Fairweather friends | Riverclan patrol


The heat, unbroken by a storm, is already baring its teeth in the early hours of the morning. The air feels clammy, heat a physical weight on their backs despite the covers of grey clouds heavy with unspent rain. As much as he disliked the high winds, Snakeblink finds himself missing them. As it is he can only hope that the tension will break soon, washing the forest clean — and take a dip in their blessedly fresh waters in the meantime. There are many benefits to being a river cat and this is the most precious one in the hot season.

”Let’s refresh the scent markers, and then we can stop and cool down for a moment,” he calls to his patrol, stepping onto the wet sand of the riverside. ”Don’t dawdle though. We should aim to return to camp before the sun is too high.”

His sharp eyes glance over the opposite bank, thoughtful. They’ve found no signs of Skyclan’s missing lead yet — but he wasn’t exactly holding out much hope. What reason would the looming tom have to cross the river, after all?

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Crawlingroach @Sneezefur. @frogpaw patrol tag, you don't need to wait for river replies
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

The heat is oppressive today. Blazestar pants, lifting his tail to halt his patrol. “We should drink before we continue.” He doesn’t want any of them—including himself—having to be escorted to Dawnglare because of heat exhaustion. The Ragdoll leads the way to the river’s edge, bending to lap at the rolling waters. A flicker of movement catches his eye on the opposite bank, and RiverClan’s briney scent hits his nose.

Hello, Snakeblink,” he says politely, drawing himself up into a sitting position. He still isn’t sure where he stands with RiverClan, but Cicadastar hasn’t turned his infamous Gathering rants on him yet, so he feels they are at least neutral. “I hope everything’s going alright. And everyone's staying on their side of the border.” He wrinkles his nose, referencing RiverClan’s recent fight with WindClan.


⭒✧ Spine low in the heat, Chalk tried his best to stick to the meagre shade that flecked their path. Patroling was new to him, as the twoleg presence normally dissuaded other cats from trying to occupy his space in the learningplace. Other loners didn't seem to appreciate the insight into twoleg knowledge as he did.

"Good call," he trilled in response to Blazestar's suggestion, chin already brushing the shallows. The chill and mineral taste was refreshing, the only annoyance being the insects that skimmed the water's surface. Chalk's tufted ears flicked. The sandstone leader spoke up to a cat across the way, one gone unnoticed until then. Eyes slim to the sun, he watched the exchange carefully.

With a dipped cheek of well wishes, the tom followed up with a clean-spoken query, "Does the heat dry out the river much?" Was asking after another clan's territory inappropriate? Chalk tried to keep his curiosity plain to see, lacking animosity.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒


"Best idea I've heard all day, sir." replied Johnny with a half-grin, gaze catching Scorchedpaws as he nodded toward the river to encourage the other to go ahead and drink. "Just mind the edge. I don't think our neighbors would be all too happy about having to fish you out." he instructed the apprentice good naturedly as he made his way to the waters edge.

As amber-gold eyes landed on the Riverclanners across the water, he flicked an ear in greeting toward the group. "The heat almost makes you miss the wind, aye?" he mused as he settled down to drink. He didn't know the answer to Chalks question so he didn't try and answer it, though he was definitely curious as to what the response would be. He'd never really thought about the river drying up before, but he supposed it would make sense- he'd seen enough twoleg ponds and pools with dropping water levels after several days of heat. It wasn't unreasonable to think the same thing could happen to the river.

Obligatory tag for @>Scorchedpaw




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Even with the canopy above as a shield, Figfeather still felt the rays of the sun burn into her back. She’s managed to catch a squirrel that had been too distracted eating seed, but that hunt alone had been enough to tire her out… As she reunites to follow her patrol she wonders how WindClan copes… it was a miracle they were not torched alive by this heat!

The idea of a drink brings back the hop in her step, ”Read my mind!” she agrees in unison with Chalk. Yet as they approach RiverClan’s scent grew thick, the patrol was aware of their presence before even spotting them. Figfeather would dip her head in polite greeting before tilting her chin to the water to get a drink.
SKY HIGHHaving a dark pelt was a major downside when it came to hot days with a burdening sun. Fortunately it was early morning and he could just about tolerate the duty given to him. Crawlingroach padded along the cooler sands as he followed Snakeblink's lead, marking reeds and whatever else as he went. Though it really wasn't long until SkyClan made an appearance, and Blazestar's meaning didn't miss his ears. "Oh, we're fine. And don't worry your pretty lil' heads about stuff like that." It's not like SkyClan worried about ThunderClan's lack of respect for borders and territory.

"Yeah, sometimes the heat lowers the water, but it never disappears." Crawlingroach certainly couldn't imagine the river ever disappearing entirely. If it ever did... well, he dreaded to think what extremes a hungry clan would resort to. The tom twitched his tail as he gave Chalk another glance before hurrying along so he could continue his work.
Silversmoke moved his maw and it felt like sandpaper rubbing sandpaper. Arid from the day's journey, he offered a hungry eye to the river and the shapes trailing just below the surface and found himself longing more for the former. Permission from Blazestar couldn't have come soon enough and, with a quiet nod, he settled in a lonely place by the water's surface and lapped at it as if it were his last drink. Thick fur had proved a boon in newleaf, but when the days were longer and warmer, it was like being trapped inside a smoldering fire. His nest, littered with pale fur, had begun to spill out to the beds beside him, much to the chagrin of his neighbours. Regardless, their comfort was at the back of his mind whilst on patrol. Cocking his head upwards, Silversmoke's pointed gaze locked onto the RiverClan patrol like a hawk, quietly observing them as they talked with his clan. He stood up slowly and flicked his tail in greetings, licking the lingering moisture from the corners of his mouth. "Let's hope it never will disappear, for both our sakes," he huffed. Puddles disappearing in the sun made sense, but a whole river? Asinine, utterly asinine.