everything stays ✧ meadowpaw


⸝ named for the fair heather color of his pelt, and for his riverclan heritage
⸝ trans man he / him, accepts neutral pronouns but is offended by feminine pronouns
⸝ apprentice of riverclan / feelings on clan?
⸝ 08 moons old / created april 21, 2023 at 02 moons / ages on the 21st
⸝ played by meghan

  • 65654166_S72O8lY5p8TFRvl.png

    kitten photo!
    longhaired fawn smoke with low white, bright green eyes & stumpy tail / toyhou.se
    ↳ lh fawn smoke with low white and short tail; carries cinnamon, non-silver, normal tail

    expanded description!
  • intelligence
    ( + ) optimistic, golden-hearted, heroism as an ideal, loyal
    ( / ) impulsive, highly competitive, not the smartest
    ( - ) jealous, weighs self-worth according to his relationship with others

    ESFP : "the entertainer" / lawful good
    enneagram type 7w8 : "the opportunist" / temperament / viii. strength
    tv trope / tv trope

    — believes in riverclan's greatness and strength above anything else. undyingly loyal to his clan he will always be self-sacrificial when it comes to them (and even more so when it comes to his family). he thinks that heroism and kindness are founded on that self-sacrifical behavior. will go against his personal morals if ordered to by his clan (to an extent).
    — ever the optimist! fights to be a shining ray of joy for riverclanners / his family, especially when times are difficult. can be a bit of a class clown because of this and loves to tease / prank others (all in good fun- unless he's targeting someone he doesn't particularly like). with buckgait gone, this optimism becomes desperate. he was a look on the bright side guy before but now he is really forcing it, trying to swallow his emotion for the sake of his family and uplift them. but he struggles deeply with buckgait's disappearance and can sometimes be nasty / forceful abt moving on to his siblings (when he is barely moving on himself)
    — bubbly and kind! really enjoys making friends. he likes to have a wide web of people he can rely on- and people he can help. he puts a lot of stock in how other people view him, so he thrives when he is in others' favor and wilts when he is perceived negatively. needs to learn confidence that is not heavily intertwined in his relationships. his kindness also does not extend to those he views as evil; he is sort of black-and-white in his morality, but will show mercy even to his enemies. he just won't be very nice about it. grief suppresses his bubbly and outgoing nature, though meadowpaw still loves friends and having a wide web of them. tries his best to connect with other apprentices his age. may get desperate and be someone he's not in order to hang out with them, if the ic environment proves challenging. maybe this leads to his troublemaking arc?
    — buckgait was one of his heroes, so with her gone he feels a bit directionless. still very greatful to have lightningstone in his life although i could see their relationship growing rocky now that lightning is caring alone for a litter that he didnt want in the first place, which could make meadow antsy if he picks up on any negative feelings / fears of abandonement
    — a deep-seated, oft-hidden jealousy for attention from cats he adores can make meadowkit act selfishly. though he generally tries to put others before himself, in the right circumstances he can obviously (and perhaps even cruelly) act for himself first. will act out even more from his place of jealousy because he is afraid of losing cats more than ever. wants riverclan to pay attention to him and like him; wants to be a valuable member of the clan above all. and i think he would take care to communicate his feelings more since he is now unsure of what interaction might be his last with someone. this will calm down eventually but really stings with the recency of buck's disappearance
    —a pretty malleable mind; but once he finds something to wholeheartedly believe in he gets really stubborn.

    • plot 1
    • plot 2
    • plot 3
  • LIGHTNINGSTONE x BUCKGAIT / sibling to brookpaw, brightpaw / eldest, generation 2
    loves who?
    friends with who?
    likes who?
    dislikes who?
    loathes who?
  • strength
    excels at physicality; he will be a good hunter and combatant. extremely dedicated to his work, to riverclan, and to his family
    poor at restraint, thinking before doing, not being overbearing, letting others figure things out on their own. wants to be everyone's hero which can make him hard to get along with
  • posting template:code
    todo list:
    • bullet1
    • bullet2
    • bullet3

    faceclaims for various weeks:
    • anime/tv show - who?
    • pokemon - who?
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a stone holding warmth in your mouth
meadowkitmeadowpawmeadowflame, meadowspring?

↳ named for the fair heather-y color of his pelt & for his riverclan heritage
— apprentice of riverclan; mentored by lightningstone
— 05 moons; started at 02 moons on april 21, 2023
— FTM trans man (he/him); gay
buckgait x lightningstone, brother to brook-kit, brightkit. firstborn. half-brother to fawn

longhaired fawn smoke with low white, bright green eyes & stumpy tail reference
baby fat and longhaired fluff make meadowkit look much bigger and rounder than he actually is-- but his personality makes up for it. the kitten's pelt is always strewn with reed scraps, leaves, and twigs from his daring adventures around camp (and outside of it when he can get away with it). eventually he might like weaving some of the longer grasses into his fur as an accessory, but in his kithood the greenery is just a result of a clumsy kitten with no care for how he looks.

as he gets older he'll thin out considerably; though his parents will have passed down some of their muscle, meadowkit is on the lither side of his family. this doesn't mean he's not as strong as any other riverclanner, though-- he just has to work harder to become like them. meadowkit walks with a confident gait, head and stump-tail always held high. his usual expression, though, rather than spelling out arrogance, radiates a warm sort of kindness that could make any cat trust him.
↳ carrying cinnamon(?? i think lol), non-silver, normal tail


( + ) optimistic, golden-hearted, heroism as an ideal, loyal ( / ) impulsive, highly competitive, not the smartest ( - ) jealous, weighs self-worth according to his relationship with others
— believes in riverclan's greatness and strength above anything else. undyingly loyal to his clan he will always be self-sacrificial when it comes to them (and even more so when it comes to his family). he thinks that heroism and kindness are founded on that self-sacrifical behavior. will go against his personal morals if ordered to by his clan (to an extent).
— bubbly and kind! really enjoys making friends. he likes to have a wide web of people he can rely on- and people he can help. he puts a lot of stock in how other people view him, so he thrives when he is in others' favor and wilts when he is perceived negatively. needs to learn confidence that is not heavily intertwined in his relationships. his kindness also does not extend to those he views as evil; he is sort of black-and-white in his morality, but will show mercy even to his enemies. he just won't be very nice about it.
— ever the optimist! fights to be a shining ray of joy for riverclanners / his family, especially when times are difficult. can be a bit of a class clown because of this and loves to tease / prank others (all in good fun- unless he's targeting someone he doesn't particularly like)
— will likely inherit the views of any cat he finds to be particularly heroic (his mother first and foremost)! probably has anti-kittypet prejudice and really hates windclan. a pretty malleable mind; but once he finds something to wholeheartedly believe in he gets really stubborn.
— a deep-seated, oft-hidden jealousy for attention from cats he adores can make meadowkit act selfishly. though he generally tries to put others before himself, in the right circumstances he can obviously (and perhaps even cruelly) act for himself first
— swings between wildly productive (to the point that i think he'd be a difficult apprentice to have) & bouts of unwillingness to work
— may start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will always try to show mercy
excels at physicality; he will be a good hunter and combatant. extremely dedicated to his work, to riverclan, and to his family.
poor at restraint, thinking before doing, not being overbearing, letting others figure things out on their own. wants to be everyone's hero which can make him hard to get along with.
— lawful good | 7w8 | ESFP | VIII. strength


adoption thread
— created april 21, 2023
— aesthetics: knights, grass, golden wheat; the sun on the water; lambs and wolves