Exodia | hunting patrol


good fences, good neighbors
Sep 10, 2022

I've no time for confession
The towering moggy yawns then scrapes himself out of his separate den on the outskirts of camp. Getting his large and fluffy form caught in the brambles one too many times set him moving over there moons ago but he's not too far from his clanmates at least. The warrior's are probably happy not to have his big hare feet kicking them in his sleep anyways.

As the sun fades off and the yellow moon begins to rise in an orange stained sky, the tom squints against a barrage of dried leaves. Huffing, he shakes them from his tail but he feels kind of good to be in charge. Even if it is boring old hunting. Still, Chilled didn't nag him like some old granny about it so he's more amorous toward their order. "Time's come. We're going hunting near the burn scar. It's healed enough for a run through."

Wolverinefang figures they can go stalk the less dense brush where the fire was, theorizing there might be some pests to catch unaware. Feeding their younglings on any dormant seeds exposed by the autumn winds or ill timed saplings or some even making a nest from the collapsed prey dens. It's hard to think like food but if he were a big ol' rat, that's probably what he'd do with leaf-bare looming. They can't afford to be courteous to the other creatures trying to survive the upcoming winter.

"Everyone watch your paws, stay together. Yadda yadda, you know the drill."


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Leaf-fall was verging on chillier weather conditions, particularly during moonrise. Smogmaw found himself clenching his shoulders with every passing wind gust, tensing up in the cool brought by the night. He reminded himself that - come Leaf-bare - Shadowclan will be facing even colder temperatures, and he would be better off growing a pair and getting over himself. But as he walked alongside his clanmates, irritable notions about the hours ahead swept around his mind like a dust storm.

At least with the moonlight hanging overhead, prey would be a fraction easier to spot.

"Heard," remarked the tom, and that was all he had to say. He was dismayed - to a marginal degree - that Wolverinefang had been handed the reins for the patrol and not him. One of the two warriors conducted himself solemnly and did not tolerate drivel, while the other went around, jumping out at people like an apprentice without anything better to do. Smogmaw was not the latter.


❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
when patrols were assigned a bit earlier in the say by their newly appointed deputy, geckoscreech was half expecting to hear her name be called to lead one of the many many groups but to her subtle surprise that was not the case. instead it was wolverinefang that had been plucked out of the hat to take charge while the others were to tag along and the ivory femme would not deny the sudden irritation that flared briefly inside of her chest at that moment.

of course, it was only a miniscule issue that was quick to wash away like droplets rolling off a blade of grass. everyone was to take charge at some point when it comes to patrol but it felt like your lead warrior should come first when it comes to these things. regardless, it was just a hunting patrol and she'd still be supervising to ensure things go as smoothly as possible.

geckoscreech would keep silent as they headed towards the burnt sycamore which has since fizzled out only leaving behind charred grounds and a tree that is stained black from the flames consuming it whole. there was a subtle movement of brows knitting together while she recalled the very moment the sky split open to strike the sycamore and set it ablaze, it was a miracle it hadn't spread farther from it original spot. she can only hope they can bring back something decent but it felt slim, most things are hiding within the warmths of their den by this time.

"this can be a good time to show me how good your senses are. let me know if you can smell any prey." words are spoken to her odd apprentice who tagged along the rest.