[ Your character finds something that reminds them of a Clanmate. What is it? Do they tell the Clanmate? :^) ]

What's this? A fluttering at his feet. His face is warmed, and further brightened by the sun as he pears downward. Knocking against snow-pale paws is something strange. Some sort of thin-shredded cloth. And it's twisted strangely, so that it may flap in the wind. The culprit, it seems, the way it has managed to catch him like this. Twolegs were hoarders, if he has ever seen one. Always plentiful in the waste they create. Nothing, nonsense, the blood-drapes and rosey sheets. But this, this.

His eyes blow wide as the sun, fixed, ,fascinated with what it was adorned. For, it reminded him of himself, perfect copy of the own mark he's cradled since birth. Source of his namesake, or so they say, though, he is not sure what to make of that. It's almost unsettling, a carbon copy such as this. So uncannily strange, the resemblance. Did he have long-limbed admires following his every move? Scraping to record him to their dull minds, flesh paws scraping and clawing at their sheets to inscribe the perfect image. His whiskers tremble, delight with the thought. Intrinsic allure, in his face then. And really who could blame any envious soul, cat or no?

A bright smile glints against the sun, teeth glistening with the spit of his little victory. "Hello. Hello" Drawling tone, pure satisfaction. His tail is sunsetted bunch behind him, jittering so quick it hardly seems to move it all, save from the occasional flicker. He admires it further with a gentle caress of his paw. Lopsided smile, peek of teeth across his lip. Of course, he must have it. Of course he should!

Yes, with nothing more than a slip off the ground, it is his now. So suddenly, he feels no different from an excited youth, bursting at the seams to show someone, anyone what he has found. Previous obligations forgotten, he beelines for the pines. In his way is a puddle, formed by old snowmelt. Well– that is irrelevant, anyhow. The mourning of newleaf may come soon, may come later, may come often. What simply could not wait was the perfect picture held within its depths. His face staring back at him, his own self, now abstracted, held within his jaw. A delighted giggle is relegated to a few odd breaths through his nose; and he lifts his chin just so, meeting himself with a half-lidded gaze. "Hmmm. Starlight, aren't you...?" To himself, or to the note? Did it truly matter? "–Eugh." It did not taste nearly as good as he did, though.

By some miracle, he tears himself away, but, oh, camp is not as far as he had thought it was. A face comes into view, and at once, Dawnglare would pad toward them on light– though frantic– steps. His eyes burn with a strange ferver, glacial pierce into the soul of the chosen. Blinking rapidly, "Re-mind you of an-y-thing ♪?"

Always had the belongings of twolegs seemed strange, unnatural... potentially dangerous, even, to Twitchbolt. Monsters were either their allies or some craft of their clawless paws, and the trinkets they often found scattered along the border with Twolegplace often appeared dangerous at first glance, always so entirely alien. But- sometimes the things they created had some sort of fascination about them... one such example, the strange verisimilitude that Dawnglare held that mirrored the mark on his face quite perfectly.

A couple of frantic blinks- some of them twitch-like- overtook Twitchbolt's face, his expression remarkably stunned. Had- had Dawnglare meant to talk to someone else? He'd- never pictured himself the sort of cat that the medic would seek out for company or judgement. The longer he stared, those agonising few seconds, at the excitement that frost-burned in Dawnglare's gaze- the more he realised that it probably hadn't mattered much who he'd found. To find this... sort os facsimile, it was probably... well, thrilling if not disturbing. Dawnglare appeared to have swayed quite readily toward the former.

"Uh, yeah- s'just like your, uh-" Oh, a word for it? He felt like his whiskers might burn off with the expectant leer of the medicine cat's eyes. His pupils flickered to his surroundings, frantic flash. "Hm-mm, mark...!" A vague gesture with a snowy paw to his own face, then- a tap of his own nose.
penned by pin ✧
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Blazestar, belatedly, comes to Twitchbolt's rescue. Dawnglare has worked himself up into a borderline rabid frenzy, shoving some brightly-colored card into anyone who will look's face. The Ragdoll peers over Twitchbolt's shoulder at the object. Despite its offensive coloring, there is a strange marking that is almost identical to the one their medicine cat wears above his nose.

"Wow," he says, eyes widening in surprise. "Do you think... do you think it means something?" For a moment, he's unnerved entirely. Is this a message from Dawnglare's former housefolk? Are they trying to ask him to return to them? He can't voice such a thing out loud -- he wouldn't know how Dawnglare would react to such a thing.


Silver had learned some time ago that the majority of Twoleg objects had the potential to be dangerous, but oftentimes weren't unless hurled toward someone at a high speed. There were traps that hunted mice and weird detachable claws that humans used to break up their food, he had seen other dangerous machinations but had the sense to avoid them, even when they promised the tabby luxuries. He moved closer to the trio as they assessed the card (perhaps 'assess' was too soft a word, given how giddily their medicine cat was thrusting the piece of paper around as if it were the rarest herb in the forest. He blinked a few times, trying to ascertain why Dawnglare was so interested in it until Twitchbolt pointed out that the mark on the card was not too dissimilar to the medics. Blazestar seemed to recognise it too. Feeling a little left out, the Lead Warrior closed his blue eye and sure enough, there was ... something. Their leader asks if it means something and instinctively, Silversmoke shook his head. Twolegs were oddly sentimental on the surface, he knew how shallow they were though. If it wasn't in their eyesight then it was forgotten entirely.

"I doubt it has any meaning to any Twoleg that left it, they give gifts just like us but they clearly didn't care about it enough to keep a hold of it." It was irritating that they happened to leave it in the forest for any old cat to stumble upon, but at least Dawnglare seemed happy with its discovery. He supposed that was all that mattered - it was just a shame that he had to find joy in something a twoleg made.