pafp FAERIE SOIRÉE // hawk

Cottonpaw is a dutiful apprentice - as much as a kitten of her kind can be, at least. She listens, asks questions, and often preforms to the best of her ability! However, just as she is a model apprentice to some, she is a disaster to others. Her curiosity comes across as impatience more often than not, her lack of skill still incredibly notable as she attempts to find her way around the territory or the tunnels (being so young, she's yet to gain a sense of direction.) Icebreath is a capable mentor, although young themself, and where Cottonpaw falls short, the blue point picks up where they can.

Unfortunately today is a day where they misjudge one another too easily.

They're exploring some shallow tunnels out in the moors - Cottonpaw recalls her mentor wanting to focus much more on the grey apprentice's ability to tell her left from her right, so to say. In no circumstance should the little moor princess find herself lost in the caverns that run below their home! And Cottonpaw is more than eager to take the lesson on in stride. It takes a few tries, and a few unnecessary forks in the tunnels, to finally guide them back to an exit of sorts - and she's ecstatic to do so! She nearly spins around to share with her mentor that she can spy light up ahead, that she did it (even though Icebreath helped her incredibly several times,) when she smells something off about the tunnel.

Gritty and damp earth shift into something warmer, and if she focuses beyond her loud thoughts she can hear unruly scratching up ahead. Pupils shrink to pin points as her gaze trains on a set of too-tall ears closer to the mouth of the tunnel. All Cottonpaw can think is great! Two birds with one stone! Maybe she can pin the bunny rabbit well enough for Icebreath to dispatch it, and then the two of them can go home with not only the pride of being masterful navigators, but an amazing hunting team! The day gets better and for a second, she's grateful that Sootstar isn't her mentor - Icebreath's leash on her is loose enough for her to try new things, after all. Bluepaw seems tied to their mothers side. Ha!

She says nothing to the older feline, kicking up dirt and dust as she instead pursues the rabbit ahead. She's clumsy, she's loud, and the prey animal doesn't waste time racing away from her. It escapes the tunnel and Cottonpaw is hot on its tail, silently noting that she's close in size to the damn thing, if not smaller. (How do they catch rabbits normally, she wonders?) She fumbles over her paws and trips, the rabbit skating ahead with no issue. Before Cottonpaw can properly mourn her loss of a perfectly good meal, she hears a shout - Icebreath? Someone else, maybe? - and then a sudden sharp pain anchoring itself around her backside.

Fear isn't quick to fill her - not until the apprentice tilts her gaze back and gawks at the beast that grips her. Talons scrape her sides, and wings several times larger than herself hold themselves outward, ready to take off once again. A hawk. A hawk. This'd be cool if she weren't to be taken by it! Cottonpaw finally let's out a screech of her own, the initial numb reaction fading quickly as terror instead makes itself at home in her chest. She twists as best she can, swiping needle-sharp claws feebly up towards the feathered beast, however with little luck. She can feel her legs leave the ground, little by little, as the hawk moves to take off again. She doesn't even have it in her to shout for help, limbs tensing up as she's unsure what she can do, if anything at all.

[ pls wait for @VULTUREMASK <3 also tagging @icebreath ! ]​

Vulturemask had been out on one of his sole-patrols in search of dandelions on the field. That was when he had noticed the shadow that fell on the ground alarming the medicine cat instantly. It didn't matter it had been months since then he would never forget the horror that shadow had brought to the moors. With some few dandelions in his mouth the medicine cat ducked down into some of the tall grass, his eyes growing small as he with intensitivity stared at the moving shadow. with unblinking eyes. With memories coming back the boiling rage did too. The body of this friend suddenly becoming fresh to his mind, too fresh. It was bringing back emotions to the surface that was difficult to comprehand and once more he could feel that dreadful thrist for revenge, to sink his teeth into featherly flesh. Vulturemask was not even aware of his own actions as his teeth tore into the flowers in his mouth claws digging deep into the dry dirt.

His mind where elsewhere, he was far gone into a dangerous place but with another figure showing themself up not far from his vision, dark smoke fur jumping ahead to target a rabbit which had somehow been there as well without the medicine cats notice. Vulturemask eyes grow wider as he turned his attention to the apprentice realising the danger that was about to happen. Fool. What was she doing?!. Hadn't she noticed the shadow above her!. Did she wish to die this early in life?. Vulturemask knew what was going to happen before it even did. With wide staring eyes the dark pelted tom watched as the hawk dived in for Sootstars daughter to grap her in their talons and was about to leave the ground.

Vulturemask could let this tragedy happen. Right there and then he could let this happen without him doing anything about it. Would for sure give him some sort of joy to watch the pain in Weaselclaws and Sootstars eyes to let them know what true despair felt like. He could do it, that selfish dark side of him said he should that this could be starclans way of punishing the evil queen of the moors. So why should he interfere with starclans will for?. However. Vulturemask had unfortunately to himself a consciousness still since his heart hadn't turned completely black yet.

If anything he knew for a fact that Rosepaw for sure would be against him just taking witness to the same fate to happen to another cat. that had happend to them. Starclan for sure wouldn't wish a death like this to befall a innocent life so this couldn't be their will, and he had made a promise to only use his paws to heal from now on, and to use his claws solely for the purpose to protect but never taking lives with them. That was his vow to his friend who always had believed something great would become of him one day. Your paws where never meant for destruction Lee, they where meant to heal and protect.

Such powerful words couldn't be ignored in this situation. His dark mindset bleaked away as he knew what he had to do and that was to take action. He wouldn't let Cottonpaw pay the prize for his personal grudge against her mother. He knew this wasn't what starclan wanted.

With a snarl the medicine cat stormed out through the tall grass the dandelions in his mouth previously having fall apart and left shattered behind as he sprinted himself with full speed towards the hawk and he didn't slow down as he lunged towards the hawks side to bite into one of its wings while at the same time using the power in his speed to knock the hawk over while biting into it's wing to prevent it from taking flight and regain its balance. Both of them stumbled to the ground as the hawk talons loose itself around Cottonpaw and Vulturemask tossed himself around with the hawk on the ground before he lost his grip around it.

Vulturemask mind was set into the game as he was quick to regain his footing and now stood there with fur bristling and snarling at the hawk that was recovering from the knock out. He took a threatening step forward and let out a vicious snarl at the featherly beast in warning ready to attack again if necessery. Fortunately, hawks where useless fighters on the ground and the hawk had enough. The hawk spread its wings and as it took off into the sky again Vulturemask charged forward to chase it right back into the sky again and used a paw to lash out at the back of it's feathers before it become unreachable for him and soon disappeared into the sky.


His pelt bristles wildly and the young apprentice storms over to his scene as the hawk vanishes into the sky. What had Cottonpaw even been doing?! The apprentice finds himself feeling more enraged than anything. A hint of relief was there that his sister hadn’t been turned to hawk food, but he was mad at her for even coming close to letting it happen. Not that Harrierpaw would’ve been no better at defending himself from the feathered foe or preventing the attack…

”You almost died.” He snorts at her, ”Leave the hill rabbit chasing for us training for it next time. Not only had she just died, but she had costed them that rabbit too! Someone more skilled, such as @Firefang should’ve been the one to chase it. At least after his sister’s demonstration he knew what not to do.

//his way of brotherly affection LMAOO


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· HARRIERKIT, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 3 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Bluepaw & Cottonpaw
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to Firefang
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Life doesn't discriminate
Adderpaw's own training with @SUNSTRIDE nearby halted the moment he heard the haunting screech and witnessed the hawk nearly make off with his sister. Bicolored paws tore across heather and moorland grass, racing the very winds themselves as Cottonpaw's scream propelled him forward. There was not much he could do against a predator so large, this he knew. But he refused to stand idle and do nothing about the situation. Thankfully, Vulturemask reached the bird before he could, knocking it off kilter and landing one more blow before the hawk retreated. Adderpaw's sides heave, sucking in much needed breath as he gives the dark healer a respectful nod of his head. A rare notion of thanks swimming within the depths of his eyes.

Moving around Harrierpaw, Adderpaw's gaze runs over the length of Cottonpaw's sides. Anger over the attack and relief that she was still alive easily read upon his features. "Are you alright?" He rumbles, taking another step forward. It was all he could manage as residual adrenaline wafted off of his body.
Between the sinners and the saints

If one were to ask Bluepool, she would say she is of the opinion that her sister had a bit too many kits. How would one be expected to look after a litter of 5? That just seemed ridiculous in her mind. To her, the perfect number for a litter was 3. It was the number in her own, all she-cats too. If she ever had kits perhaps she would get lucky and have three perfect little girls. Wouldn't that be something? Perhaps her sister is lucky though, this litter had older siblings that could help and once they became apprentices they were someone else's problem. Unfortunately, today, that someone else was the entirety of the clan it seemed.

She watches in horror as a cat is lifted off the ground in the distance, as Vulturemask flings himself at it and they go crashing. She lets out a cry but she is far away, too far to hope to make it in time. Without saying another word she takes off, a blue streak across the hills with her tattered tail flying behind her like a streamer. When she arrives, her niece is on the ground, with a couple of others surrounding her checking to make sure she is okay.

Her breathing is ragged from her mad dash against the moors but she manages to breathe out "You're... you're lucky Vulturemask was here" Her pale eyes flash to the dark-furred tom who she had been convinced wouldn't have lifted a claw to help her or any of her family members. Perhaps she had misjudged him... "Nothing broken?" she asks, attention drawing back to Cottonpaw. Her brothers have asked if she is okay too, but just to be sure...

// @Periwinklebreeze.

❪ TAGS ❫ — His pupils widened like moons as he watched the situation unfurl before his very eyes. Whether he liked Cottonpaw or not, seeing a clanmate being abducted by a bird of prey was an alarming sight and made him duck instinctively; what if there was another around?

Just in the nick of time, however, the feathered beast's plan had been foiled by none other than Vulturemask. The dark tom had fought the hawk off, effectively getting it to release Sootstar's daughter before it gave up and flew off.

He is distanced from Cottonpaw's kin, the only cat present who arguably cared the least about the tunneler apprentice's wellbeing, though he finds himself padding over anyway out of curiosity. She didn't appear to have any major injuries. How lucky had she been? "Yeah, tunnelers stay in the tunnels for a reason. That hawk could have made an easy meal out of you." Snakepaw was not the largest cat in the clan but he certainly wasn't as petite as a tunneler. In time, he would be a grown cat who would be able to fend off any bird of prey who dared to attempt kidnapping him.

"Saved by a medicine cat, no less..." He mutters out of earshot of Vulturemask, having learned his lesson from last time. Snakepaw had not been discouraged from uttering mean things, no, but now he knew to keep them under his breath in order to dodge the medicine cat's wrath.

A harrowing shriek splinters the moors' ambiance, bringing Moorpaw to a complete halt. It compels the furs along her neck and spine to stand on end, and her tail remains taut and motionless for the moments ensuing. Panic arises in the apprentice's throat, vanquishing her typical bravado and making her stiff as a boulder. Her mentor @TIGERFROST would find that her freeze response reigns dominant over the flight and fight ones, for she remained rooted to the spot, and unable to react until it's made clear she stood out of harm's grasp.

"Wha'sat?" she asks, turning to glimpse the brawny tom with glassy eyes. The sound could not be attached to any creature within her realm of imagination. It was unlike anything she'd heard before, and it sets the girl's nerves ablaze with an unshakeable fear. Nonetheless, she puts a stern effort in to swallow down the agitation; WindClan's reputation for bravery cannot be defied by a future warrior. StarClan would ask of her to assess the situation and help out her clanmates in need—and thus, the midnight-furred apprentice elects to do so.

Approaching on paws that were nominally apprehensive, her emerald gaze widens as she begins to grasp what has happened. A hawk, plummeting from out of nowhere and swooping Cottonpaw from the ground she stood upon, only to be saved by Vulturemask. She has Snakepaw to thank for relaying the series of events, but unfortunately for her fellow dark-toned apprentice, he'd made the fatal mistake of belittling her sister in the process. "Go make dirt somewhere else, won't you?" she challenges, ears swivelled backwards and eyes narrowed nastily. Is there a reason for his everlasting bitterness? She cannot muster a memory of the older tom being nice, no matter how hard she racked her brain for it. "You're like a RiverClan cat, so unhappy. Maybe you should ask if Cottonpaw's okay instead of being mean."

It's a scary thought, her sister being added to a hawk's fresh-kill pile, but she cannot deny that the conjured image of it is a little amusing.


venomthroat | 26 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
Comfortably hidden within the tall grasses like a viper waiting to strike, at first the shadow does not send warning bells ringing through they're mind. They are rather large after all, and they have dealt with hawks before. They are confident that any such bird would at least have a hard time carrying them off. And then they take note of the predators target - cottonpaw. The foolish apprentice is above ground for some reason, chasing after a rabbit so clumsily they would laugh in any other circumstance. Instead, they're on their paws in a heartbeat.

They don't even get the time to act however before the medicine cat seems to appear from nowhere and take over without pause, scaring off the now injured bird with his ferocity. Long shadowy limbs stalk forwards as though a wolf bearing down upon prey. "Idiot child! What would you have done had vulturemask not been there! This is why you should be under the dirt, where you belong-," (where it's safe) they snap, voice so far past it's usual rumble that it is now a growl. They're more concerned than they'd ever admit - after all, the foolish child was one of the more tolerable ones. Bright and shiny, like the sun. Or perhaps more aptly, like a little baby chick. Tch. The scent of blood is already tangible in the air.

Suddenly, they are surrounded by annoying children, and they are reminded way they usually hate them. A large paw comes bearing down upon snakepaw without a second thought, aiming to thump him on the head without even turning to look at him. "Quiet," they grumble, ignoring the childs siblings even as they try to peep up in the helpless chicks defense. Were they not the leaders children, harrierpaw would be on the receiving end as well but they settle for a glare instead. Bluepool and Vulturemask seem to have the situation in hand finally, and they're at the end of their limited social patience. "Someone make sure she makes it back to camp safely," they say finally, stalking off like the shadow they are without another word.

It's moments - minutes can't even qualify in how quickly the motions process beyond Cottonpaw's understanding. She's frantic, terrified, pained - there's hissing, and she's on the ground again, and the pain hasn't stopped - unruly black fur stands near her (over her?) and long claws flash, scraping on feathery flesh - and - and - and -

It's a breath. A single breath that Cottonpaw finally exhales when she finally gathers her bearings, and even then she's struggling to keep it all together. The sounds of the hawk's wings pound harder in her ears than the insanely loud beating of her heart. Her eyes can't even budge from Vulturemask, trying to comprehend that the tom saved her. She doesn't knock the fact that he's a healer, given the stories he's told her about his past - but she struggles, nonetheless, to even garner the idea of needing to be saved.

Another breath - her brothers are here? Where did they come from? Harrierpaw's frustration feels heavy on her shoulders, and she feels like crying - like crying. She's a child of Sootstar and Weaselclaw, she does not cry. Does she? Harrierpaw wouldn't be happy if she did, she thinks. Her eyes sting. Adderpaw's voice sounds as if she's under water and he's above it, however his question troubles her still. Did the hawk maul her? Is she like Juniperfrost, now? A useless husk? She hasn't said anything (she doesn't think she can. She's stuck.) so maybe she is dead. Maybe Vulturemask didn't save her.

More. More more more - an aunt. Bluepool, even - out of breath, but from what? Is the hawk coming back? Is it coming back? No, no, the pale tabby simply ran here, like most of them did. All of them. She struggles with exhaling properly as her aunt notes her luck - and like Adderpaw, she questions if the child is okay. Is she? Stunned, Cottonpaw can't feel how her sides and a portion of her back slowly leak blood. Some scrapes are superficial, though any warrior would be able to see that a long scar would form along her backside, regardless of the care she receives now. She mumbles something, but no words truly pass through her lips.

Snakepaw - glancing at the black tom does little to calm her. He doesn't rile her up either, however - perhaps for the better, she finds herself neutral on him in her panicked state. Moorpaw (when did she get here?) looks to him and snaps something, and Venomthroat cuffs him over the ear. All she can figure is that he hasn't said anything nice. But when does he? She finds normalcy in his apathy, swallowing thickly and trying to ground herself somehow with the idea that since Snakepaw isn't worried, then maybe things are okay. It doesn't work, but she still tries.

Venomthroat is gone before Cottonpaw can properly process any bit of what they had to say, but much of it reverberates in her mind. It mixes with the thudding of her heart, the flapping of wings, rushing of blood, hissing, screeching, pain - "I just -" she tries to swallow again, to ground herself, but she can't. Cottonpaw's claws arch into the ground and her eyes stare in the distance, through most anything and everything. She can't process it all - so she won't. Not this second, anyways. "I need to go home," she decides, but her paws don't move. The smell of iron is in the air, but she tells herself its the hawk's. Vulturemask did a number on it, surely - that's why it didn't take her away. She feels woozy. "I need to go home," she repeats.​
  • Crying
Weaselclaw is out on the moors with @sparkpaw. , the two of them practicing stalking, when the unholy shriek of a hawk slices the sky in two. The tabby's fur begins to bristle uncomfortably -- he's all too familiar with the deadly beasts, having led a patrol to drive the feathered bastards away. They had preyed on WindClan before, and with resentment he turns away from his training session and scans the horizon for danger.

Blue eyes widen with terror. The creature dives, talons stretched toward a small gray shape's back. He recognizes the soft markings, the turquoise flare of her terrified eyes, and his heart begins to hammer violently behind his chest. "COTTONPAW!" He watches helplessly, too far to do anything but watch as his youngest daughter is carried off to be eaten like prey.

Despite knowing its futility, he races away from Sparkpaw, not knowing or caring in this moment if the dark-furred tom is following him. The blood roars in his ears; it seems the earth falls away beneath his limbs as they stretch and release repeatedly. He won't reach her. Cottonpaw is dead--

A black streak collides with the bird, feathers flying in a circular storm. Weaselclaw cannot tell who it is until he is closer, until his other Clanmates have gathered. It's Vulturemask who has saved his daughter's life.

He trembles, from the adrenaline and from stark relief. Weaselclaw rushes to Cottonpaw, who is shocked, quiet, murmuring that she wants to go home. He presses his cheek against her's, suppressing tears and near-failing. An observant cat would see the silver gleam in his eyes. "Thank StarClan," he whispers hoarsely. He had never been so scared in his life, not at Smokethroat's claws, not at Cicadastar's fangs, not at the talons of a hawk himself.

The tabby looks up, looks at Vulturemask, the cat who has never had a kind word for him. In this moment, it doesn't matter. He had saved Cottonpaw's life. Weaselclaw, still trembling, dips his head to the medicine cat. "Thank you," he says, leaning to nuzzle his daughter gently again. "We should -- we should get her back to camp."

He swallows around the lump in his throat. "Can you walk, Cottonpaw? We'll help you all the way."

  • Crying
Reactions: cottonsprig

Vulturemask mind had went black the moment he had leapt at the hawk to tussle with them on the ground. The moment he had tasted their flesh it was like he had been reliving that moment all over again. The horror of finding Rosepaw's comatose body, how he later had died because of the injures the hawk had inflected on them. How his whole world had just stopt after that tragedy and all he had felt was rage. In that short moment of battle with that hawk had had felt all of that again. Now he stood there glaring after where the hawk had went as this unpleasant memories haunted him.

He was like that until he felt something hot run down his check. Vulturemask would blink as he slowly lifted up a paw to wipe away whatever was running down his face and to his discovery stared down at his own blood. Turned out he hadn't come out unscratched from that battle. The hawk could have clawed him with their talons or pricked him with their beak. Didn't really matter which neither had he paid attention to it during the fight.

Suddenly his ears would perk up finally leaving his trance and realising he was not alone on the moors. The medicine cat would turn his attention out over the crowd but he looked past them all to direct his focus on Cottonpaw. She was the only one importand to him right now. The rest and their noisy voices was reaching deaf ears. Snakepaw should be grateful for that although Venomthroat had done a well good job to handle that to begin with.

Vulturemask started to move towards Cottonpaw acknowledging Adderpaw nod of gratitude towards him for saving their sister but didn't respond to it. Bluepool he paid little attention to as he made himself past the rest even the worried siblings until his eyes landed on Weaselclaw who much to his own suprise thanked him for saving their daughters life. Vulturemask would do nothing but give a nod of his head back before his attention once more was on Cottonpaw. Now he stood in front of her alongside the others his eyes moving around her body in search for life threatening injures, priotizing that right now over Cottonpaw's fragile state. Leaning down his head he would sniff her which gave him enough information for the time being. He lifted his head back up, a ear flickering in agreement with Weaselclaw.

" Harrierpaw, Adderpaw and Moorpaw, help your sister back to my den." he instructed the young apprentices thinking they could help and encourage their sister to move. His gaze then shifted to the remaining ones, Bluepool and Snakepaw, although Weaselclaw was also included in this he would let the lead warrior decide on his own where he wished to be here. " The rest keep your eyes at the sky....sometimes this featherly beats fly in packs...i'm counting on you to protect our backs." at least they had done back then and he did not wish to take any risks. " Now lets hurry and bring her back home, " where Cottonpaw wished to be right now, and where he wanted her to be. Far away from the moors and the hawks. Vulturemask turned after he had made sure Cottonpaw was back on her paws again or at least getting the assist she needed, and as he started walking unbothered by the blood that keept on running down from his face. He was determined to not lose her like he had done with Rosepaw.

Not again. Never again.


Harrierpaw witnesses the emotion in his sister’s eyes grow shiny as if tears threaten to pour out of them. This makes the earthen hued apprentice feel a twinge bad, but he assures himself his harsh words were needed. Cottonpaw had been careless, and her carelessness has costed the clan. Others may treat her like a kit, but he would not. He looks at Snakepaw with admiration, happy to know an older apprentice shares his sentiment, though he winces when the Tom is cuffed along the head. Would Venomthroat dare do that to Harrierpaw? Still, the Tom stood quiet.

Vulturemask eventually instructs him to help Cottonpaw back home, Adderpaw and Moorpaw are also instructed with this task. The apprentice nods, ”Let’s go.” little softness rests in his voice.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· HARRIERKIT, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 3 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Bluepaw & Cottonpaw
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to Firefang
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.