur and white. The old queens may murmur about her size, casting doubt on if such a kit could last even in the tail-end of the hard season. But then again, look at her father—perhaps she takes after his smaller stature. It ought to be nothing to be concerned about. No matter how small the body, her heart will be as big as any proud ThunderClan-born cat.

    Her pelt is remarked to be a sort of patchwork between her two parents, sharing the fiery shades of red tabby in some splotches with with the darker black tabby version of her father's gray in other spots. To an untrained eye, the percentage of white and tabby may seem to be equal, but the white wins by ever a small margin. All of her paws are white, with the tabby markings reaching lower on her left side while they cut off at the elbow and knee on her right side. Her rump and tail are fully covered up to the tip as well as her shoulders and she has a funny little red tabby mark on her left flank floating in the sea of white. The left side of her face is marked by black tabby fur, but her muzzle and the right side of her face are an unblemished white. Her eyes, clear and blue, peer at you mischievously, narrowing with hawkish intelligence. What on earth could she be thinking about?

    Small she is, but she grows into it and owns it. Her long fur gives her the appearance of someone bigger, and her body gives way to lean muscle as she learns and hones her strengths. There is a firm sleekness in the way she walks, confident and serene, like the flash of lightning—she is small and quick and you don't see her coming until it's too late.

    — voiceclaim: angelina jolie acting as tigress
    — scent: sharp pine

  • ESTJ "The Executive" | Lawful Neutral

    My, does this one have large paw-prints to fill. As the daughter of two lead warriors known as some of the best hunters around, Stormkit strives to be everything her parents wish her to be. But sometimes kittenhood gets in the way of such noble aspirations. She is a quick learner and a devious trickster, finding the loophole in any situation. Give her an inch and the kit will take a mile. She is known for this bold and clever personality around camp and she acts much older than she really is.

    A development will come which will make her become more stoic and introspective, drawing out the deeper sides of her that had until now been suppressed by childish stupor. This happens around her apprenticeship, where she is ultimately faced with her worst fear—she is not a good hunter. This causes her to reach inside herself and ask the question of who she is. The situation calls for lots of growth, and Storm finds peace in honing her battle technique, becoming a fearsome warrior. To make peace with her failure, she applies her methods of combat to hunting and discovers a new way for her to overcome her difficulty.

    Stormkit is a perfectionist and she holds herself to high standards. When she cannot reach it, she melts down and may lash out. She remains fiercely loyal to her friends and family, but the bold and outspoken nature she has nourished since kithood will not allow her to be silenced if she wishes to speak her mind. She values integrity, honesty, dignity, and upholds tradition. She is a believer in StarClan and has faith in the warrior code.
  • FLYCATCHER xx FLAMEWHISKER | generation 02
    ↳ siblings: tbd

    mentored by: n/a
    mentoring: n/a

    close friends: none
    friends: none
    likes: none
    dislikes: none
    loathes: none

  • STR ●●●●○○○○○○
    CON ●●●●●●●●●●
    DEX ●●●●○○○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●○○○○
    WIS ●●●○○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●○○○
    ???sexual / / interested in nobody
    guarded, but not difficult to make friends with
    ↳ learning about other clans

    — physical health: 100% / mental health: 100%
    — will start fights / will not flee / will show mercy

    strengths: combat, stealth, climbing, leading
    weakness: hunting, swimming, healing, running
  • History will go here.
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leafkit - leafpaw - leafdapple
leaf for the red leaf-like marks on her fur, and general colours of leaf-fall.
dapple, currently, also for her markings. this may later reference a poignant scene or development moment.

female, she/her pronouns
considered under xx / dam in a genetic pairing.
orientation undecided ; will start to experience crushes during apprenticeship.

it is in some cruel mockery from fate that her sparse red markings look like flying embers, but an offhanded comment from someone else in the nursery of "oh, it's like leaves!" during that awkward realisation saved too much thought. in a far nicer genetic turn, she has a very similar white locket to flycatcher; and grows up quite striking, with the same green eyes as flamewhisker.
lh torbie w/ low white (solid, dilute)

observant, seems to have more interest in her clanmates than any possible warrior duties, and will often model behaviour that she sees. naturally curious, but with a decently polite disposition - by the time she's played at 3 moons she will have aged out of the "getting under everyone's paws" part, but everyone remembers (with varying degrees of fondness).

thinking that as an adult she'll specialise in hunting, especially in leaf-fall where she's very difficult to see among the autumn undergrowth.​
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✧ Drizzlekit; drizzle for family // kit for rank in the clan
✧ Cisgendered Female (she/her); bisexual biromantic
✧ 3 months and anges realitsically
✧ Kitten of Thunderclan

✧ single
✧ no any offspring
✧ sexuality? feelings on romance?
✧ FLAMEWHISKER x FLYCATCHER any siblings tbd
✧ friends TBD
✧ dislikes TBD

✧ Standing at a whopping 5 inches tall, Drizzlekit is fairly small. She weighs no more than a few pounds and her long hair makes her look around rounded most of the time. Drizzlekit has a rounded face with longer hair at her cheeks and tufted ears, and rounded amber eyes like a golden sunrise. She sports a coat dappled with pale blues, creams and browns in a tortie pattern and has a mane of white around her neck. White also covers her front paws, a dash across her nose and a small patch across her lips. She has a long tail that is feathery in texture and her fur is usually kept well groomed.

( + ) Aspiring, Compassionate, Caring, Curious, Empathetic
( / ) Cute, Animated, Maternal, Naive, Soft
( - ) Blunt, Absent-minded, Compulsive, Foolish, Overimaginative
✧ Drizzlekit is a bit of an air-headed cat. She always seems to have her head in the clouds and takes trauma very poorly. Drizzle is usually very sweet and empathetic towards those around her and can be very energetic in the way she talks. Compassionate and maternal, she likes to take care of others and help out when she can even though she tends to put others before her own needs.

She is ever curious about the world around her, including the twoleg place, and it tends to get into some- weird situations. Drizzle also can't keep a secret to save her life and will tell her entire family like those best friend memes. She always sees the good in people and gives too many chances for many cats who probably don't deserve it. Drizzle though is loyal to her family as a whole and adores her parents and siblings, she is a massive daddys girl, and she looks forward the future!
✧ hobbies include flower collecting, sleeping in trees and long walks along the river.

✧ what are they like in battle? will they run, or start a fight? will they finish fights? will they kill if necessary?
✧ do you allow any sort of powerplay? ( healing, peaceful etc )
✧ ❝ speech
✧ penned by [you!]
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MOTHKIT . Mothpaw . Mothflutter / nose / flight

↳ Moth - chosen by her father , inspired by familial names as well as for her soft toned fur
— Kit of Thunderclan; wary when it comes to other clans, prefers to avoid them
— Female | she/her ; heterosexual
Flamewhisker x Flycatcher, sibling to TBD

mainly white shekit with long fur, blue tortoiseshell patches and peculiar green eyes
Mothkit is by every standard a scrawny kit, her frame is covered by a thick, feathered pelt that she makes a point to maintain. Her fur is bright white, dappled with blue tortoiseshell and cream patches that mainly center around her face and shoulders, past that they are sparse, only freckled along her back legs and her “weirdly” long tail, which stands out because of the lack of white. Unlike the rest of her fur, her tail is solely blue’s and creams, her long fur also gives the appearance of an unnaturally long tail length. Her eyes are a dark verdant hue, rich in color and shaped round. Her nose and paw pads are a light pink.


( + ) Compassionate
Imaginative ( / ) Secretive
( - ) Weak
Mothkit seemingly lives up to her name quite yell, her presence is a soft one, and she often blends in, which she prefers. Mothkit will not be the one to speak up for you in the heat of the moment, but she is the one that will help you get back on your paws afterwards. She likes and aims to be a comforting presence, but that goal is made a little rocky by her lack of social skills, or more fear of social skills. Often, she doesn’t know how to reply to a witty joke, or anything outside of your idle chitchat, especially with someone she doesn’t know all that well. She takes friendship and cherishes it, to her familial love is almost unconditional, but friends choose you, and she takes great honor and seriousness in that, being her friend also means being able to confide in a vault, contradictory to her habit of being easily overwhelmed, when it comes to others secrets she absorbs them, keeping them locked away, there is something she likes about being others confidant. While she is generally helpful and always up to lend an extra paw, she is the opposite of attentive, and is more often than not spacing off into her own little world, this makes for a terrible listener if you’ve caught her in the middle of a daydream. Soft-spoken and wary, it’s no surprise that when her flight or fight kicks into gear, she flies- and quite literally. If faced with conflicted or an overwhelming feeling, she is flying out of that situation, most likely to hide or seek comfort from her family.
mannerisms: fidgets when uncomfortable, notably so ; generally keeps a blank expression even when content ; bites the inside of her cheek when anxious
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at climbing, weaving, stealth & camouflage


— Becoming an apprentice will completely uproot everything about her personality and the things she typically shies away from (i.e blood, strenuous activities) but the real problems will arise when her combat training begins, she may outright refuse to learn, which would be her first major defiant act, I’d be really interested in pursuing this plot and seeing how it ends up going.
— Her mother is her best friend, and often her biggest confidant.
— Mothkit will be extremely dependent on those around her such as friends and family, a possible plot I have in mind for her character development wise would be something happening during her apprenticeship where she would need to learn to have independence to possibly get out of a dangerous situation on her own or perhaps becoming lost for a short period of time.
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---Am just lurking, withdrawing app cause let's be real: I don't need another ThunderClanner rn lol
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mousekit . mousepaw . mousetail, mousenose, mouseleap?

mouse, for the gray-blue flecks on her pelt; kit denoting rank
— kit of thunderclan; brought up loyal to her clan
— afab, she/they (indifferent); unknown sexuality
flycatcher x flamewhisker; sibling to unknown; cousin to stormypaw, cloudypaw, and hailpaw

fluffy white she-cat with gray tortoiseshell ears and hindquarters and mint-leaf eyes expand
↳ carrying N/A


( + ) optimistic; exuberant ( / ) excitable; loud ( - ) ditzy; unfocused expand.
mannerisms: wip
— will not start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at will be an excellent huntress one day if she can learn to keep her trap shut



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thunderkit . thunderpaw . thunderstep


thunder for [what reason].
— kit of thunderclan
— female, she/her; lesbian
flamewhisker x flycatcher, sibling to ???

longhaired tortoiseshell with low white and amber eyes / reference with a thin frame and gangly legs, thunderkit is an awkward looking child. her medium-length, glossy pelt is mostly ginger with darker tabby stripes, and the very tip of her tail is solid ginger. she has small scattered patches of black fur, with a pale white underside. her eyes are an amber color that appears yellow in direct sunlight.
↳ carrying ???


( + ) patient, respectful, attentive ( / ) cautious, sensitive, ambitious ( - ) fearful, skittish, rude the first thing most cats will notice about thunderkit is her fearful nature. a skittish child, she shies away from anything new and tends to hide behind her parents in the face of strangers or particularly large clanmates. she does not take risks or participate in any activities that she believes are unnecessarily dangerous, and becomes very nervous if asked to participate. she is easily upset and cries quickly when she feels any big emotions, but becomes snappish if pushed too far by others. she is a patient child, willing to wait as long as it takes to get what she wants, and tries her best not to come off as demanding. she respects her elders even if she fears them, and takes care to treat those older than herself with the utmost respect. she is a good listener and always looks for the intentions of others when they speak to her.
mannerisms: fears crowds, the dark, illness, bugs, snakes, water. hates being touched by anyone except family members. walks with her head low. tries to hide from strangers.
— will not start fights | will flee | will show mercy
— will excel at stealth, agility, negotiation

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Transmasc, He/Him
➳ beetle for family and for vibrance, for a dazzling show in every different color, for spots and shades of red and brown, for bright green eyes glistening like shed shells

longhair torbie with high white, green eyes
➳ Beetlekit is a striking cat; his fur is a colorful medley of stripes and patches, his eyes a brilliant green. His fur is long and trailing, concealing his slightly smaller than average size. He grooms it well, taking pride in his appearance. His pelt is largely white, the color creeping up his chest and across his face, met by mismatched tabby fur. From the top of his head to the tip of his tail, his pelt varies between a vibrant red-orange like his mother and a dark gray-brown all his own, with the red winning out across the front of each leg.

ENFP, Neutral Good
( + ) sociable, determined, confident, altrustic
( / ) dramatic, emotional, perfectionistic, irreverent
( - ) self-centered, dishonest, judgemental, rude

Beetlekit oozes a cool confidence, a veneer of expertise beyond his moons, with a mischievous gleam in his eye suggesting he knows a little more than he lets on. He smiles easy, laughs easy, holds no grudges and takes little offense. His words are loud and often callous, speaking his mind when he likely shouldn't. He means no ill will in this, however; though he can be judgemental, he puts little weight on his criticisms, often forgetting them quickly.​
➳ It's clear to anyone who's met him that Beetlekit has a flair for the dramatic. He tells stories with a performer's passion, embellishing to the point of outright lying. Every event and every emotion becomes spectacle, as though in the moment it is all that matters in the world. It's impossible to tell how much is real or fake with Beetlekit--he has been known to convince himself of his own lies, and his dramaticisms stem from a place of genuine emotion. The kit feels his emotions very strongly, but he is a fickle creature as well. One second he could seem completely devastated, and the next he could bounce back as if nothing was wrong in the first place.​
➳ Beetlekit sees himself much like the protagonist of a story. He wants to do good, and believes himself meant to do something great. He puts a lot of pressure on himself; the prestigious rank of his parents is a point of pride, but also of anxiety. It's a high bar to live up to (and even if no one's asking him to, he fears he won't forgive himself if he doesn't). Beetlekit is determined to prove himself, confident that he has the talent to do so, and yet secretly he fears trying, terrified that he will somehow mess it up. He tells of his accomplishments often in the hope that maybe he can make that enough--maybe if he acts as though he has already succeeded there will be no need to truly do so.​
➳ Bit of an asshole but he's a good kid 👍
➳ Very animated, gestures as he talks. Tends to tap his paw when he's thinking. Snorts when he laughs.​

strengths hunting, climbing, tracking, agility
weaknesses physical strength, strategy, stealth, swimming

➳ will not start fights || will not end fights || will run away

➳ Beetlekit hates conflict. For all that he will brag about his (dubiously real) combat prowess, he will avoid fights whenever possible and will prefer to talk himself out of bad situations. When forced to fight, he is much like a cornered animal, doing anything he can to get out alive (even if the stakes are not quite that high). To make up for this percieved weak spot, he will throw himself into his hunting and patrolling, to prove that he is still be useful to his clan.
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✧ FALCONKIT | FALCONPAW | FALCONSTALK, Falcon - for the hunters of the morning sky, Stalk - for his incredible stalking and hunting skills
✧ male, he/him | bisexual, biromantic
✧ 3 moons old, realistic aging once every month
✧ Thunderclan, Kit
✧ any extra info!

✧ single, not thinking on relationships
✧ no offspring
✧ bisexual but will not think much of romance
✧ Flycatcher x Flamewhisker | siblings to be determined
✧ friends - none currently
✧ dislikes - getting wet, being talked down to, failing

✧ falconkit will be a rather large male. At least be will appear so with how thick and long his coat is. His form is hefty, solid and strong giving him power in his strikes. his fur is a shade of cream that is light fawn in color. Like the color of a vanilla latte in fact. Darker mackerel tabby markings carve a path through that color. One ear is splashed in white as well as the end of his tail and two of his paws (both of the back ones. His eyes are a stunning blue that fades into a soft green around the edges of his pupils. the angle of his facial structure lends him a rather fierce appearance and his eyes are very observant and bright
✧ CURRENT INJURIES / ILLNESSES: no injuries or illnesses

( + ) POSITIVE TRAITS - loyal, level headed, protective, hard working
( - ) NEGATIVE TRAITS - stubborn, sharp, narcissistic
✧ as a kit the little child will be super energetic, always looking for something to do and someone to play with. he will be a little chatter box and talk anyone's ear off. But as he grows he will begin to hold goals and values. Always striving to do his best as well putting Thunderclan first. He will put effort into being a protector, forcing himself to hone his battle skills. He will always keep a leveled head in anything he does but sometimes he can be a little stubborn thinking his way is a better option then others. Sometimes he can get a little narcissistic about how he looks or who is the best in the clan but others can not deny that he means well and he is and will always be a loyal thunderclanner who works hard to do whatever he can to help his fellow clanmates
✧ will enjoy hunting as a hobby as well as collecting human trash and climbing

✧ as falconkit grows up because of his size he will excel in battle but he will also put forth a lot of effort into his hunting. But he will be merciful during fights, not wanting to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary. He is always the one to put an end to fightd
✧ peaceful powerplay is welcomed for healing etc
✧ ❝ speech
✧ penned by rhosmari

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