camp Everything will be okay || o. daydreaming


So many ways to see the sunrise
Apr 10, 2024

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit stood close to the nursery, blue eyes going from her paws to where her parents were in the distance, both seemed to be chatting about something, even if she didn't know what it was the glances towards the nursery made it clear as to what it could be, yet she liked to think it wasn't bad but something good. So with a shrug and a soft hum to looked down at her red paws, tapping them gently on the floor below her and humming softly thinking of what she could do today after all she had already gone about her daily greetings of anything that did not talk back.

Once more she lifted her head to watch Shadedmoon and Crimsonsun slip from the camp, perhaps to get more privacy about what they were talking about or they just had gotten tired of Fadingkit's constant staring. Once more she would just shrugged and went back to looking at her own paws with a smile on her lips allowing her own mind to wonder. The she-kit knew that soon she'd be made an apprentice, and it was only a matter of time and the thought of her first catch came to mind, and all she could hope for was to become a good warrior.

Her paws continued to tap the ground below her while she swayed herself side to side, lost in her own thoughts that she wasn't even paying attention to anyone approaching the small kit, after all everything was fine in her own mind, at least that's how she saw it but really Fadingkit just wanted her siblings to be happy so she'll always wear a smile, for their sake, especially as the oldest of the five.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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An accusation sat readily on her lips at any given moment... scrutinizing eyes watch the still, lackadaisical form of her den-mate and listen with attentive ears for the scandalous secrets she's sure are hidden in those hums. She has no real reason to suspect nefariousness from Fadingkit but Mottledkit has made it her mission to find something not-so-nice about the overly-kind she-kit.

Antagonizing her would be too simple....

"What exac'ly... are you doin'," she asks, stomping over with all the determination of someone that has caught a warrior eating prey before the elders have been fed.

"Twindlin' your toes.... You should be training," she insists, more than aware that they are both kittens and have no formal mentors to turn to. That shouldn't matter! A good future warrior of ThunderClan begins as soon as they are able... there is no excuse for lack of practicing!​

”Ah, but is Fadingkit not training now?”

From behind the kits comes the ever warm voice of the elder, her sun bright eyes fixed on Mottledkit before shifting to Fadingkit as she moved to stand beside the duo. Looks like her jaunt around camp had been worthwhile after all. “A warrior must be balanced on their feet, and to me it looks as if Fadingkit is demonstrating a good technique at balancing tapping toes and swaying body. Plus look at that focus… translate everything into a hunter’s crouch and Fadingkit is on the right track to catching prey,” Magnoliasong hums, her plush tail swaying a moment longer before aiming to playfully tap Mottledkit’s head. “Maybe you should give it a try?”
[ penned by kerms ]

Magnoliasong was a kind, wise soul... Thundergleam decided it near immediately upon hearing her words, that gently, honeyed encouragement given to a lonesome kit. Dilated red pupils gazed from the shadows through which the albino molly wove- Mottledkit seemed her usual assertive self, an act which carved a harmonic smile upon her face. A warm pur reverbrated like sunbeams from within- even as she was forced to duck under shade, she would always bring with her warmth and kindness. How else was she supposed to serve as ThunderClan's prophecied balm?

"Indeed... focus is half the battle, with hunting." With eyes trained on the prize, one must think of nothing else. The noises of the world, always eager to interrupt- to send a shillelagh spearing through your concentration. "It is why I practice meditation as much as I sharpen my claws."
penned by pin ☾

orangekit had to admit... focus was not his strong suit whatsoever! it's not like he didn't want to focus but there was so many other things that were so interesting that he couldn't help but get distracted! he did, however, have a really good memory! and he was a good listener! he remembered everything he's told, and he always does his best to listen! his mama says that's a gift, and that he will grow up to be a smart and resourceful tom cat! he doesn't quite know what that means but he's inclined to believe what she says on the front.

as he pads over, his head tilts to the side in an almost comedic fashion as he watches fadingkit. what is she doing? it looked fun! mottledkit says that she should be training but an elder says that's exactly what she's doing! huh! that was so cool!!

"my mom said she's gonna teach me how to focus reeeaaaallly good! one day! I wonder if she's coming back, yet."

there isn't a hint of sadness in his voice. he is simply curious, like a young kit always is. maybe he should have known the reality but his optimism tells him otherwise. she would be back. she always is!

"hi fadingkit!"