Jan 10, 2024
✧✧ The day is bright, the wind is calm, and Sangriakit is in a good mood. She’s been watching the warriors come in and out of camp all day, wondering where all of them come from. SkyClan is way more open to strangers than the other clans, and so there are a lot more warriors in SkyClan who haven’t lived here forever. It’s easy to keep herself entertained with thoughts of how each and every one of them came to be here. And in her efforts to find the perfect cats to share her ideas with, she’s cornered two warriors in front of the nursery. She keeps them pinned to the spot with wide green eyes and keeping them interested with a stream of nonsensical conclusions that she’s drawn from the actions of their clanmates.

"Do you guys know where cats like… uh… Cloudberrythorn come from?" The tom’s fascination with the trees is odd, because he doesn’t just climb them—he talks to them, too! And he wasn’t always in SkyClan, ‘cause some of the older cats said he was a daylight warrior. But he didn’t come from the twolegplace, the little torbie has decided. "’Cause I heard he’s actually… actually like a tree! For real! He came from the dirt. What if I came from the dirt, too? Would I get cool powers, like tree powers?" Or maybe that would be… leaf powers?

// @Honeysplash @Flora feel free to post before those two !!
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Sangriakit’s cornering was a welcomed surprise, Flora had been chatting Honeysplash’s ear off about what random things had happened at her home with her housefolk when she was stopped in front of the nursery. The wide green eyes of the kit were met with Flora’s own half closed green eyes, twinkling in amusement as she listened to her speak. The daylight warrior personally loved to gossip, she thought it was a great form of bonding with another. She especially loved outlandish gossip, how could ones feelings be hurt if the topic being discussed had no possibility at all to be true?

“I don’t know where cats like Cloudberrythorn come from!” She tucked her tail beneath her to stop it from swatting at the floor beside her. A lazy smile spread across her maw as she ducked her head so Sangriakit wouldn’t have to crane her neck as high up if she wanted to look at the maine coon. In reality, she was aware of where he actually came from but she was more than willing to suspend her disbelief and enjoy the storyline that Sangriakit was weaving before her. “Like a tree? Does that mean that he’s going to start growing leaves soon?” she asked in a hushed whisper. What would tree powers even look like? “Do you think his fur is actually like leaves? Maybe it falls out during leaf bare” she mused out loud, more than happy to add fuel to the fire of Sangriakit’s tree theory.

The daylight warrior stuck her tongue out in mock disgust at the idea of coming from the dirt “I’d hate to come from the dirt, I’d rather come from the same way Eggshellbloom came from” she paused for dramatic effect. In reality she was trying to think on the spot about what she could possibly say. “I heard that he came from a cloud passing by Skyclan, big and fluffy! That’s why he has those white patches, that's a gift from his cloud parents.” she declared with a nod “You’d think he came from an egg but nope! I wish I came from a cloud.”

Candorkit is... bored. And when he's bored, and has sneak - attacked another kit that day already, he goes to see what the older kits are doing. Curious as to whatever Sangriakit was mewing about, Candorkit wanders over to the nurseries entrance. She was talking to Flora! Flora always had interesting things to say. So interesting, that he didn't always understand... but if he was gonna be SkyClan's best warrior, he was gonna have to understand. So he tries very very hard to, listening to them both with pricked ears.

...There is no weakness in asking questions some times, as long as you're not asking too many. One is okay. " What do you mean, cats like Cloudberrythorn? " cats that... also had very long names? Sangriakit wasn't very long. Only a little bit. " I'm not like Cloudberrythorn am I? I'm not a tree. " Everything Flora proposes sounds scary and weird. Leaf fur? Fur only in half the seasons? He shakes his head, making a grossed out face. That can't be it... Can it?

" Where did Eggshellbloom come from? " He guesses he's like Cloudberrythorn, because he also had a very long name. " A cloud? " Candorkit looks at the sky, as if he'd glimpse a cat dropping from one like rain right then and there. Did he have not - cloud parents, and cloud parents? " Doesn't he miss his cloud parent? " Candorkit asks. After a moment of thinking, he asks, " ...Is Blazestar my cloud parent? " ...He had been a cat once, hadn't he been? " Will I get cloud powers? "
"wild hearts run"
Radiokit was all for stories. He loved listening to Statichaze tell him and Glitchkit stories of the clan before they'd arrived from their two-leg den. Listening intently to the wild tales being told of cats coming from trees and clouds, his amber eyes grew wider and wider. "Blazestar is totally your cloud parent," He was nearly bouncing with excitement thinking about it. "Ooh, Wha'bout you Flora? Where did you come from?" He chirped,
° 。‧˚⋅˚✧。゚・° 。‧˚⋅
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- They had been settled down outside of the nursery with Flora at their side, licking at their chest fur and over the three scars across it. The young warrior though stopped and glanced up at he small presence of Sangriakit could be felt and those green eyes stared at them with a strange determination. What could the young kit be up to now? Though to their surprise they asked where Cloudberrythorn came from then proceeded to say their brother came from a tree and had- powers? Their brow furrowed at the idea though it was more amusement than anything else.

Flora then took to saying that Cloudberry shed his leaves every leaf bare and his fur was made of leaves. Blue leaves? That’d be a sight to see. Her chocolate friend then went on with Eggshellbloom and him coming from the clouds and cloud parents. This had her almost snickering but she tried to keep it together for the sake of not hurting a kits feelings. It seemed like a rather serious question.

Candorkit, followed by Radiokit, also came over and the young Bobbie kit asked if Blazestar was his cloud parent and if they would get cloud powers. Their gaze softened slightly at that as it made their heart wrench a little. Poor little guy. Though Radiokit seemed on board with the whole ‘cloud parent’ thing and they smiled a little at the thought. Sounded better to have a parent in the clouds than in Silverpelt only at night. Clouds could be all day.

Oh Flora came from the rock pile!” Honeysplash spoke matter-o-factory to the kits and grinned at her friend, “Where do you think the brown fur comes from? Like a snake! I hear at night she shifts with cool snake powers and disappears into the rock pile” She was, of course, only joking with her friend.

  • 78199381_aoTXrQHcRsrwjrB.png
  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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𓆝 . ° ✦ Weedkit thinks this conversation is awfully ridiculous. At the same time, though, he finds himself pondering where he might have come from too. If brown cats come from rocks and white marks come from clouds, what does that say about where Weedkit comes from? Perhaps they would say he came from a magpie or chickadee. Worst case scenario they might say he came from the shadows or a creek. Ultimately, Weedkit decides that he does not want to chance knowing what his peers have to say about his hypothetical origin.

Weedkit sidles over to sit with his cousin, Sangriakit, and turns an expectant look to Flora when Radiokit asks where she comes from. Honeysplash's answer is insufficient for the young tom. He wants to know from Flora herself where she thinks she comes from, and thereby what "powers" she has inherited.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!

The tom had little idea of what he had stumbled upon, the conversation was not meant for a feline of his disposition and yet, stuck in camp until his next patrol, he found himself suctioned into it anyways. There was back-and-forth talk of cats coming from... trees? Clouds? Rocks? It didn't take long for him to realise that it was only the Daylight Warriors that seemed to come from inanimate objects in the imagination of his clanmates, briefly, he wondered where Sangriakit thought she had come from. 'Probably a bush... she strikes me as a bush cat.' There was a total pause in the spotted tabby's thoughts, heat rising to his ears as his tail began to lash. 'Wait, what in StarClan's name am I even saying? This is mousebrained.' It was as if he thought StarClan would smite him down if they caught him having fun, and the truth wasn't too far off - though instead of SkyClan he feared it to be the cats he was supposed to protect and manage. Despite his protests, the Lead Warrior moved closer toward Flora, paws shuffling uncomfortably beneath him as he reclined onto his haunches.

He closed his eyes as he spoke, perhaps if he did not see them, he could pretend he was talking to himself. "Eggshell's cloud mom and dad watch him all the time, they're clouds." The joke was deadpan, almost too deadpan to even be a joke, but the shuffle of a natural grimace suggested that Silversmoke was trying. "I... too wish I was a cloud. I came from a fire instead, I can shoot fire from my eyes but only when no one else is looking... it's not a very cool power." Quietly, he turned to Flora for guidance.

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Briefly Flora panicked internally, trying to figure out how to navigate the conversation's brief dip to Blazestar, Radiokit unknowingly rescues the conversation by unabashed kit excitement and that sets the concern aside. The maine coon is more than pleased when the ‘gossip’ resumes, a dramatic gasp sounded from her as she stared at Honeysplash. Raising a paw to her chest in mock offense “Honeysplash!” She exclaimed, sounding scandalised. “The kits were never supposed to hear about my snake powers, you were supposed to lie” she chastised them while trying and failing to hide her grin. “Its true, It's why I'm so fluffy, it's to hide all the scales on my skin” she raised her tail and shook it slightly.

“My snake body is kind of like my tail but without the fur, this is a reaaaally big secret so I'm trusting all of you to do a better job at hiding it than Honeysplash” Her tail lowered and tucked itself underneath herself again. She chuckled and gave her friend a light hearted glare as she did so. The maine coon was too invested in teasing her friend that she hadn't noticed Silversmoke sit beside her until he spoke.

His attempt at a joke admittingly fell a little flat but she couldn't help but laugh along with it. It was an impressive feat to even see him join in on the fun. There was a mischievous glint to her eyes as she turned to look at him then to look at the crowd of kits. “You came from a fire? Is that why your fur is so silver? Must be from all that smoke- wait has your name been a hint this whole time!?” she exclaimed in surprise, more than happy to extend the idea further. The last thing she wanted from this surprise appearance from Silversmoke was for him to walk away from it doubting himself “no way shooting fire from your eyes is so cool! I wish I could shoot fire from my eyes." She paused, thinking about the hypothetical cloud parents a little more. "Do you think if we all asked his cloud parents nicely they could make us all clouds too?”

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Oooh a crowd! Sangriakit is proud of herself, now—many clanmates have made their way over to listen to her cool, fresh news about Cloudberrythorn! Flora asks whether his tree origins mean that Cloudberrythorn is going to grow leaves, or if his fur falls out when it gets cold, but Sangriakit doesn’t think so. She shakes her head, murmuring, "Noooo, I think he’s just weird." Of course, to the torbie, weird is a positive thing, because weird is different and bees and interesting. And weird also includes Eggshellvloom, who apparently came from a cloud instead of an egg, as his name suggests. "Whoa, a cloud?" Candorkit asks whether he has a cloud parent, and of course he does! Sangriakit is about to jump in and tell the younger kit that his cloud parent is none other than Blazestar himself, but Candorkit reaches that conclusion all on his own. Radiokit agrees, and the cinnamon torbie nods rapidly. "Of course you’ll get cloud powers, Candorkit! Maybe you already have them?"

Then Radiokit asks where Flora came from, and Honeysplash is quick to jump in with a response. Flora is from the rock pile, like a snake! The black tabby does look kind of snake-y… and she even says it herself! Wide green eyes shift to Weedkit, wondering if her cousin is as surprised by this as she is. "A snake? I wanna see!" Flora is a cat, but also a snake? Sangriakit can hardly believe it! She wants to see it, even though Honeysplash said it only happens at night. "Don’t worry Flora, we can keep your snake secret real good!" Sangriakit is an amazing secret-keeper, after all. She would never tell anyone that one of her clanmates is secretly a whole different creature!

When Silversmoke approaches, the kit expects some of his typical meanness. He’s probably gonna tell them that they’re being silly, and that real SkyClanners always have sticks in their tails, or something like that. But then… he doesn’t! Instead, the big silvery lead warrior says he wishes he was a cloud, like Eggshellbloom’s parents! And he has a cool power of his own, like Flora. And just like Flora, he can’t show them all right now. But Sangriakit wants to see it right now! "Silversmoke, you have powers too?!" The kit’s eyes grow round as the moon with surprise. "I didn’t know you were cool! Show me your cool powers!" Remembering that he’d said he can only do his cool fire eyes, she slaps a snowy paw over her eyes.

  • ooc:
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAKIT ❯❯ she/her, daylight kit of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
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