everything little thing & termitepaw

Jan 5, 2023
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A giggle filled the air as paws pummeled the ground underpaw, and she looked back for her racing opponent though with her glance back- her paws slipped under her. The sun was warm up in the sky, the ground no longer muddy slush anymore and the snow had started to finally disappear from view. Though this didn't help the she-cat clumsy nature anyway as she tripped on a root, causing her paws to slip under her, and rolled into a nearby bush of ferns. It didn't seem to deter her though as she popped back up into view and gave a crow of laughter, "I am so gracefu," She mockingly said with a shake of her head.

Bananapaw had invited the other she-cat along with her for some fun! Tag and hide and seek mainly, she was a cat of few talents in games, and she was having a blast! Termitepaw was so fun to be around even though she seemed so uncertain of herself sometimes. Or well to Bananapaw that was how it was view, she could be very wrong though. "That tree root though has it coming!" She declared and pounced on the wood, chewing at it with her front teeth before recoiling at the taste. Yeah, bad idea.

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( 𓆣 ) White paws thump against the forest floor as Termitepaw chases after her fellow apprentice, careless grin draped across her maw. They hadn't been too keen on the idea at first; despite Bananapaw's attempts at making friends, they still felt the same discomfort that came with spending time with any cat. Yet Bananapaw was persistent, despite their hesitance, not leaving them behind for their stumbling words and awkward demeanor. With just the two of them, they feel like they can let their guard down a bit, have fun without worrying about judgement.

Another thud comes quickly, and Termitepaw watches as Bananapaw is bested by a stray root, disappearing into a clump of ferns. So much for the chase. They slow to a stop, peering into the bush. They barely have time to be concerned, though, as she is quick to pop right back up, unworried smile still shining on her face. "I am so graceful," she says, and their smile returns. "Mmm, the mo-ost graceful. Banana... Bananadance, most grace-ful cat in all-ll the cla-ns." It's said in a deadpan hum, but they chuckle a bit at their own joke, soft and breathy.

When Bananapaw pounces on the root, Termitepaw watches with wide-eyed fascination. A new target... A new enemy! They draw closer, holding themself as still as always, watch as the other apprentice chews on the wood and instantly regrets it. Perhaps a different method of attack, then... Termitepaw raises her paw up slowly, then brings it down upon the root several times in quick succession, a repeated bopping with claws sheathed. "Ta-ake that!" they declare. "No-o one trips my, mm, my-y-y friend." They words grow quieter, more uncertain, as they speak, yet they seem determined to say it nonetheless. They shoot a quick glance at Bananapaw. "A-and gets a-way with it," they finish, words coming out in a rush. They give the root one more whack for good measure.
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With the root well beaten by the two of them, Bananapaw puffed out her chest with pride and gave a little laugh, "We will make the best fighting team! Just you wait," She beamed enthusiastically. Normally she'd be mortified at her own fall but Termitepaw didn't make her feel stupid or silly in her less than graceful nature. If Quill or Chrys where here maybe it'd be a different story, but then then Chrys would at least care in his own Chrys way that she fell. Quill? Maybe be more- concerned in his expressionless way. Regardless, she pushed those two from her mind and focused on Termitepaw before her as she whapped the root one more time for good measure.

Then the little cream she-cat bounded away from her friend towards the path, "They should be just down this way! I hope Firefly likes 'em!" Bananapaw had the brilliant idea of finding flowers for the medicine cat apprentice. Where they going to be helpful flowers? Probably not, but she assumed the thought would count. They also needed to collect moss for the nursery as with spring time meant fresh bedding for everyone! That and she was tired of sleeping on her flatten nest anyway. Without Quillstrikes big butt flattening her moss, maybe it was due time for some change.

They padded a few paces down before slowing to walk beside the black and white cat, "[color=#FAD066[Wait! You called me a friend![/color]" The word finally caught up to her rather bouncey brain and she widened her eyes a little bit. They seemed to become tear-sheened as Bananapaw was just a very emotional person. Anything could and will make her cry. Still she grinned brightly, and nudged them on their shoulder, "Whole clan will be jealous! I am Termitepaws' friend!" She bounced excitedly with her chest puffed out one more before she giggled and fell into pace beside her.

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