Pinkshine never meant to avoid Bluefrost. It just... ended up that way a little bit, between everything. It was harder to poke her head in and say hi, when there was a guard posted by the nursery. It was very hard not to worry about if she was allowed to say hi or not, when your maybe, maybe - not friend was in serious trouble with your Leader. Of course, it wasn't like Sunstar would be standing over her shoulder, and even if he was, he wouldn't be so unkind as to tell him no... But she could hear the extent of his exhaustion in his voice, that day. From the Leader's den, she can feel it in waves. Would Sunstar ever trust his Lead Warriors again? At least he had Dimmingsun...

Bluefrost was tired too, though. She could see it in the few glimpses that she's gotten of her. And Pinkshine absolutely couldn't have her thinking she was angry at her... Pinkshine didn't really like being angry at anybody, even if she kind of had to be, sometimes...

So Pinkshine shuffles her way to the nursery, glimpsing Dimmingsun with downturned ears and a soft smile. Only a paw makes it inside before she's second - guessing herself, and she decides to call out for her first... " Bluefrost? " she mews. She doesn't fully glimpse into the shadows, just yet... " Um, it's Pinkshine... Could I come see the kits? " She pauses, then adds. " And you, obviously. "

Bluefrost is not accustomed to visitors, and since her encounter with Scorchstorm, she is not privy to receiving them. Nevertheless, the entrance to the nursery rustles, and gleaming half-sun eyes peer back at her from the bracken. "Bluefrost? Um, it's Pinkshine... Could I come see the kits?" The queen lifts her tired head from where she'd laid it to rest against her shoulder, like a swan taking refuge under its wing. "And you, obviously," the younger she-cat murmurs. Bluefrost does not feel warmth at Pinkshine's intrusion — she feels immediate trepidation.

Will I see judgment in her face, too? Has she come to condemn us? The steel-pelted queen shifts in her nest. Kittens protest; she ignores them. They settle back into place without much fuss, still more or less mindless with the need for comfort. "Yes. Enter." Pinkshine is maybe not the most perceptive cat, but even she will notice a change in Bluefrost — her shoulders are turned inward, and the sheen in her green gaze has dulled to nothing.

Still, there is something regal about the way she regards her visitor, like a cast-aside queen receiving her subject. "You may come closer." She pulls her tail away from the litter crowding her belly. Their eyes blink open, off and on, now, though they are so busy with their feeding they do not seem to notice the newcomer. "This dark one is Foalkit. This gray one is Comfreykit. The pale tortoiseshell is Asterkit. And this one..." She hesitates; would Pinkshine recoil, or would she, in her sordid way, understand?

"This is Sootkit." She lowers her face to each infant's head, bestowing a noiseless, dry kiss upon each of their skulls. Sootkit is the final one to receive this blessing. "I know what you are thinking, but... it is not like that," she murmurs, as if trying to get ahead of her friend's racing thoughts.

After a heartbeat, she pulls her tail back to wreath around the kits. "You have taken your time coming to see me. I imagine you are just as unhappy with me as the rest of the Clan." She blinks. There is no rebuke in her tone — she does not fault her Clanmates for animosity they earned, after all. They do not know Thriftfeather as she does, and is it not her folly that she even gave the DuskClan deputy that chance?

  • ooc: —
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 18 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan queen. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue smoke she-cat with white and emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

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Permission is given, and Pinkshine struts inside with a ( small, nervous ) smile. She hears the mewling of kittens as she does, and somehow that makes it real. Bluefrost being a mother— a mother! The father being Thriftfeather, Bluefrost being stuck in here, guarded as if she were a prisoner and not a WindClanner... Something about her is different in a way she can't really place... But if she would guess... and she would, it might have something to do with everything that's happened...

She takes the invitation, shuffling closer with a striped tail curling idly behind her. She tries to maintian some form of politeness for the kits and Bluefrost both... but they are just the cutest ever! Tiny enough to fit in a paw, with tiny slicked-back ears and tails she could hardly see... Little Foalkit! " Aww, " she coos. Comfreykit. " Awwww! " Comes again, and it makes routine for all of them, though there's a stutter, when little Sootkit comes.

Pinkshine inclines her head. She wonders how Bluefrost can know what she's thinking if she doesn't even know what she's thinking. Pinkshine thinks of Sootstar, dead beneath Sunstar's claws... She thinks of Sootspot, cruel in nearly everything he says... Her nose wrinkles for a moment, but she looks at Sootkit, and she thinks... You'll be better than either of them, won't you? " She's adorable, " with a kind blink, she mews.

They make a pretty picture together, Bluefrost and her kits. She hopes they make her happy, despite everything.

Mismatched ears perk in surprise at what she says next. Oh no. Had she given off the impression? Vigorously, Pinkshine shakes her head. " No, no! Not at all! I mean... " She can't really know how the rest of the clan feels, but... " And— and they're not that unhappy with you, I'm sure... " She isn't really, but she thinks its what Bluefrost needed to hear... " I actually- I really wanted to tell you I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry I made you think that... I guess I- I... didn't know what to do. "

They all looked so much like her... If not the same grey that she was, traced with the same smoky visage her and Sootstar had wore... Pinkshine hopes she can be friends with each and everyone one of them... especially Sootkit. She'd make sure she's a nice Sootkit, together with Bluefrost. " I don't really understand... " she admits. " But... even if I don't understand, or I don't trust... um, him... I trust you. " With hopeful eyes, she glimpses Bluefrost. " You're my friend, " she reminds her.

OOC: Sorry this is so late!