That night, as her body lays on that cold marble floor, she dreams.

Usually her sleep is plagued by nightmares, of monsters waiting in the shadows to attack, of claws and teeth flashing in her face, of a blinding light followed by a loud THU-THUMP. Her mother dying in front of her eyes over and over again. She dreams of Granitepelt feeding her brother death berries and she begs him to stop, but then she blinks and suddenly it is her paws shoveling them into his parted jaws and then she blinks again and he is Viridianskies, he is Heavybranch and Halfshade and everyone else she has ever lost because her paws are not capable enough. "I'm sorry, so sorry" her dream self whispers through the tears but it's not enough. It'll never be enough.

Tonight is not one of those nights. When she opens her eyes tonight it is to a world enveloped by stars. They shine brighter here than they do in the waking world and they hang so low it is as if they are touching the ground. StarClan's hunting ground, she recognizes it immediately. She has been here many times, of course. When you walked the path that she did, it was not uncommon to find yourself here. Immediately, she casts her lone gaze around the star-lit forest to see if she can't find a familiar face. Her mother, her brother, Ghostpaw, Tornadopaw... the list of cats she loves here is long thanks to the one she had chosen to love.

When her eyes land on ginger fur she staggers forward, like she has been struck. "Nettlepaw- Nettlepaw my love" tears sting her eyes and she cannot move fast enough, her paws cannot bring her to his side any quicker than they do. She quickly embraces him, her cheek wet as she presses her nose to the top of his starry head. "Look at you" she breathes, stepping back to examine the light that softly illuminates his cinnamon coat, those baby blue eyes that shine like the moon above them. " I-I miss you, I love you" How much time did she have with him here? How could she make every second count?


  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

He trusts his mother knows where she is, and when warm green eyes meet baby-blue, Nettlepaw is already smiling. Love floods star-emboldened through him, light twinkling all across his body, and when she rushes to embrace him he cradles her, caring for her in this all-too-fleeting moment. It's all topsy-turvy, isn't it? A son comforting his mother, dead before her... and the same smile he wore in death is there on his face now, as a spirit.

Nettlepaw looks the same as he ever did. He grasps for love and holds it there, cradling his head beneath Starlingheart's chin. "Hi," he says, voice airy and light, as casual as if he was saying good morning. I love you, he says, and his eyes glaze with sparkling dewiness. A cruel thought passes by- would she tell Ghostpaw the very same thing, if she saw her again?

Now's not the time. "I love you too," he tells her. That's the whole truth! For a few moments Nettlepaw allows himself the luxury of drinking in her familiar herbal scent, comforted by it. It gets lonely up here, sometimes. "And I miss you, too. But I won't have to be bored up here forever. One day we'll walk together again, in the stars." His smile is honeyed and knowing in a way it wasn't in life.

Nettlepaw closes his eyes, a deep breath heaving through him. The teary sheen fades from his wide eyes, and the starlit young tom draws backward a little to hold his mother's gaze with seriousness. "Not just here for a reunion, unfortunately... there's something important I have to tell you."
penned by pin ♡