private eye to eye | foxtail

Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ Leaving the meeting was the best choice. The best course of action. She needed to calm herself and get her own emotions in check before even seeing Splash again. The irritation is still in her face as she strides through the territory, taking quick steps to put distance between her and camp. Pained ambers watch the ice that coats the river in some places, the moving water taking come chunks with it. Once upon a time she used to think ice was beaitiful, before she realizes what it truly meant for survival. Slowing her gaze casts down to a thin sheet and before she even thinks about it her paws are hitting it. The cold is shocking but she keeps going, claws scratching at the ice before it finally cracks and then shatters into pieces. For a moment her paws ache but she minds it little as she attempts to see if any fish are nearby. She will have to wait after all the noise she just made, knowing it was just to release pent up anger, confusion, annoyance.

Yet soon she hears pawsteps and one ear twists back before the scent drifts toward her. A slow breath leaves her then though she hardly moves. "What are you doing out here, Foxtail? I'm sure the dens are much warmer..not much out here but trouble." Her words are tense as she finally looks over her shoulder at the other lead. There is a meager amount of curiosity in her eyes, small but clearly there.

After giving his congratulations to both of his former apprentices, the lead warrior expected to see Midnightash conversing with her mate. But instead, he catches Midnightash slipping out of camp, in the corner of his eyes. The more experienced lead warrior raises an eyebrow; why is she leaving camp?

With a swish of his tail, Foxtail trails after her; focusing his nose onto her scent. He tracks her with little to no trouble— if the blizzard had been here this week, instead of last week, he certainly would've faced difficulty. But with the area being clear now, he finds it easy to follow the new lead warrior without being detected.

He follows her to a river, hiding within the frosted green foliage. He wonders if she was planning to fish— but with the river frozen, that'll prove to be a little... difficult.

She raises her paw into the air, and he barely gets to blink before it comes raging down on the ice. He winces as the ice cracks beneath her paws, but she doesn't stop there. She makes a few more aggressive blows, her ears pinned back and her fur raised to a bristle. He wonders what in StarClan he just witnessed, as the bicolored she-cat looks over her shoulder.

Their gazes land onto each other, and he knows he can no longer hide and watch. He steps out of the foliage, as the new lead warrior speaks up.

"Midnightash," He greets her, taking a step forward. His tail swishes slowly behind him, as he looks at the troubled she-cat. "I n-noticed you left camp pretty q-quickly," He mews, silently noticing the tenseness in her voice. ...Something seems to be troubling her rather greatly. Will she confide in him?

"....Something's bothering y-you," He deduces, with a flick of an ear. "...Shouldn't you be b-back in camp, celebrating?"

  • 91060054_6Onc0lc3t1L8246.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    25 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

જ➶ A part of her wants to tell him to go away. To mind his own business because why would he truly care about her or her feelings. No one else seems to care, not even the one she thought she wanted in her life. Her maw shakes, the idea of crying lingering in the corners of her eyes. Yet she sucks it up, forcing those tears back deep down because that is a weakness. Crying is not something she can do, not anymore. Her mother saw to that and she closes her eyes, deepening her breaths before she turns her gaze away from him and back to the frozen river. The shattered ice is a small pool, just barely big enough to get a paw through. "Celebrating. Who is there to celebrate with?" Out of the picture she is sure that Splash has sought out him by now. Yet she shrugs her shoulders a little. She knows she should blame herself for it. She didn't keep a tight enough leash on her.

She told her not to pay him attention, to stop being alone with him. But it didn't seem to help. Her thoughts make her tail lash back and forth before she shakes her head. Hah, she wonders when she actually ever had a chat with Foxtail. Like this, just being clanmates. With a shake of her head she finally looks at him. "Yeah, I'm bothered. Nothing is going well except for being promoted. It's not like she listens to me." With a roll of her eyes she shifts away froklm the ice, though suddenly she yelps as her paw slides out from underneath her from a stray piece. The sudden shock as her chin smacks the ground makes eyes look wide before she quickly scrambles up. Embarrassment floods her at the incident and she snaps her eyes away. "You didn't see that. Just go back to camp." Ugh, she could die right now.