camp everything starts with your stance // open

Jan 5, 2023
They often found themselves at camp now with the growing urge to be sick all the time. From speaking with Fireflypaw suppose they had to move to the nursery sometime soon and they just didnt feel like it was time yet. They felt like they had more to do before then, more to enjoy before everything came crashing down in a burning fire that was their life. Regardless, they wanted to share the news anyway and maybe even think of names with cats around them. Honeysplash wasnt sure how to even begin to know how to parent let alone do it alone.

The cream tabby warrior glanced to their side and even though there wasn’t anything round about them- they knew that the word yet lingered there. Surely it’d only be a week or less until they couldnt lie and lie to everyone around them. Still, Honeysplash shook their head and assured themselves it would be fine and thusly planted themselves outside the nursery.

They had wanted to talk to Butterflytuft about it or maybe even their own sister, but right then they were just trying to gather up the courage to enter the den. They had a mouse at their paws and was heavily staring into its fur- why did this have to be so hard? Though then they looked up and around for a moment to see if anyone nearby would be willing to talk or share their prey. Anything other than their own awkwardness for Starclans’ sake.


The nursery is Candorkit's home. Naturally, Candorkit must guard it. Of course he will turn an eye when they have a visitor, especially one that's just sorta standing around and not doing anything. How weird! Or perhaps... they were waiting for the perfect moment to strike?

" Hello, " he mews politely. He then notices the mouse she was staring at very closesly... He levels the mouse with a very serious look. " Is this mouse threatening you? " ...And then he remembers that he isn't supposed to play with food and he'll be banished forever if he does, ack! He unserious-es his face, and looks very boring and unfun instead. " I mean, is this mouse... going to be eaten? I CERTAINLY HOPE SO! " he proclaims, raising his voice so that Blazestar and StarClan and everyone would know he's a code - abiding fellow.

His expression sinks into a pout, cause... if Honeysplash is here with food, then she probably isn't here to play. Maybe... he can still do something for her? " May I assist you? "

Owlheart tilted her head curiously as she watched Honeysplash approach the nursery, why was she going there? She blinked as she watched Candorkit converse with them, oh! Maybe she was visiting him? They often spoke with the kits of camp, so she reasoned it made sense for her to visit the nursery based on that reasoning. A small laugh filters from her as she watches the dilemma the kit appeared to be having over... Well she wasn’t sure what it was over. It seemed like a dilemma nonetheless, he seemed like he really wanted to eat that mouse. Had he not already eaten? He should have, maybe he was still hungry, he was a growing kit after all.

“Are you offering to eat it for them?” She asks, unable to keep the laugh out of her inflection as she approaches the two. Nodding politely at Honeysplash with a small, awkward smile on her maw. She felt bad that she hasn’t spoken with her aunt lately, hopefully things were fine. There was no time like the present though, that being said she wasn’t exactly sure what to speak about. It wasn’t the tabby's place to question her about why they were standing outside the nursery so she decided to just go on the assume she had already placed on the situation. “Are you here to tell a story?” She meows with curiosity, Owlheart quite enjoyed the stories that Honeysplash would tell on the rare occasion that she was able to catch them.

Should she ask to listen in? Would it seem silly for her to ask? Probably, yet she reached that conclusion after asking “If you are, may I sit in and listen?” This wasn’t really how they pictured striking up a conversation with them but it was better than nothing. Golden eyes glance back at Candorkit, she then bows her head slightly as a sign of respect. He was guarding the entrance, or at least it appeared like he was and it didn’t seem like an unlikely conclusion for Owlheart to draw based on the kit’s appeal of heroics. “If I’m permitted entry of course” she added, keeping her tone professional as she regarded Candorkit.
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don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Huffing in amusement at Candor’s loud proclamation, Duskpool dropped the rodent he’d been carryin’ for Pineberry beside massive paws. It was one of the few gestures of thanks he could offer the nursing queen since she took ‘em in. “Nursery ain’t gonna bite ya, kid.” He rumbled, mangled ear swiveling. “Can’t say anythin’ about the kits.” He remarked dryly, brow raised. Buggers can be sneaky things unless they’re toppling undergrowth and alertin’ the entire clan of their presence. It’d been a while since he raised newborns. It ain’t too bad. Famous last words, ain’t it?

“If yer needin’ to do somethin’ kid then best do it now before the other small fry comin’ barrelin’ outside lookin’ for a story.” He rumbled, side-eyeing Honeysplash with a curious glint, a paw gesturing toward the mouse with a raised brow, voice deadpan. “Mind if I slip inside and give this here thing to Pineberry, kid?” He rumbled, the question directed at Candorkit with quirked lips, subtle beneath the mess of wooly fur, helm jerking toward the squirrel.
thought speech
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Oh they felt so silly!

Embarrassment flared through their pelt as first Candorkit approaches and asks about the mouse threatening them to which they shook their head and opened their mouth to response- but then the kit proclaims loudly the mouse would be eaten. Well obviously it would be and it made them snicker slightly at the action, and they kit had a point. Maybe they should come back another day and offer the kit the mouse. Candorkit also asks if he could help them and to which they went with, “Yes, is one of-” They sheepishly started but the words faltered slightly.

Owlheart approaches next and shares the same sentiment if the kit was going to eat the mouse for them, which makes them chuckle slightly. Though the newly named warrior then asks if theyre here to tell a story and their mossy green eyes soften. They wanted to but that wasnt why they where here, “Actually uhm- i brought it to offer to Butterflytuft- but yeah Duskpool give it to Pineberry im sure they’d love it” They answered the tomcat as he too passes by and asks them for the mouse.

The warrior twitches their ears and then admits softly, “I wanted to see if there was any space in there for a new nest- cause im suppose to be joining them in there in a few days now?” Their fur feels like its on fire and their heart hammers in their chest- try not to panic about it. It’s normal.


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Along comes Owlheart, giggling about the topic at hand... But this is no laughing matter. Candorkit's face goes deathly serious. " If the warrior code demands it of me, I will. " ...Also, he just likes eating, but he had a very strict order of priorities. Are you here to tell a story? she then asks. Candorkit tilts his head toward Honeysplash, wondering if this was indeed the case. If so, he would also like to be present, obviously. If I’m permitted entry of course. Candorkit puffs out his chest, feeling very important all of a sudden. The queens and all his friends would stay very safe, with him on watch. " Certainly! " He nods to Owlheart and the approaching form of Duskpool both. " I am very good! " he informs him. No biting here!

He maintains perfect posture when addressing the older warrior. Duskpool is precisely the type of warrior that Candorkit could see himself growing into, only with a fiercer name, he hopes. "Not at all! " stepping aside so the warriors could pass. Again, he looks to Honeysplash, wondering about her intentions. " They will both eat! " in regards to the queens, he says. Not just Butterflytuft and Pineberry... Honeysplash was apparently a queen as well! What a turn of events!

" Oh! " with widened eyes, he gapes. " Of course! " So many of his friends just left! There would certainly be some space for Honeysplash " I'll help you! " at once, he proclaims. He needed to practice his nest - making for when he was an apprentice, after al. All aspirations of guarding abandoned at once, he scrambles back into the nursery to clear a way for Honeysplash. " Honeysplash is moving in! " he announces to his denmates.

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Candorkit's call catches Hollykit's attention, peeking their head from the nursery. Wide eyes survey the scene, the golden-dappled warrior sat beside the kit's brother with a mouse between them. It looks like any other day, just two cats sharing prey. She echoes his words curiously. "Honeysplash is moving in?" A tilt of their head. But she's not a kit. That must mean... Oh!

She bounds from the nursery to look at the warrior - no, the queen. Kits! New kits! "Oh! Oh! How exciting!" Ah, she can't wait to meet them. Her eyes dart around as if expecting to see them scampering about underfoot at any moment - but they're not here, yet... A small, disappointed frown tilts his mouth downward. It's gone in a moment, though. This isn't about the kits, it's about Honeysplash. He focuses his attention back on them. "Do they need any help...? With nests or with anything?" He implores, addressing both Candorkit and Honeysplash despite staring directly up at the new queen. It's his duty as the oldest kit to offer any assistance he can, after all. It's the least he could do.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, five moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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