eye of the tiger | roe

It had been a little while since Flycatcher and his apprentice got to enjoy some one-on-one training. After her more recent asthma attack, he was wary to take her out again so soon, and kept their training to tasks that wouldn't over-exert her too much. After seeking out his apprentice in camp, Flycatcher asked how she was doing that day before following up with a question about whether she was up for some fun. He remained rather cryptic on what this "fun" was, deciding to wait until they were far enough out of camp before throwing out his intent to practise some battle training. They hadn't done much in that line of training, and what little they had veered towards more defensive techniques, as that was Flycatcher's preferred style.

When they were a reasonable distance out of camp, Flycatcher stopped his apprentice and dropped the question. "How would you feel about doing some battle training today?"

@. Roepaw .