pafp everythings perfect to me | bringing back a kit

Nov 12, 2022
The trek back was long, stupidly long really. The whole time his mind made up various excuses that he knew wouldn't need to be said. But at the same time, he was angry. Angry with the kids mother leaving her on Shadowclan territory and calling it a day- I mean, who does that? Specter would never dream of doing so, but he never saw himself as much of a fatherly figure. Perhaps that has changed.

He enters camp and sets her down, squeezing his eyes shut as an unknown emotion churns in his stomach. "The runts name is Caterpillar." his voice is slightly gruff as he catches prying eyes, a headache dragging at his skull. Stars, he feels as if his mind would explode in to tiny pieces here, the pain spreading much akin to fire. "Can someone get... Chilledstar, or something? I looked for her mother, scent was stale." and why would he just leave a defenseless little scrap out in the open where she could get mauled by bears galore? No, he saw what happened to Chilledstar, brought their lifeless body to safety with the help of Frostbite. He would not be digging a grave. He slightly crouches down (as soon as a cat leaves to retrieve them) to the cowering shape under his legs. "You're safe now, little bug." embarrassment prickles at his pelt for showing such emotion in his voice. He cannot help it, he wants her to calm herself.

// pls wait for @CATERPILLARKIT. to post first <3


she mutters beneath her breath, unsure what that means. it's followed by her new... name, as he called it. her sensitive ears flicked back and forth and back again, trying to get a handle on all the noise. her nose does the same, unusually overwhelmed by all the scents. she doesn't know what to do. though blind, she squeezes her eyes shut. he speaks again and she blinks them open, orbs peering up at the sound of his voice. she finds herself closer to him than she realized, blindly brushing against him. he comforts her and she stops shaking... though she hadn't even known she was doing so in the first place. safe.


It was simple. If you bare kits, you should take care of them. Properly. Comfortably. Children, as much as he was not good at talking to them and continuing to allow them to express their innocence and freedom, deserved both loving parents. But, some could not give that to them. so there has to be exceptions. Rules not even he would understand. Hopefully he wouldn't have to.

He was barred from knowing how to express emotions well. As well as understanding that children do not need attended to in a blunt manner. He didn't know how to deal with children. He wondered, if his father was out of the picture much much earlier, if he could understand the empathy many had for the defenseless creatures.

BoneFangs large black form, saddled by brown flowing down his sides, was ready to go back out to hunt, a solo trek nonetheless. But his own ventures were interrupted. Spectermask had come through with a tiny form, unrecognized to him, through the entrance of camp and he turns his head quickly. He did not care to startle the child with his gaping scar on his muzzle, baring teeth. He would dip his head in a small greeting before turning around to go retrieve ChilledStar. The idea of calling such a small being a runt did not settle well with him, but he would admit he had done it regretfully to.

Upon finding the leader, he would give a respectful dip of his head. " @CHILLEDSTAR. , Spectermask had appeared to found a kitten named Caterpillar." He shifted uncomfortably to await their response.

━━ι═══════ Whenever ShadowClan receives new faces, they are most often kits. There is a greater sympathy for the young; he believes most view them as vulnerable, which is true, and deserving of protection and nurturing, which is also true. However, Clearheart is of the conviction that they should not view those older with a sudden suspicion simply because they have outgrown the age most preferred for sculpting a warrior. There is vulnerability among those who have seen twelve moons, or twenty, or even forty as Clearheart has. He understands that ShadowClan's home yields little resource, and the hesitance to strain what limited food available, but loners of any age are not undeserving of kindness.

"Hello, Caterpillar," Clearheart greets her, crouching low to be seen more readily through the protective pillars of Spectermask's limbs. "My name is Clearheart. Spectermask is correct: you are safe, and none here will bring you harm. Are you hungry?"

  • CLEARHEART / / 40 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns but will also accept the use of neutral terms.
    — a warrior of shadowclan / / currently mentoring dragonflypaw / / excels greatly in combat above most all other skills.
    — former loner who wandered great distances & rarely remained in one place for long / / arrived after the great battle.
    — devoted to starclan above all else (aside from his idea of the common good) / / not prone to enter battle mindlessly.

    — of a height slightly above average / / trim and athletic with a sense of immovability about his posture/stance & size.
    — chocolate sepia w/ low white / / fur is quite short for the most part / / tail is naturally bobbed // full-body reference.
    — fairly warm demeanor much of the time; there is a "softness" about his features so that neutrality doesn't seem surly.

    — lawful good, in the sense that he likes to maintain order and work toward bettering lives around him without cruelty.
    — often misunderstands figures of speech and may interpret them literally. as such, can seem to lack a sense of humor.
    — deeply genuine; dislikes lying immensely, and so (most of the time) he is wholly earnest, especially with compliments.


The void-furred apprentice is still stewing over his delayed warrior ceremony, anger and frustration culminating in a slight distaste over his mentor's presence that leaves him, in the least, glad for a day away from Spectermask. As much as the boy admires him - as well as Chilledstar - the fact that he is still simply Eeriepaw weighs on him, leaves his thoughts more entangled with doubt and confusion with each day that passes.

Spectermask takes too long to return, and despite the boy's current feelings, Eeriepaw almost resides in pacing back and forth once more. But, when his mentor does come back to camp, Eeriepaw is only faced with more confusion at the sight of the small scrap of fur that he brings along. A kit.

One smaller than what he'd been when he'd first awoken in ShadowClan's nursery. One assured safety by his mentor, given a name, and then another. Caterpillar. Little Bug.

He supposes he's meant to accept this kit's presence - just as he's meant to accept Starlingheart's star-marked children, meant to accept Forestshade's void-furred ones. Perhaps more, since Spectermask found this one. Perhaps less. Either way, the tom hopes he'll be out of the apprentice name before the lot of them gain a name like Eeriepaw's.

Chilledstar is asked for, and Eeriepaw stays put, though his stillness isn't much to note when Bonefang calls for them before Eeriepaw would even have the chance. Instead, Eeriepaw looks down at patchworked fur before him, emotions withheld from his gaze.

"Caterpillar," he slowly repeats as he faces a blank stare returning towards his direction. "Welcome."
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  • Crying
Reactions: spectermask
siltcloud | 14 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud can't recall exactly when it started, but she swears each moon brings with it new blood in the form of a lost or abandoned child. How many of shadowclans ranks can even claim to be of marsh colony blood, or of shadowclan blood? She's not certain whether its a good thing or not - starclan ridding them of tainted blood, replacing it with new - as it had with loampelt, as it had with magpiepaw, as it had with this new addition. A blessing, or a curse? Green gaze simply watches through her lashes from where she sits upon the sidelines, content to simply observe.


Lilacfur would have agreed with Siltcloud sentiment had the she-cat voiced it. Outsiders were not frequently in the young she-cats ire, but she did worry from time to time if ShadowClan would have its roots planted more broadly. Though her sister's litter were good sign for their mother's legacy to follow, cats like Honeyjaw and his daughter, Tadpolepaw, they brought risk of bringing in blasphemous blood. Born outside of the forest, outside of StarClan's light.

"StarClan's saved little Caterpillar. Luckily ShadowClan has had no shortage of queens, lately." Meant to reassure the little scrap, Lilacfur tilted her head curiously. Was she old enough to eat solid prey? Should she turn to offer some? Maybe it would be best to simply wait for instruction, instead.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

the buzzing of conversation does not take long to reach pointed ears which twitch in mild disinterest at the current happenings, it's not that she's lacking empathy for the abandoned child just that she's grown accustomed to seeing warriors leave one minute to do some hunting then come back with a scraggly little kitten in tow the next because their mother decided it was a good a idea to leave them in the middle of the swamps to get bitten up by bugs or pecked at by passing vultures. it will forever remain a mystery how they end up here in these bogs and not somewhere more woodsy and dry like thunderclan or skyclan. ah well, no harm in adding another future warrior for shadowclan to add onto their roll call.

geckoscreech lets out a small exhale out of her nose before she's approaching to join the peanut gallery, gaze falling over the pair as they wait for chilledstar who'll more than likely welcome in young caterpillar with no complaint. "perhaps we should consider expanding the nursery since we seem to be ankle deep in kittens lately." she hums, starclan knows the queens in there would appreciate having a little more wriggle room.

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  • to be added.