eyes deep in gray water — tags


a poison to erase my existence –
Feb 7, 2024

  • HARMONY, MOONSEEKER ; but is a name like this one suited for someone such as i?
    a strange black, blue and white cat with wide, dull eyes that seem to be void of light. although they carry themself with grace and a careful sort of serenity, the odd tone of their voice and the way that their gaze often lingers for too long off into space suggests that there is more to them than the way they present themself.
    harmony, as in balance and peace ; moonseeker, for one who looks to the stars
    — nonbinary; they/them, but others are okay, neutral terms; aroace
    — skyclan joiner and former member, then leader, of a loner group
    — 21 moons, ages realistically on the 13th of each month (beginning 2/13/24)
    — penned by harmonia; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • LH blue & black chimera with high white & heterochromia. / TOYHOUSE / REF
    a black & blue chimera, though their white coloring is a bit more present than blue. they are half maine coon through their kittypet-born father and exhibit some breed traits, including long fur around their face, ear tufts, and long fur, although most of their body fur is relatively short in comparison to other maine coons, and their size is more similar to that of an average moggie than a purebred maine coon, though their legs are rather long.
  • intelligent / disciplined / observant / methodical / enigmatic / quiet / secretive / tense / distrustful / solemn / cautious
    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    - tends to speak very formally; accidentally comes off as cold because of it, though they don't show much emotion regardless
    - either stares for too long or avoids eye contact entirely
  • single ; aroace, open to qpp-type relationships
    although i say they are open to certain types of relationships, they are not actively seeking a partner out; actually, the idea is not really on their mind at all, nor has it ever been. they have a thick outer shell that is very hard to crack into and do not trust easily. for any type of closeness to be initiated, the other party will probably have to be vulnerable long before they offer any vulnerability themself to inspire their trust. that being said, they are not opposed to sharing company with others on a regular basis even if full trust is not established and are content to coexist with others.
    SOUNDS LIKE: no official voiceclaim, but they speak with a level tone that does not typically betray much emotion, and have a lilt to their voice that signifies that they are not from the area where the clans have been established.
    SMELLS LIKE: pine, namely; with a hint of ash.
    speech is #938238

    NPC (tbn, deceased) xx NPC (unknown) sibling to who | mentoring who , mentored by who
    Mate to who | Parent to who
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

    a young kit is found alone in the forest, without its parents in sight. there is no evidence of anyone having been there, no swirling tracks in the snow or pawprints in the mud. it is alive and apparently well, but untouched by other cats. it is taken in by a loner to be raised to be the perfect leader of a group that has been being planned for some time.

    ACT 1, SCENE 1.
    paws over ears and paws over eyes are enough to shield a young cat from the world. stories and isolation tell enough. other cats can be ruthless, terrible. the cats in the forest war and shed blood, and that is no way to live.

    ACT 1, SCENE 2.
    - notes for later: this'll be stuff about harmony's actions in the group and Leaving/escaping

    - notes for later: about the journey to skyclan border

    ACT 2, SCENE 1.
    - notes for later: skyclan........
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