eyes without a face | joining

Jun 30, 2023
// slight cw for child abandonment, though not in depth

Honestly, little Pearl doesn’t know where her parents are taking her. All she knows is that Mama and Papa talk quietly amongst themselves while she struggles to keep up on tiny legs, stumbling over her paws every so often. It’s hard to keep up with their strides but they seemed pretty serious about taking her somewhere cool and who was she to disrespect Mama? Especially when Pearl wanted to go see the world and the cool thing they said they had! She thinks her siblings would be sooo jealous when she comes back from her adventure, cause when she told her brother he just looked at her all sad. Serves him right! She thinks that it isn't fair to go on all those cool escapes with her other siblings and her not get to go.

Eventually they stop and Pearl runs smack in to her parents legs, a mewl of protest leaving her mouth as they turn to look at each other then look down. “We’re here at the place we want you to explore. You’re our… brave little one, aren’t you?” Mama speaks in her deadpan voice but it's the most excited that Pearl has been in all of her two months of being alive. She nods her head vigorously, so Mama doesn’t take it the wrong way when she doesn’t speak. “Good. You think you can explore this whole big forest by yourself?” Pearl has a big grin now, nodding her head again as Mama grabs at her scruff and turns, dropping her in front of them. Mama points an unsheathed claw at a butterfly thats resting lazily on a flower nearby. “You go chase that, okay? Dad and I will be back… soon enough.” Mama shakes her head side from side and she laughs, its the first time little Pearl has heard it. Mamas beautiful, she thinks, staring up through wide eyes.

Pearl doesn’t have time to dwell on her thoughts as the butterfly picks itself up and flutters further into the forest. Immediately she starts after it, jumping over small sticks that threaten to snag her towards the earthen floor. The butterfly just… barely flutters out of reach, leaving her to stare dumbfounded at it, raising a small paw to bat upwards. Unbeknownst to her, her parents are already long gone.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool had been given the okay to return to his duties, albeit, lighter duties, wounds healing gradually, but it gave him the chance to leave that damn den before he strangled himself until he was blue in the face. Blinking languidly, molten copper narrowed, peering into the forest, tail grazing the undergrowth. If only he could latch onto something other than empty air, gait still wobbly as he tore through the undergrowth in search of prey, chest heaving, but he still came up empty-pawed.

A curse weighed heavily on his tongue when a hare slipped past his claws, instead coming to stare at a kit. Molten copper narrowed, straightening up to peer at the small fry, tail swishing low, no doubt collecting twigs and leaves in the thick of his fur ( a pain he was sure it would be when unknotting it that night ). You’ve got to be kidding me. He stared blankly, expression deadpan. “Hey, kid.” He rumbled, brow raised. “What’s a small fry like you doin’ out here in the woods, huh?” Duskpool had a sinking suspicion, but foxdung did he want to be wrong.

The large warrior shuffled, crouching down, molten copper scanning them in search of injury, but otherwise found none. “Curious thing, aren’t ya? Chasin’ butterflies.” He rumbled. Reminds me of Yukio. He thought, shaking his helm with a snort.
thought speech

Among a hunting patrol, an unfamiliar scent soon caught Twitchbolt's attention. Even without focus he had always been a talented tracker- though, this unfamiliarity was rather an obvious one. Wariness took comfortable place in the form of bristles along his pelt, olivine eyes widening and pupils shrinking in focus. It'd be foolish to rush forward- to risk letting his guard down, losing it to the throes of panic. It could be anyone waiting there- any frothing rogue or angry Clan cat, or scorned kittypet or-

Oh. A kitten. Though he'd thought he was going through everyone, racking every conceivable possibility, someone... relatively harmless had not managed to cross his mind. His apprehension died in his chest, quickly overtaken by concern- and it seemed Duskpool held the same sentiment.

Twitchbolt made great effort to soften his pitchy, often-cracked voice when at last he managed to choke something out. "Are you- are you lost?" He doubted his stumbling stutter and shivering twitches were much use when it came to being soothing, but there was tangible, sincere worry so present in his heart that he hoped it might manage to shine through his inexplicable nerves.
penned by pin ✧
Blazestar pads from behind Duskpool and Twitchbolt, his eyes skimming over the pallid, gray-pointed kit at their paws. There’s a lingering taste in the air, the scent of a queen long-gone… he frowns, immediately suspecting the worst. “Are you out here alone, little one?” He realizes—as he always does, a bit too late—how imposing he might look to a kit; Butterflytuft had nearly leapt from her tortie fur when he’d approached her that first day. He lowers himself slightly so that he is somewhat closer to the kit’s level.

Twitchbolt asks if she’s lost, and the Ragdoll’s ears flick. Let’s hope that’s all it is. He doesn’t scent blood or other signs of danger—but that also means there’s no other explanation for the kit’s appearance here. She either is lost, having wandered from her mother’s side, or she’s been abandoned deliberately.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

Licking the blood of a bird away from his muzzle, Silversmoke moved closer to the rest of his patrolmates, his head tilting upwards at the sight of a stranger in the woods. A kitten, not of SkyClan and, if the absence of a collar was anything to go by, not of the Twolegplace either. The pupil of his green eye shifted to the side, settling upon Blazestar and Twitchbolt as they asked if the kitten was lost and alone. Something in his heart hurt at the words and briefly, he found he couldn't look at his clanmates. Memories flared of a time wandering stone streets where he'd been leered at by kittypets for trespassing, yet here, all those who were lost were treated with love. It was warming, it made him nauseous knowing that it hadn't always been that way, it made him jealous, he tried to focus on the first emotion as much as he could, swallowing a growing lump in his throat as he realised how bitter was becoming towards a simply lost kid. His gaze hovered upwards once more, tracking the butterfly as it danced absentmindedly - if Pearl wasn't lost, then he doubted they'd get the truth from her - no parent ever let their children know they were being abandoned.

Wordlessly, he nodded towards Blazestar and began to stalk forwards in a semi-circle around the kitten, his attention scarcely falling onto her. Instead, he eyes the grasses and leaves around them, inhaling the dewy scents of each one, trying to make sense of any stranger smells that clung to them like burrs. He recognised the stenches of his clanmates, acrid things were likely passing predators (he hesitates, thinking what might've happened had the patrol been later), but nothing else seemed catlike. Again he tried to track, his nose rustling the leaves as it budged them - again, he came back empty. Silversmoke shook his head and lashed his tail, whoever this kitten belonged to was nowhere close. "She's wandered far if she is lost." He pointed out his observations, ears drooping towards the back of his head. Accident or not, what sort of parent let their kitten out of their sight without bothering to search for them?

The butterfly is just as startled by the sudden appearance of a big, big scary cat as she is, jerking down in a dive to settle on her nose. Both actions startle her- she sneezes, sending the butterfly to fly and fly bye bye. "Whats a small fry?" comes her squeak as blue eyes trail the silly thing that flutters away. She doesn't answer his question, no, immediately enthralled by his funny words. Is he magic? Oh! And he speaks of her being 'curious' about butterflies or something? "Yeah-huh, butterflies are my friend!" she responds in a matter-of-fact way, her chest all puffed out as she struts around, sniffing at the undergrowth for more potential friends.

She finds none. Its a sad, sad, sad day for Pearl. Devastating!

It's like she looks away for just a second and as she returns her gaze back to the other, there are THREE more cats! She gasps. THEY HAVE POWERS! "Woooahh!! You guys ARE magic!" her jaw snaps shut once she realizes shes holding it open in exaggerated surprise. "Erm-" she thinks fast as the jittery one speaks. He looks cool, she thinks! "You look funny." she giggles, voicing her opinion. "I wanna look like you when I get big too!" because who DOESNT want to have cool eyes and have really, really cool sectioned fur? And her eyes turn to the other two BIGGER cats, wow! Ones a golden color and Pearl immediately thinks that hes a big star or something. He glows like one! The other one looks like... Hmmmm..... Pearl wracks her brain for a comparison. STORM CLOUDS! Yeah, thats what he looks like. And he has two different color eyes like the chocolate-furred one from earlier has a spot in his! It makes Pearl jealous.

"Oh! Sorry," cause Mama always said it was rude if you didn't answer questions. "Erm, I was just told to go play out here! Mama and Papa said they'd be back soon, yup!" shes completely oblivious to the situation, instead optiong to launch herself at Silversmoke, trying her best to swat at his paws with her own claws sheathed. No hurting here! She remembers Mama would get reaaaal mad if she accidentally pricked her. "If I beat you, can I have your eye colors?" odd question, but she wants super cool eyes just like him! "Mine are just blue, see?" she points a paw at them to drive her point home.

His rampant shivers still rattled him, though genuine nervousness dulled as the kitten spoke. Most kittens were energetic, or at least... held these same rambling thoughts. In any other context it would have been unremarkable if not adorable, but... it seemed odd for even a kit to be so chipper when out in the middle of nowhere by themselves. Blue eyes looked straight at him as the words you look funny tumbled out of her maw, and Twitchbolt's odd gaze flickered wider, shock flaring inexplicably at being directly addressed- especially in such a way. Frantic pupils glanced around with the same temperament of someone who was about to drown, before he looked back to the kitten and murmured, "Thanks...?" It was... probably intended as a compliment. Probably.

Mama and Papa said they'd be back soon. Immediately, Twitchbolt's jaw tightened into an iron grip as if there was a shout he was attempting to bite back. No such shout truly dwelled in his throat, but the spark of shock was entirely real. Two parents had just... left a kitten here? In the open?

Her gaze was elsewhere, swatting at Silversmoke playfully, though when Twitchbolt attempted to regain her attention he realised they lacked a rather crucial piece of information. "Um- what's your name...?" A hesitant question, and... for some feeble level of confirmation that his worries were not completely and ridiculously unfounded, he briefly glanced to Blazestar, to Silversmoke. "Did your parents, uh, say where they were- were- were going?"
penned by pin ✧