twolegplace everything the light touches - border patrol



The dawn patrol had reached twoleg place without incident, and needless to say, Johnnyflame was very much in his element. He wasn't surprised that he ended up tending to this border so much given his daylight warrior status, and to be honest he kind of prefered it. Not only was his fmilirity with the place able to help ease the nerves of cats who weren't so keen venturing there, he also liked to educate the ones that did show an interest in things. Knowledge could be just as powerful as tooth and claw, after all, as the shelter incident had proven long ago. Back then, Johnnys knowledge on twoleg things had saved lives, and if he could pass on anything useful to the cats around him then he'd gladly do it.

Besides, there were some things that were just nice to know in order to put nerves at ease, like; no, the monsters wouldn't leave the thunderpath to run you down even if they did sound pretty scary, and yes, that was his fence over there and there were no dogs in the yard if the patrol had to bolt from the treeline for some reason.

It was nice to share his world.

"Alright, you lot- let's get to it!" he called, taking a moment to stretch out his shoulders before beginning the task of re-marking the border along the treeline that separated them from twolegplace.

OOC- Sorry this is so late!!! @Glimmersun @Howlfire @Eggshellbloom !!


Howlfire still had mixed emotions when she walked this border. At least with Johnnyflame, she felt a little more at ease than she normally would have if on patrol with others. The lead warrior's familiarity with the place made her more certain that they wouldn't accidentally wander where they shouldn't, or that they wouldn't accidentally put themselves in danger. "At least it seems quiet today," Howlfire mused, glancing towards the lead warrior as she spoke. If she had to patrol this border then she preferred to so at this time of day, as opposed to dusk when it always seemed a little more active.

"Come Hawkpaw, let's mark over there," Howlfire mewed, directing her daughter to a spot to the left of where Johnnyflame began marking. Howlfire let her daughter take the lead on this occassion, pleased to see that Hawkpaw could handle herself independently. "So, Hawkpaw, what can you tell me about some of the cats who call the twolegplace home?" It was a fairly obvious question and one that they had no doubt covered before, but Howlfire was eager to keep her apprentice's mind sharp and alert and to ensure she retained information on their various borders.

// oblig apprentice tag @Hawkpaw