Oct 12, 2022
( ) Really, Aspenpaw finds that she doesn't mind doing regular chores around camp - sure, it's not as exciting as going out with Weaselclaw, but there's something comforting about the monotony, and besides, somebody has to do them to keep the clan functioning. What she does mind, on the other hand, is chores that are out of place. Earlier today, there had been some sort of intense game of mossball between some of the kits, and it had resulted in shredded moss from some elders' nests strewn about camp. And now, instead of going with Weaselclaw to learn a new battle move, Aspenpaw is stuck in camp, gathering strands of moss from every nook and cranny. What's worse, there's a bit of a breeze today, and it's just enough to scatter any moss she collects that isn't immediately woven back into a nest. It's annoying, and it makes her feel as if she's making no progress at all. At this rate, it'll take all day just to fix the nests, and even after gathering up all the moss she'll probably have to go collect some extra feathers and fur to make sure that the elders are comfortable as the weather only continues to grow colder.

Heaving a sigh, Aspenpaw snatches another bit of moss blowing by, adding it to the small wad kept firmly beneath her paw. Not quite enough to start a new nest without it blowing away, unfortunately. Finally, she decides this method is not working efficiently at all, and she decides to change her approach, scanning camp for some sort of rock or other heavy object that might hold the moss in place while she grabs more of it. She would ask one of the elders to help, but they're feeling decidedly grouchy today, and honestly Aspenpaw can't blame them. There doesn't seem to be anything useful in sight, and she starts to wilt before she notices something that might be better than a rock. "Nettlepaw, are you busy right now?" she calls out to her fellow apprentice. Despite them both being apprentices now, it hasn't been much easier to get to know Nettlepaw, since it seems like he's never out training or hunting with the other apprentices. Come to think of it, Aspenpaw's not even sure what he does most of the time - maybe he just trains at a different time? Whatever the case, if he's not too busy to help her fix up these nests maybe he could come train with her and Weaselclaw. Surely his mentor won't mind so long as he's doing something useful.

// @nettlepaw.
It was rare for anyone to call him over by name, much less another apprentice. He minded his own business, they minded theirs, and that was that. He was content with minimal interaction, despite the aching squeeze on his heart whenever he thought of his family hunting in the stars. Nevertheless, his name was beckoned, and he'd be wrong to not heed her call. "Hm?" he hummed as he switched his path and trotted over, bristly tail swaying with his gait. It was definitely colder than yesterday, though thankfully, a dense layer of fur was starting to grow, trapping him within a snugly warm coat. He hadn't witnessed the game of moss ball, but the aftermath was difficult to ignore. And poor Aspenpaw had been assigned to the clean-up, it seemed. Another hum of sympathy rumbled from the young cat, and he settled down in front of the other apprentice's work. "I'm not busy," Nettlepaw confirmed, assuming she was about to ask for his help. He really wasn't busy, with Oliveshade nowhere in sight. Certainly, she wouldn't mind.

Without much question, paws broader than the rest of him pinned down the gathered moss, holding it firm against the wind. Puffing stray cheek fur from hsi face, Nettlepaw spoke without prompting for once. "...Coalfoot told me that, if you weave it around the main part instead of each other, it'll be stronger," he quietly advised, "For gorse, at least. I don't know if it's the same for moss."
( ) With a grateful smile and nod, Aspenpaw allows him to take control of the unruly moss. Already, he's doing a much better job at keeping it put than she had been, and in moments like these she's the most thankful for clanmates with a variety of skills, if you could truly call 'moss-wrangling' a skill. She takes a moment to pull a few stray clumps closer, but soon decides it's not much worth the effort for the size of the nearby remaining stragglers. At Nettlepaw's instruction, she pauses for a moment, taking in his words. Weave around the main part, not just the individual clumps... It certainly makes sense, and while it was easier to keep track of the moss if it were in a few large balls, with her fellow apprentice's help it's no longer much of an issue of keeping track as it is finally doing the repair work. "Sounds solid enough. They've both got strands, sorta, so I don't see why it wouldn't work the same," comes her reply, already carefully attempting to add to the first shredded nest.

It's not the prettiest, nor the most efficient, but it's something, Aspenpaw decides. At the very least it's not blowing away in the wind anymore, thanks in part to Nettlepaw's assistance. Anyways, it's not like nests are really supposed to look pretty, only function properly, and with some extra feathers and fluff she's sure they'll be just as comfy as they were before. Taking a moment before continuing onto the next nest, she glances over to Nettlepaw. "Feel free to jump in if you're any better at this than I am, or if you've got any other good ideas," she offers. If he's worked on weaving the gorse walls before, he probably has a lot more experience than she does. "I can sit on the extra moss while you work," Aspenpaw adds, whiskers twitching with amusement at the mental image of herself splayed out on the ground, covered in moss. Not that she didn't already have bits clinging to her pelt - in fact, by the time she's done grooming later she'll probably have enough bits to help pad another nest.