EXPOSE YOUR BONES ↷ [ patrol assignments]

Most wouldn't appreciate the intricacies of devising patrols, but there's a genuine science to it. Within his mind, an array of names and the duties they're attached to, wholly predicated on who'd work best together, while isolating those who'll only waste time with one another.

"Alright, alright, listen'ere!" vocalises the deputy, ensuring his volume surpassed that of camp's post-sunrise hullabaloo. "Patrols've been overdue for a while now, so if you want to do anything useful today, make it this." Muddy eyes skim over the the ugly mugs of his clanmates, and he silently takes tally of those present. "Off to ThunderClan is @CHILLEDSTAR., @DOGFUR, @ROOSTERSTRUT, @spectermask, and @Frostbite ," he orders. "Mark the border, 'n make it stink bad. And don't leave your apprentices behind, neither." This meant @MINKPAW, @GRANITEPAW, @EERIEPAW, @mitepaw, and @Poppypaw were to head off with them. A sizeable group, sure, yet necessary in case of wayward ThunderClan cats getting thirsty for revenge.

He then looks towards the second group of cats. "@GECKOSCREECH, I want you to take @GHOSTPAW, @FERNDANCE, @Wolfpaw., @Rainecho, @Ravenwatcher., @BRINDLEPAW, @Swiftclaws, @Magpiepaw, and @betonyfrost with you on a trip to our border with WindClan," he decrees, a rearward tail-thrash accompanying his words. "Make that border stink worse than our one with ThunderClan; and do let me know if anyone in your group gets caught in a tizzy."

Finally, Smogmaw's gaze descends on a pair of prickly black ears. "@SHARPPAW., @Crowpaw., @GRAVESTRIDE., @loam, and @Halfshade, " he mewls, cocking a grin at the final name, "we're going on a hunting patrol. @STARLINGHEART ., you're welcome to join us if you'd like." He doesnt know how often the wee medicine cat gets to go on outings like this, but he can imagine that her cave gets depressing after a while.

"Any complaints? No? Great. Get a move on."

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