everything turned around ☁️ petal

Sep 23, 2022
Gloompaw had found a bit of wiggle room to slip outside after a lesson, hoping the fresh air would be enough to help her remember what had been said. She'd not been able to go outside the temporary camp, however tempting it was, the idea of being in trouble with one of the warriors guarding the makeshift shelters wasn't something she felt up to getting into. A flurry, she ran from the medicine den, lapping around the inside to stretch her legs. Birdsong filled the air around her, a reminder of the newleaf upcoming. The calls of wrens and larks up ahead distracted her, causing her to slow to a halt before her brain could process.

Growling up at the birds did nothing to stop them. They'd been pretty before, a melodious tune to keep her grounded while she worked. But those same tunes over and over were beginning to give her a headache by midday, and she wanted little more than to know how to catch them. Hoping the sounds would be muffled by the woven den she'd exited, she stormed to the freshkill pile, the barest hint of joy at seeing the first few full fish glinting through her annoyance. She was able to grab one of these without guilt, hoping the medicine den was nearly empty enough for her to feast in peace.

A half-familiar back was turned to her as she approached, and helpless to the great idea of scaring Petalpaw, the smoke mink recalled what she could of the hunter's crouch, dropping her meal next to the entrance. Her sneaking wasn't quite noiseless, but the loud birds outside masked several of her mistakes. She crept into the den, confused to what the other apprentice was doing. Halfway to her destination, she realized suddenly what Petalpaw was doing. Nosy!

"HEY!" Gloompaw yowled, pouncing.

@Petalpaw .