pafp eyelids heavy as leather || cuddles

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As hesitant as Swankit had been to leave the nursery, he had to admit that camp was not so bad. Still, on the occasions he left he never seemed to stray far from his sisters, trailing after them and clinging to the familiarity they carried into the wide and unfamiliar camp. Valeriankit was a frequent target, the two being the quieter, more reserved half of the litter, alike in many ways. She took to the exploration far easier than him. Now, though, he feels perfectly comfortable, even outside of the nursery.

Of course, this is because he is currently half-dozing sprawled out in a cozy corner of camp, pressed up against his youngest sister with a paw draped over her smaller form. There's a contented smile on his face as the two lay in the sunlight, a soft and rumbling purr coming from the young tom. Maybe leaving wasn't so bad; sure, they could do this in the nursery, but the sunbeam is more comfortable anyway.
————— ☾ —————

  • // pls wait for @valeriankit !
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
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So soon after leaving the nursery, it was rather easy to note that Valeriankit had habitual spots that made it easy to locate her petite form. If not in the nursery, or trailing after her parents, one could easily find her where ever her pale-hued brother was, given how often the two snuggled together to nap. While camp had lots to see and many cats to speak to, for this moment, Valerian was content to sleep soundly snuggled under her brother, an ivory paw pillowing her head as the she kit purred in her sleep, her head snuggled under her brother's as she curled close.
[sweet like honey]

"...they are out."
Comes the quiet observation from the solid black and white apprentice who stumbles across the two sleeping kits. He was sure there were more, he'd heard the clan whisper of the deputy and Halfshade's new offspring and that they had four healthy kits though if you asked him one of them looked rather small. Perhaps she had not been done when she was born, perhaps she needed longer, like a caterpillar from a chrysalis. Magpiepaw looks around, unsure. Is he supposed to tell someone they have escaped, is he supposed to watch them-is this his job now?
Having been one of the newer kits himself before being apprenticed and until Betonyfrost had a litter, he'd never really experienced dealing with cats younger than he was. He teeters from paw to paw awkwardly before settling down just next to the sleeping kittens to stare at them and observe. He would wait until someone who knew better came along and pass this impromptu duty upon them.
(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ The primarily white maw of the older feline would part in a yawn, exposing ivory fangs and a delicate pink tongue. She had no clue what time it was but she'd find herself now awake and too restless to return to her sleep. White paws would pad quietly out of the warriors' quarters and she'd soon spy another figure. Ratwater would blink a few times to clear up any sleep from her eyes before focusing on the black and white tom. "Hm?" She'd hummed confused before making her way over to the apprentice. "Magpiepaw, what are you?" The molly would inquire with her prior snoozing laced into her voice. Her amber eyes would track what the young tom was looking at and soon spot the bundle of kits. "Oh." The warrior would mumble with slight unease. Optics would flicker to the nursery the two had traveled from then back to where they both rested peacefully. If awoken they might get startled and alert the rest of the clan for no reason, but if they remained out here the cool dirt ground may absorb all their heat.

"Would you mind locating some moss?" She'd inquire quietly, much unlike her usual attitude but she was still shaking off her slumber. After the request, she would carefully make her way over to the kits. "Hey," She would mindfully keep her voice soft. "Do you parents know you're out here?" The question would be followed by her sitting next to the bundle and uncertainly resting her tail behind them. — tags
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Applekit sees her brother and sister sleeping outside. The world is much bigger since they've all left the nursery, but Applekit could not just leave them both behind. And they hardly seemed to care that things were different now. She thinks that they should care.

The she-kit pads over at a questioning stare and slow pace that only quickens as a strange, older cat toddles over just to look at them. Already, the thick ruff around Applekit's neck is spiking, steps becoming brisk as she draws closer. Didn't they have something more important to stare at?

Ratwater's request is much more eloquent than the ' go away ' Applekit had nearly uttered. Mentally, she is saving that for later. Or should she? Maybe Ratwater is just another weirdo. " They know, " she insists, the hint of annoyance not hidden in her voice. They were good kits. Eyes narrowed, she would then turn to her siblings, jostling Swankit with cream paws. " Why would you come outside to sleep? " she asks. " You can sleep in the nursery, " she tells them as if they'd forgotten. For all she knows, they had. " Weird cats stare at you when you're outside. " She'd learned that just now.
Oh, now there would truly be no escape from them. If they stumble out here to rest, not even naptime is safe. Perhaps their mothers would corral them back into the den for meals, but he can expect them to come out again all too soon after. And he hates the very idea. Even just seeing them, Coyotethroat cannot restrain a terse, displeased exhale. He hadn't even intended to stop in his walk past them, but the crowd that gathers inspires him to at least a temporary pause. Fraught with more irritation than sweet, soft feelings like the other warriors seem filled with. No, no. This is best labeled as sheer disgust.

"Can we not just put them back?" he sighs, swishing his feathery tail behind him. Maybe he should be kinder. Particularly when the small amalgamation of fur near him claims the deputy as their father. "As much as I hate to admit it, the little thing is right. Why bother being out here if it's only to sleep? Better rest to be found in the nursery, and all that." (Less likely to be wounded by his words or errant paws, Coyotethroat cannot quite say. There's something sharp piercing by his heart.) "Less work for any of us, too."

  • ooc:
  • coyotethroat ╱╱ he - him. warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a proficient and charismatic liar; naturally curious and clever, to the point of nosiness.
    ──── acrobatic and stealthy with a love for sneaking about & eavesdropping where he can.
    ──── high dexterity and high charisma, with a love for intrigue of any kind. holds no loyalty.

    a lithe, trim seal point with low white and bright blue eyes. though his fur is very fluffy, it is frequently smoothed down to a sleeker look that shoots up in curls at select places. he tends to be very neat and careful about his appearance, though does not hesitate to get dirty in the moment– just don't expect him to hang around too long after. he has to go groom himself, after all.
  • "speech"
————— ☾ —————

Swankit is not pleased to be jostled from his rest. He cracks a single blue eye open, peering unhappily at his sister. He's comfortable, why is she interrupting him? "Mh," he mumbles, more an acknowledgement that he's awake than anything. She and the big cat are questioning why he's not here, and not in the nursery... He gives a put-upon sigh. Everyone wants something different from him. Swankit, stop staying in the nursery all the time, Swankit, go back to the nursery again. He grumbles, curling closer to Valeriankit. "Comfy... 'S warmer..." He doesn't want to move.

But Applekit mentions that, quote, Weird cats stare at you when you're outside, and Swankit gives her a suspicious look. That's never happened to him before, she's just trying to scare him. "Who's...?" staring, he starts to ask accusatorily, before his gaze drifts to... "Oh. Hello weird cat... 'S okay, you can — " his jaw parts in a yawn, interrupting his words. "you can stare, I don't mind..." His words trail off. The big-eyed weird cat really is just staring, huh. That's fine though, Applekit is just worrying too much. He closes his eyes again, content that he's solved all of the issues his nap was interrupted for, ready to doze back off again.
————— ☾ —————

  • //
  • SWANKIT named for his pale fur, after his maternal grandmother.
    — he/him. 2 moons.
    — shadowclan kit.
    — quiet and dreamy.

    penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled147_20230514003200.png
The chocolate tabby tom-kit had nearly grown out of the typical kitten sleepiness - or so he himself would report. A particularly long story from an elder might leave him blinking through bleary blue eyes, but mostly he was up and alert all day long, just like an apprentice or a warrior. Nevertheless, he was very familiar with the pleasure of a warm, comfortable spot to nap, and was thus mightily aggrieved to see multiple ShadowClanners interrupting Swankit and Valeriankit's nap. Fluffing out his white-locketed chest, Yarrowkit approached boldly, ignoring the small, vaguely Comfreykit-sounding voice in his head which begged him to be quiet, and stared in disapproval at Coyotethroat and Applekit.

"'S not nice to call people weird, Applekit." he proclaimed with a flick of his stripey tail. "And you, fluffy warrior, guy, - " he was still learning names, they escaped his mind like nobody's business - "they're allowed to be outside of the nurs'ry, so let them be!" As if to prove that he wasn't all bite and no bark, the larger kitten settled down beside Smogmaw's sleepy children, attempting to press up against them whilst staring defiantly around. Internally, he felt a small thrill at his own audacity, at the very act of making a decision and sticking with it.
She's right, the warrior tells all of them, and Applekit sits up just a bit straighter. She's right. Comfy... 'S warmer... Warm from the sun and warm from Halfshade are too different things. One of them can never go wrong, and the other can. What about when it gets too warm? What about the weird cat??? you can stare, I don't mind... Maybe Swankit is the weird one. Applekit fixes him with a look, part stern, part worried. " You should mind, " she tells him sharply.

'S not nice to call people weird, Applekit. She turns to the familiar voice and scrunches her nose when she realizes who it is. " Don't tell me what to do. " Only warriors could do that. " I treat warriors the right way, unlike you. I'm never listening to you. " He tells him. Yarrowkit would get in trouble, for sure.