private EYE OF THE TIGER — prompt ; palepaw

Dec 29, 2023

A spar was a welcomed break from the series of constant patrols, allowing him to test his skills amongst his fellow apprentices. With their mentors sitting close by, they had allowed them to pair up amongst themselves in order to survey the skills they had learned up until today. Smudgepaw had decided that he wanted to challenge Palepaw to the spar, and found himself sizing her up while she spoke briefly with her mentor before they began. Once she joined him, he'd give her a small nod while he got into his stance, tail swishing behind him with excitement. "Ready?" Smirking at Palepaw, he would be kind enough to offer the apprentice a chance to prepare themselves for the start of the spar to begin, rather than just attacking her.

// prompt: a peer is hurt, either feelings or physical, after smudgepaw challenged them to a spar. that's just how the game is played, will he try and make this clear despite their condition or is an apology underway?

&& (@Palepaw ) feel free to decide if it's only feelings hurt or physical injuries !! you can powerplay the spar too if you'd like just to get through it faster !

Palepaw couldn't say that battle training was her favorite thing in the world; she much preferred hunting, and felt she was better at that anyways. Maybe that was why she liked it more? Her slender frame was more suited to agility and stealth than strength, but she did her best and tried to give as good as she got. Once she finished going over her supposed 'strategy' with Nightbird, Palepaw wandered back over to where Smudgepaw was now waiting for her, unable to help rolling her eyes at the smirk on the other apprentice's face. She crouched down, sky blue eyes narrowed slightly, her tail lashing behind her with rigid expectation. "Ready," she sighed dramatically.

Rather than allow the larger apprentice to get the jump on her, the lynx point coiled her body like a snake preparing to strike, muscles bunching beneath thick fur as she launched herself at Smudgepaw. Lacking the grace she normally had with other activities, Palepaw attempted to wrap her sleek forelegs around his neck, hoping the sheer force of her attack would be enough to send him to the ground. "No need to go easy on me," she hissed with a confidence she didn't quite feel in that moment. But she didn't want to disappoint Nightbird, and she knew how much her mentor valued competency in all regards.

[ i'm down for them to be physical injuries, just something minor!! ]