eye of the tiger | competition

Howlfire had been notably happier as of late. A bright, youthful energy returning to her that was likely part inspired by the receiving of her warrior name. In quieter voices around camp, some might have suggested her improved mood was something to do with time she spent with Coyotecrest. Howlfire would have likely laughed off such a suggestion if she heard it, but even she could admit to finding something of a kindred spirit in the cream coloured tom.

Today, Howlfire found herself in the company of some fellow SkyClan warriors just outside of camp. "Anyone fancy a game?" She asked, turning to look at the others present. The sky was blue and clear, the sun shining, and a light breeze caused trees to sway. "We could have a climbing game maybe? See who catches the most prey? Or...or a race?"
Zappaw, notably, did not enjoy any of this clan business. She did not want to foster a community with these cats, considering she was only here for the duration of time it took for Vermillionsun to do.... well, whatever he needed to do. In a few short weeks, she be out of this stupid pine forest with all of these dumb cats with their games and races....

However, games and races are the easiest way to calm a child's frantic, angry nerves and Zappaw is no different. She trudges over, trying her best to seem as solemn and as unenthused by Howlfire's proposal as possible. "What kinda race?" The girl prompts, her twitchy tail giving away her true level of interest.



"I'd be down for a friendly competition." chimed Johnny, who'd been practicing his battle-moves over on one of the trunks of the pines. There was a move Thistleback had shown him the first day they'd met that he'd been trying to figure out, but the idea of a playful challenge with his clanmates was enough to steal away his attention.

"We could do a climbing race at Tallpine, or a dash across the Rockpile. Then again, the pines are sparse enough that we could just do a good old foot race." the bobtail mused.


Well- it was no secret Mallowlark was fond, exceedingly fond, of games. When disposing of prey that had given its life, kindly and nobly, he would always give the corpse one last outing- be it investigative or entertaining. Though- it seemed the game Howlfire had in mind was one a little more conventional. A race seemed the common consensus, and the idea beckoned the hulking white tom over, the wide silver expanse of his gaze drowning his unmoving pupils. No blink flinched upon his face, even as a short peal of laughter slipped free from smile-fastened fangs.

"Oh, count me in," he hummed, a giggle following his words. Climbing, climbing- that was the thing, wasn't it! Being once of the moors, he might stand a chance in a footrace... but climbing? That was less predictable... it was a little more exciting, for that simple reason. "Racing up the trees... better hope nobody falls," he chirped- though the words soon collapsed into another river of giggles, imagining the grisly fate of a faceless cat, taken too in by the game- so close to victory, and meeting their match with the hard, cold ground. It was inconceivable, and thus hilarious.

The notion of a competition is quick to draw some attention from the other cats present. Howlfire is happy when she sees she has some takers - even if Zappaw seems a bit unenthused by the whole thing. "I think a regular foot race might be better," Howlfire nodded in agreement to Johnnyflame's suggestion. Honestly, she would have preferred a climbing competition but that wouldn't really be fair to those who could not climb or did not like to. Besides, Mallowlark's comment about hoping nobody fell reminded her of the one time she had fallen from a tree, and did not wish to repeat that in the heat of competition. "How about we race to the Tallpine and then back to camp? The winner can get the juiciest piece of prey from the fresh-kill pile!"

Off to the side of the conversation, the red tabby has been listening with intrigue. Though a warrior now, Greeneyes doesn't think he'd say no to a game anytime soon. Or... friendly completion, as Johnnyflame decides to call it instead.

He hesitates though at the daylight warrior's suggestion of climbing - a race Greeneyes will no doubt finish at the tail-end of. That didn't seem too much fun, losing - and with Falconpaw at his side still yet to learn the basics of climbing a tree from him, it probably wouldn't be fun for his apprentice either, if he were to tag along.

But, a regular race? Greeneyes can do that! His paws itch to move, to show off the speed he knows he has. A stronger skill of his, much better than scaling the pines. He's glad Howlfire chooses that option instead.

"A race? I'm in!" he chirps, before looking for his apprentice. "What about you, amigo? D'you want to join in too?"

// apprentice tag: @falconpaw!
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Not only was his mentor present- who he shared a brief appreciative look with- but his sister was there as well. Hope seemed to rise in his chest, seeing her participate made him feel a little bit better. After all, his sister's couldn't just stay and mope the entire time they were here. A faint smile on his face settled, but it didn't stay as some kind of surprise took over. He glanced up at Greeneyes swiftly, then those back at hand. Full warriors to race against? He wasn't sure he could keep up. But...

"I can." He responded, notably mild. However, he continued, his words a bit more inspired as he continued. "I think I'd like to watch you run too." Falconpaw glanced up at him, smiling briefly. He moved to touch shoulders with his sister thereafter. "Think you can beat me, Zap? I wanna see you try." He taunted, though the warriors that may have known him better- especially Greeneyes- could see it was encouragement hidden under his challenging words.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK