private EYES FULL OF STARS [ lichen ]

( pebblepaw has found himself so busy with apprenticeship that he hasn't set aside any time to see his family. sure, he'll see them at meal times, and he'll pop into the nursery for a few minutes at a time, but there's a distinct lack of quality time that he's been missing. today he's been given a break for the afternoon, something he's thanked foxtail profusely for, and now he sits outside of his den, nursing aching muscles and basking in the late day sun. a soft yawn will stretch the boy's jaws, and as he spots pale blue fur and crystalline eyes he lets out a soft noise. lichentail, his mom in all but blood, is padding across camp, causing the blue spotted boy to hop to his paws. "mom!" he calls, hustling after her with glowing amber eyes.

he arrives at her side with zero knowledge of the name he's just referred to her by, pressing into her slightly taller frame with a purr of "lichentail!" it's odd- he's almost shoulder to shoulder with her now. six moons of growth and loving care have allowed the tomcat to grow into a healthy young cat. his paws still seem slightly too big for his body, and his head is still slim and not quite adult-like yet, but he can reach his muzzle over and rasp his tongue across the deputy's shoulder with ease. no more tip-toes needed.

"are you busy right now?" he asks, widening his eyes into round, pleading circles. pebblepaw knows his mom's soft spot- he's seen it first paw, experienced it when he asks her for permission to do something, rather than asking hazecloud. it's not that his momma isn't soft with her children, but mom is much more easy to convince. "i kinda wanna talk to you about something. uhm, it's a little important." the boy swallows, tipping his head.

  • // " #E6CCA5"

  • pebblepaw.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.



✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • It rings like songbirds, sweet and tittering in pitches studied with loving attention. She could recognize his harmonies anywhere... but this note in particular always strikes a fluttering alarm in her chest. The first time comes to mind in splashing colors of crimson, the sudden sensation of something warm and wet dripping down her neck- a shudder passes down her spine uncomfortably, blinking the vision of rosette dapples of blood on the ground away as a swirl of blue and white presses affectionately against her side.

    When had he gotten so tall...? She can remember a time he hardly reached her elbows. Turning towards Pebblepaw to plant a quick lick between his ears, Lichentail was surprised by his question towards her spare time, almost as surprised as his quick call for her as 'mom', which went entirely unacknowledged. Was there something wrong with his new mentor? Did he not enjoy Foxtail and had come to ask after the process by which to get a different one? The lynx point realizes quickly how much they'd hate to deliver that news to Smokestar... how guilty they'd feel seeing another apprentice taken from the fish-happy tom.

    "Uhm... of course... I'll always make... time for you." They tip their head to the side in a quick glance past him to make sure no one was padding after them but... it seems they would actually go unbothered for once. "Let's... find somewhere to.... go sit."

    If it were this important she imagined he'd want some privacy.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
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    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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