sensitive topics EXHALE 𓆩♡𓆪 ANNOUNCEMENT

The medicine cat is stood in the clearing. It's for a purpose, he knows, but he is bogged down by nameless fear. Something he's never seen– it leaves his feathers ruffled; fur rising in uneven spikes along his spine. A decorous gait is forgotten, replaced with a form more akin to that of a hulking badger. Form curled inward; ears twitching indecisively atop his head. He regards the world with eyes full of panic, for the world did not know what was coming for it. A sudden lash of the tail, and his shoulders sink. " Tallulahwing is no longer with us. " His voice calls to all who would listen.

No cure worked an instant, but the plague shrugged off his remedies with a sonorous laugh, cracking open the dry ground so that it may drag Tallulahwing with it. " Catmint did nothing. Feverfew– " he gives a weak ghost of a smile, wide eyes trailing off toward nothing at all. " shrugged off. Easily. " Perhaps he had needed more of it. Perhaps this sickness in Greenleaf should be a blessing, for he would need to shove any number of herbs down the gullets of all that he could. His eyes pick around the crowd for any sign of what she had. Any shuffle of feet would have twin moons lurching toward them. Tensing of the throat– You, should you be twitching your ears quite so much? Unknowingly, his claws are unsheathed; and they prod at the earth in a pointless, self - soothing behavior. How long had she been ill without a head turning to her? How long did it take to lay waste to its hosts? He never would have imagined not knowing something so crucial. And he wonders why. Why would She do this? He thinks it's the opposite of what She had wanted, that day.

His eyes scan the floor for Tallulahwing's strip of ribbon now, a shade of purple not too far from the lavender busheled around her corpse.

  • OOC: See her last here
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Sweetybee was caught by surprise by the announcement. It stopped her in her tracks as she moved around camp, going about her duties. She froze, her back to Dawnglare as she was on her way out of camp. Eyes once focused on a task now widened with shock and grief.

She respected Tallulahwing. She enjoyed her presence, and while they never really interacted, Sweetybee knew she was loved by many. She remembers scouting the shelter with her.

She knew she had been sick, but she never expected her to.... Die.

She finally turns slowly as Dawnglare explains how nothing worked. It fills her with dread. What would they do if there was no cure...? There must be a way. There had to be.

She finds herself speechless as her gaze drifts down, eyes closing and head dipping. At least Tallulahwing isn't in pain anymore, and is safe amongst the stars.​



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
”Tallulahwing is no longer with us.”

Figfeather has never felt so cold in Greenleaf heat.

The wad of damp moss she’d been carrying to the elders den landed at her paws with a splat. It could be heard across camp like a woodpecker’s thump could be heard within a silent forest, but Figfeather’s heartbeat was louder.

Dawnglare proceeds, the catmint had done nothing. The feverfew- had done nothing.

Her vision grows blurry, a cloud of fog seems to have taken over her world. She blinks heavy tears down her cheeks.

Shock consumes her like an illness of its own, she loses her balance and lowers to the ground, a pink and twisted rear leg extended. An unexplainable amount of pressure bubbles into her head, blinded by tears, all she can see is her tortoiseshell mentor.

Pink lips curl into an unflattering grimace, her fangs exposed as mucus drips from her nose and tears from her eyes onto the floor.

Craning her head into her chest her maw opens to sound a fur-splitting scream.
Silence falls over the camp as Dawnglare delivers his news. Butterflytuft turns around slowly, yellow eyes widening as she clutches the pine needles for the nursery in her jaws. The medicine cat himself looks shaken - no one knew how bad the daylight warrior’s illness had really been. His words terrify her. Nothing worked? A cold shiver works its way down her fluffy spine, ending in a nervously twitching tail. But she didn’t have time to work herself into an anxious mess.

Her sister’s scream draws her attention and it’s with a sinking heart that she remembers she had been Tallulahwing’s apprentice. She hurries towards her, pine needles abandoned on the ground behind her. As soon as she reaches the yellow she-cat she is quick to gently embrace her, a black and orange foreleg wrapped around her shoulders. “She is still with you,” The tortoiseshell murmurs softly, though her voice is strained with grief. “She is in StarClan, Figfeather.” But she knows there isn’t much she can say to take the pain away. If it had been Blazestar….she doesn’t want to think about it. She can’t imagine losing the cat who had trained her, brought her up, looked after her all through apprenticeship. She cannot imagine her little sister’s grief.
  • Crying
Reactions: AVA

✿—— she's resting a moment in camp, straightening fur rumpled by the day's first duties, pulling pine needles from wavy locks of fur and giving her perpetually sore muscles a break. it's dawnglare's arrival that first catches her attention—for one thing, she trusts the large crimson tom about as far as she could throw him, and for another he looks .... odd. she's grown uncomfortably familiar with freakishly wobbling smiles, with an unreadable demeanour and a prancing walk. today he stands in the clearing, lurching like a wounded dog with wide eyes and sunken shoulders; the stripe of usually-gossamer crimson along his spine is rumpled into unusual spikes, the medicine cat's whole body curled in like a piece of fresh-kill.

curious green eyes regarding him twist quickly into horror as he calls that tallulahwing has left this earth; an involuntary gasp escapes her and she presses one paw to her muzzle in fear, remembering how sheepcurl had collapsed against her, how mouser had wheezed over a piece of prey. this illness was fatal? dawnglare's additional call, staring into nothing with a weak smile, only drives the spike of terror further into her heart; if their stars-chosen medicine cat with his denful of herbs couldn't help tallulahwing, who could? she'd not met the young daylight warrior, but she's made so many acquaintances over her time in skyclan—which of them might be felled? twitchbolt, tiggerbounce, duskpool? perhaps fragile yukio, young cherrypaw? the thought of the calico apprentice is like an icy shower of rain dumped over her shoulders—not just cherrypaw, no, her own children rest in the apprentices' den, sharing prey and moss and patrols with their clanmates.

or blazestar, her mind supplies unhelpfully, blazestar with his lost lives never counted by any but the stars. she's faintly aware she's still gaping in shock at the cinnamon-spined medicine cat, barely noticing sweetybee's own lowered head. it's figfeather's shriek that pulls her from her frozen stance, head whipping around in a rustle of wispy fur to spot the ginger tabby keeled over on the earth—for a moment she fears the young warrior has suddenly fallen victim, until she sees her face twisted in grief. a wad of moss lies on the ground before her, heavy tears and mucus running from figfeather's face. the greenleaf air is suddenly chilled—her chest is suddenly sore and aching not from any illness, she realizes, but from her heart twisted at the sight of the formidable warrior reduced to this. butterflytuft rushes over, consoles figfeather, and bobbie sits in silent shock.

"may she find her way safely to the stars," she whispers to herself, a quiet prayer.

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & pine needles ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


Fantastream had not known this Tallulahwing well, had only known the basics like the fact that she was a daylight warrior like her and that she had been Figfeather's mentor. She remembers the orange striped molly speaking fondly of the she-cat during her visits, she would tell her about their training, what they had done the day prior and Fanta had listened with rapt attention, captivated by the stories of cats the forest cats that would spill from her friends mouth.

When Figfeather's scream ruptures in the still green-leaf air her ears flick to pin against her head. It was a heart-breaking sound that made her want to rip apart the very earth and find whoever responsible for breaking the she-cats heart. Sickness was not an enemy to be fought, however much she wished she could and instead she feels claws dig into the soft earth below her. She casts those golden eyes away from the cat she had once called a friend, unwilling to look. Figfeather was perhaps the strongest cat she knew, to see someone who she had once held in such reverence look so broken was difficult.

When finally she dares to look up again, others have gathered. Figfeathers own sister gives her comfort, something Fantastream is unable to do right now with their relationship being so strained. She watches begrudgingly from Bobbies side, turning her head when she hears the she cat whisper something that she cannot quite hear. A somber expression keeps her lips in a thin line as she regards the cats before her with eyes glassed over with thought but she dares not to speak.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Dawnglare’s words echoed inside his head, staring at nothing in particular at the pooling dread that bubbled, prickling his skin like pins and needles. His nose wrinkled, teeth grinding against a sand-paper tongue, ignoring the sharp sting it brought. His nerves frayed, tattered ear curling against his helm as he shifted, gaze lingering on the entrance of the camp.

He hadn’t known the she-cat well, but to know she died from something not even Dawnglare knew of its healing remedies brought the tom halting for even the medicine cat looked haggard, uncertain. His gaze flickered, wincing at Figfeather’s wail. His helm tilted, turning away from the commotion, muzzle crinkling in disdain.

He couldn’t help but think of times of uncertainty, shouldering a burden thrust onto him. The sleepless nights listening to the shrieks that bathed the lands in ichor as beasts howled to their master. “Damnit.” His tone sharp, words hissing past thinned lips.

How long until their camp was choked with death? So much like a past, he wanted to ignore. Its memories bubbled to the surface, threatening to spill past crumbling walls.

If Dawnglare could not heal, then what would become of them? His heart clenched, gaze lingering on those he had cherished as he remained on this earthly plane to the sickly cats tucked away in Dawnglare’s den. Shaking his helm, the scarred warrior bowed his helm, tattered ear pressed against his helm in respect for the deceased.

He offered no words of comfort to the crying she-cat, standing lengths away from the gathered cats, having settled down to groom the tangled tendrils that’d become of his fur, too tired to work them out where they festered, clumping together. Now, they’ll remain a tattered mess, instead watching his clanmates mourn and question, tucked away from the others with a shuddered breath, lips barely twitching into a ghost of a bitter smile.

Although these were not of comfort, even so, Tallulahwing did not suffer anymore, but her death would stain the lives of others. The morbid part wondered if anyone would remember him after he fell to death’s knife, watching Figfeather mourn for the loss of her mentor. The older tom shook his head, head tipped back to stare at the canopy of trees, watching the sway of branches to the coldness that struck camp with a silent prayer weighing heavily on his tongue.
thought speech
Tiggerbounce had never been particularly close to the aforementioned she-cat, but all at once, he recognizes that two families have lost a member today. SkyClan will mourn for Tallulahwing in their own way, in that warrior's way that cherishes all of the great contributions that a particular cat may have gifted the clan. Their apprentices or mentors or friends will sit with their body, will groom their messy fur, will remember before their body is put into the ground.

Meanwhile, the ginger tom can't help but think about Tallulahwing's housefolk back in the Twolegplace. They didn't know that their companion was lying dead in the middle of some random clearing in the woods. They didn't know that she was with StarClan now, or wherever cats like... them... went afterwards. Hesitantly, achingly, the fat tabby cat lifts his head and his voice. "Who.... who should alert her housefolk? They have a right to know."

Howlfire had not known Tallulahwing as well as some of her clanmates. She had known her of course, and might have said a few pleasantries in passing, but Tallulahwing had existed outside of Howlfire's immediate circle. Regardless of how her relationship was towards the daylight warrior, she can't help but feel her mouth slacken in shock when Dawnglare announces to the clan that she has passed away.

Howlfire had heard she was ill but had no idea it was so severe. It was shocking how a cat who had been relatively fine some weeks ago could be cut down so easily. Her heart already aches from the loss of a clanmate, but it hurts even more so when Figfeather's scream pierces the air. She knew Tallulahwing had mentored her friend and knew that she was surely taking the loss rough. It seemed so unfair after losing Daisyflight and Snowpath somewhat recently. Howlfire pads over to stand close to her friend, wanting to offer what support she could but not wanting to get in the way of Butterflytuft. "Take comfort in knowing she is free from pain now," Howlfire mewed softly. "I'm sure she'll be smiling down on you from StarClan from now on."
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — fullbody by merc!<3

"I'll go. Where's her ribbon?" Orangeblossom answers Tiggerbounce, turning her head in search of the purple collar. She catches a glimpse of it through the entrance to the medicine den, but makes no immediate move to retrieve it. Though her usual confidence is weighed down by the situation, lifts her eyes to the other SkyClanners. She glances around who is present and who is nearby. A small patrol would be best. " @APPLE STEM . Sweetybee. Tiggerbounce. Figfeather, if you would like."

With Figfeather's sister the only thing keeping the gold-furred warrior upright, she understands if not. Figfeather would likely prefer to say her goodbyes. She'd been the same when her mentor had died, though Blazing Dawn had not perished from illness such as this. It disquiets the deputy to think about the dark tortie, lifeless in the healers' den; she'd faded so quickly, only presenting as unwell earlier in the day. Orangeblossom hopes she's with StarClan now. Tallulahwing has been a part of her life almost as long as SkyClan had.



"What? No.."

How? How could she be dead? She'd been alive mere days ago and now Dawnglare was harbinging a message that evenJohnny could understand. It was the first time he'd ever heard such blunt words fall from the tomcats mouth, and they shook the bobtail right to his core.

His mind was sent racing, wondering how, why, and if it wouldn't have been better to bring her back to her twolegs if it'd really been that bad. Maybe their own healers could have done something for her?

At the back of all that though, quietly and traitorous, a voice that sounded oddly like Silversmokes was questioning if this was a sign from the stars that perhaps the kittypets weren't as strong as the fulltime warriors. Was Tallulahwings death an omen? A sickness that killed her with no hope of cure?

Tallulahwing is no longer with us. One of his warriors died in a matter of days, just like that, despite the feverfew and the catmint Dawnglare had tried to treat her. Blazestar’s jaw clenches. He listens to Figfeather, who’d been the she-cat’s apprentice, wail her grief to the sky, and distantly he hears Butterflytuft and Howlfire go to comfort her. He looks directly into Dawnglare’s blue eyes as cats still around them. “Then there is no cure that we know of,” the Ragdoll murmurs, fear beginning to return as it had when he’d heard Mouser’s cough.

Mouser. Blazestar’s fur fluffs out. He turns to look at his warriors, eyeing those noses for crust, their eyes for clarity. “We have others who are sick,” he says, anxiety reaching pitch. “Is it the same thing?” How could Mouser be sick already—how long had Tallulahwing been ill? Who else had be missed who is struggling? He bites his lower lip, now looking for Orangeblossom. She is quick to establish a patrol to bring Tallulahwing’s shorn ribbon to her housefolk’s nest, but he isn’t thinking of his fallen warrior’s Twolegs just now. Later, he will be glad that she has done this.

If you have any symptoms of… of anything,” Blazestar orders, struggling to keep the fear out of his voice, “You must go see Dawnglare immediately. No patrolling and no hunting until you’ve been cleared.” His gaze wanders to Bobbie, and his resolve returns. “We must bury Tallulahwing. We have no elders to do it, and…” His ears lower—he hates how callous he sounds, but terror for his living Clanmates is hanging in the air like spiderwebs spanning trees—“we must make sure this does not spread more than it has to.

He pads to where Figfeather crouches, sorrow for the young warrior tightening his throat. She’s lost so much in such a short amount of time. “Go with Orangeblossom,” he urges her. “Tallulahwing loved her housefolk. You knew her more than any of us. She’d want you to be there.” He lowers his nose to Figfeather’s ginger ear, then lifts his head again. “Johnnyflame, Duskpool, Howlfire, Bobbie. Help me get her out of camp.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun



Anxiety was quick to take root in Quillstrike. A sickness with no cure that could kill in a matter of days was nothing to take lightly, and he purposefully stepped in front of Twitchbolt to keep him from getting any closer to the body.

"Dawnglares den is too close." he growled, tone rougher than usual. "We can't have something this serious in our camp. What about the kits, and the elders- if this can kill a healthy adult cat they won't stand a chance."

And if he wanted it as far away from Twitchbolt as possible, that was his own business.

"We should be confining the sick outside of camp, where they can't spread it to anyone else."

Harsh, perhaps, but it was a necessary cruelty. Food could be left for them. Medical care still provided. But it should be elsewhere.

@TWITCHBOLT because Quill is trying to block him from getting closer to the crowd.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Death had not been uncommon in the sewers. Cat starved, got sick, stolen, killed by twolegs- any of the inbetweens. His ears flattened as he heard that gut-wrenching scream. It was something he knew. That sound of utter sorrow and grief twisted into somecat's voice. Falconpaw pushed out of the apprentice's den in a hurry, but the look of grief, of everything surmised around him, told Falconpaw most of what he needed to know. She being the warrior who was sick first. She being the first to die.

Falconpaw inhaled quietly, trying to force air into his lungs. Don't panic, he told himself, it would be fine. Totally fine. Blazestar's orders came crisp and sharp in his ears, and he nodded quietly. Retreating away from the body, and back towards the apprentice's den. Slipping inside, so he could breath again. Slipping inside, so he could hide his face from the guilt he felt by being near Figfeather at all. This wasn't his body to care for.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

The entire Clan had reached a horrible, choking standstill, broken only by Figfeather's heart-shattering wail. Tallulahwing is no longer with us.

Sparrowsong's expression crumpled. Even as tears welled in their own eyes, it hurt to see the yellow molly so broken. The moment Blazestar stepped back, they moved in, doing their best not to look toward the body they knew to be there. This one wasn't covered in blood, they knew it so, but the thought of looking at her when they knew she would never get up again―

Tears dampening their own cheeks, they almost too-forcefully pressed their head against Figfeather's. "I'm sorry." Had they not been so close to her ear, their cracked, near inaudible voice might have been missed. "I'm so sorry."



It was odd how silence could be so audible. Dawnglare's voice rang out, and for a moment there was nothing but completely tangible disbelief in the air. So many had seen Tallulahwing collapse; it'd been panicked, but she had been alive when she had gone into Dawnglare's den. Alive, if not delirious. Twitchbolt wondered whether he'd ever get used to how suddenly someone could be gone.

The world spun again when Figfeather screamed.

A shaky breath left him as he spared a glance to Figfeather, the pale-ginger molly soon surrounded by words of condolence. He'd approach her later, in no hurry to crowd her- and besides, Quillstrike didn't seem very keen on letting him any closer than they were already standing. He compromised, standing at the chimera's side, gaze fairly empty. Tallulahwing had saved he and Quillstrike both from the Shelter; had he ever thanked her? Actually thanked her? Did she know how much he owed her- how much he appreciated what she had done? He'd ask the stars tonight. There would be a kinder twinkle than he was used to seeing tonight, he hoped.

Blazestar's words were a blur, as were Quillstrike's suggestion. His world felt entrenched in doom, all of a sudden- and he leant against Quillstrike's side, staring at an undefined patch of the ground.
penned by pin ✧

✿—— of course, it is not only her who has heard dawnglare's announcement, it is not only her who whispers prayers and watches figfeather's grief with sorrowful eyes. cats begin to stream into the center of the clearing, a shuffling crowd of warmth drawing close to the body and she wants to shout no, no, because tallulahwing had been sick. she had been sick, sheepcurl is sick, mouser is sick—they should all back away now. of course, she does not, merely sits at the sidelines and murmurs her quiet prayers, watches the cats consoling each other and themselves. fantastream's ears pin against her head at the edges of her vision, claws digging into soft earth at bobbie's own side, watching with the same thinly solemn expression the tabby imagines has taken hold of her own face. she lowers the volume of her whispered prayers to the barest trace of a word, spoken for herself and starclan, where tallulahwing hopefully now rests.

more are arriving, duskpool hissing curses and nothing more, howlfire consoling figfeather alongside butterflytuft; she herself remains rooted to the spot where she sits. tiggerbounce asks after her housefolk with all the sensitivity of a cat familiar with them. she looks up now in silent agreement; she's always believed housefolk loved cats in their own way, as much as they could. blessedly, orangeblossom takes charge, answers the ginger tom's request with the quick, confident assembly of a patrol bobbie admires from her own distance, the way the orange-and-white she-cat effortlessly seizes some measure of control of the situation. johnnyflame is here too, expressing the disbelief she wishes she felt instead of the dreadful certainty that weighs down her own heart. rightfully, it's as though the entire clan's gathered to mourn tallulahwing—she hadn't yet spoken to the dark tortie herself and it rests heavy on her heart that she never will.

blazestar's mew is a terrible confirmation, a murmur that strikes terror into her heart: there is no cure. his orders are sure despite the situation and the tabby nods numbly in response, struck not by a personal grief but by a chilling conviction; this illness has begun to tear through their ranks like wildfire already—how many more lives will it take? his gaze catches hers, and she wonders if he can see the fear in her eyes—he must not, because his order rings out, asking her to help bury tallulahwing. bobbie nods again, pulls herself to her feet as though her frozen limbs have been animated by his voice—perhaps they have, determination rushing warmly into cold paws. if she can help bury the fallen warrior, give her the grave she deserves and most of all keep this sickness from spreading more than it must, she will. he's murmured to figfeather, seized the situation by its ugly head. respect is thick in her veins now; he is not just the tom with slumped shoulders, the friend she knows—he is skyclan's leader.

"of course, b-blazestar," she murmurs once she gathers alongside the others, the resolve in his voice filling her own. others are joining the crowd now, and the sight of them only strengthens her resolution. to see tearful sparrowsong console figfeather, twitchbolt lean numbly against quillstrike, young falconpaw retreating from the scene—it fills numb limbs with motion, sage-leaf eyes with conviction. she cannot let this hurt any more cats than it already has.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Sweetybee hears her name and she lifts her head to look at Orangeblossom. Without a word, she nods her head. She does not know where Talullahwing lives exactly, but she will make sure her collar gets delivered. She has others joining her anyways, so it may not be a problem. She can only think of how unfair it is that she was taken so soon. She didn't deserve this, why not a windclanner? But as Blazestar speaks, she feels her anxieties skyrocket.

Her father is sick. She doesn't know if they're the same symptoms, but she knows he is, even if he's stubborn and wont admit it. She can't lose him, she doesn't know what she'll do if she does. She'll have to tell her siblings, Fish, Pine....Somehow. Pine could be anywhere. But the thought of having to say it more than once makes her sick to her stomach.

Furthermore, she was close to him. Made contact with him- was she sick too?

It was too frightening to think about. She felt fine. She's fine. She has a job to do.

"I'm ready to go when you are." She says to Orangeblossom.​

He wasn't present when Tallulahwing had stumbled into camp, but news had traveled fast about her poor condition - the gasping words, the collapsing limbs. A sickness assumed cureable, a worry for the daylight warrior led by the hope she'll feel better in the coming days.

It's a hope that simmers all too quickly.

Greeneyes is present when Dawnglare's voice breaks fret-carried silence, words that don't seem to find their meaning in the young warrior's mind until a splitting cry fills it instead; until a viridian gaze finds the honeyed fur of his sister - a strong form crumbling once more.

Tallulahwing is gone. Figfeather's mentor is dead.

He moves. Quickly - just like Butterflytuft, just like Sparrowsong. Somewhere, Falconpaw disappears from his sight, but Greeneyes' gaze only points towards Figfeather anyway.

"Fig--" he croaks out as his eldest sister shares her condolences, her assurances. She's in StarClan, Butterflytuft says - but oh, how many more do they need watching over them from the stars instead of living alongside them? How many more do they need to lose - how many more does Figfeather have to mourn?

It is sickness that takes his sister's mentor - one that runs rampant in others already, according to Blazestar's words. One with a failing cure, according to Dawnglare's. Greeneyes' paws feel unsteady beneath him at the sudden weight of the moment, the grief of a verdant strike inching closer with each breath.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He ignored the stab of panic racing through icy veins at the comment, brows pinched in hidden determination. The scarred warrior pulled himself to his paws, further away, but noticeable against the background, gleaming molten copper narrowing.

He wanted to inquire, helm pivoting to stare at Blazestar, expression conflicted. He briefly wondered if this illness could still be as effective even after death, latching onto another poor soul and dragging them to a sealed fate. “We should limit who has contact if there are … more.” He rumbled, padding towards the gathering group, voice remaining indifferent save for the subtle grief, barely noticeable against the untrained ear. “We don’t know if someone can pass it afterward.” After they’ve died, was left unsaid. Too soon. They lost a mentor and friend today. They sure as hell didn’t need Duskpool’s pessimistic attitude.

Duskpool may be indifferent, but he wasn’t heartless as much as he wanted to be, not like Smokefang, but even his brother had a heart, hidden as it was behind a wall of ice. It was then, staring across the camp, locking eyes with familiar fiery blue and sharp amber to meet dual-toned optics and ghostly pink hidden within the nursery walls. Do not take another from me. He had just got them back. His family was almost home with Mason wandering the dirty streets with trusted friends, those Duskpool trusted with his life, even if one of them was an explosive hothead.

A singular optic flickering to the mentioned cats, muscle rippling beneath scarred flesh. If there is no cure, then StarClan help us all. His heart wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of losing someone, the thought made him stare at Figfeather’s grieving form, surrounded by comforting souls. He let out a sigh, steeling his expression. “Better get goin’.” He rumbled.
thought speech