camp FAITH ETERNAL - discussion


Jul 10, 2023
Those who had volunteered were far braver than Evergreenbloom believed she could ever be. Even if she had become more confident in recent moons, even if she had begun to see praise as what it was rather than a lie, she still lacked the courage to be able to send herself off into the unknown for the good of her Clan. The most she could see herself doing was giving her dosage of lungwort to someone else if she had been sick, but that was a position she had not been put it.

But there was work to be done now. With cats gone, those who stayed needed to step up., work twice as hard in their steed. They needed to believe that their Clanmates would come back, that StarClan would guide them to their destination and back home. It was for that reason that she had asked around if anyone would want to chat about plans for how they could work harder - and smarter - while their clanmates were gone.

"I... I shouldn't really... take charge here... I'm young, and... and not very experienced but..." she began, nervously scanning over the others in the group. "I just thought... maybe it'd be a good idea to think how we can make sure that they return to a ThunderClan that has worked hard and improved in what it could. Maybe it's silly but... we should... we should work harder. Times like this are when it counts the most that we work together, right?"

// @dreampaw + feel free to have any of your characters that are not currently ill and are not going on the journey be part of the conversation group or hop in once they see whats going on, even if they're not a warrior.



A wavering voice with a call to action. Spottedpaw padded over to join Evergreenbloom. If she was in camp, she was always quick to move to her feet when someone raised their voice or when the gossip became juicy. ”Work harder,” she thought aloud. Her tone was almost in disagreement. If they could work harder. She narrowed her eyes. Maybe she could. Things felt emptier with many clanmates gone – having left either by illness or by heroic choice. Spottedpaw tried to keep her spirit up and a great way to distract oneself was to retreat into good ole hard work.

She shifted her now rounded and clear eyes to the fawn warrior. ”I agree,” she mewed decidedly. ”Let’s keep our heads up even if they’re gone.”

  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇


Flycatcher wasn't meaning to snoop. The deputy was walking past when he caught some of Evergreenbloom and Spottedpaw's discussion. With quite a few of their clanmates missing, it was going to be a bit of a struggle managing patrols and hunting parties, so Flycatcher was impressed to see some of the younger members of the clan wanting to do more to help out. "I'm impressed to see you both wanting to help out so much," Flycatcher mewed, giving the younger cats an appreciative nod. "In these strange times, it's important we stick together. Just know your willingness to help out more and keep things running around camp is very much appreciated."

He admired Evergreenbloom’s initiative, even if she was shaky in her confidence at times. Gathering a group of clanmates to discuss matters after the journey cats had recently departed took a kind of group management skill that Dreampaw simply didn’t have.

It was with sweaty paws and pelt dirty from rolling around the Sandy Hollow earlier that day he joins Evergreenbloom, Spottedpaw, and Flycatcher with a dip of his head. ”Haha, Thunderclan will endure like the evergreen for which you are named in a leaf-bare storm…even with clanmates ill and others in far away lands,” Dreampaw voices his zealous and cryptic approval to Evergreen’s proposal to step up in a powerful voice, ”The Dark Warrior will personally train and hunt twice as hard.”

Dreampaw was sure he could work harder, but more work meant less time for pranks which wasn’t preferable. Perhaps he could put mischief on hold for a bit until the clan was more cheerful. Surprising his clanmates while they were down seemed lowly even for the Dark Warrior. He didn’t speak it but he knew the available cats to provide for the clan was dwindling…either having left to search for the cure in the mountains or by being struck delirious by the aggressive yellowcough. It was another one, Spiderlily, who had fallen ill just the other day. It seemed they’d have to put their claws where their mouths were very, very soon.

  • ooc : — ​

  • DREAMPAW / t a g s
    9 moons / ftm trans (he/him)
    thunderclan apprentice / small dark tortoiseshell cat with hazel eyes.
    primary character / played by yamitisane
    powerplay of healing & minor offensive actions (shoving, slapping, small cuts, etc) allowed

    dreampaw is a genius and eccentric cat whose sole focus is becoming stronger than he already is. he’s enthusiastic, entertaining, and loves pranks. however his looks can be deceiving as he is also aggressive and arrogant and frustratingly has the talent to make certain his words don’t go unfounded. he has a fiery and wicked gaze, speaks with a deeper voice than his appearance would suggest, has an evil laugh, and calls himself the ‘Dark Warrior.’


He heard the prattling, loud words of an apprentice before he saw the small gathering- but a familiar blue-tabby pelt was what truly called him over. Uneven eyes blinked in slow, silent greeting, and he settled into a certain peacefulness- even as Prattles spoke boisterously of ThunderClan's prosperity. His tail curled around white toed paws, for now a silent observer. Work harder. He was sure they were already attempting it...

"If you happen to find a beehive, let me know." Of course Berryheart had been looking, too- but as greenleaf bronzed into leaf-fall, they became harder to find. Honey was rather essential in lungwort's absence, to stave of the symptoms that would whittle down a soul. If they wanted something else to keep in mind... that was what he would offer.

The tortoiseshell tom had faith in his Clan, however. There was a reason he had been given the prophecy regarding sustaining the creeper vine... ThunderClan had to foster the five Clans. It was a heavy burden, but one he knew Big Mama was as intent on carrying as he was.
*:・゚✧ To be honest he didn't volunteer because he didn't think he was ready for such a trip. He knew his limitations and what good was an older apprentice who couldn't help very well or fight, so he would just end up causing trouble not only for his clanmates, but the other cats from other clans. The last thing he wanted was for Howlingstar to receive news when he returned that he had caused so much trouble. Besides, he couldn't leave his best friend Dreampaw behind! Coughs, the dark warrior he means.

Evergreenbloom has gathered them somehow, heck! he's impressed how the warrior managed to wrangle in spottedpaw, dreampaw, Berryheart, and him. Even though he himself had pretty much finished with training today and wanted to chat with Dreampaw. So he wasn't really here for her, but he did pick up what this was about from his best friend.

Gingerpaw himself doesn't have much input, or is his silence agreement? Berryheart almost seems to ask for them to look for a Beehive. No way! B-bees... They sting! Also why are they so many of them?! They look freaky covering something. He can't help but shiver, but his fellow clanmates were correct. With how many more cats ended up in the medicine cat den, they needed any and all paws to make sure Thunderclan survived.

The red tom would sit up straight and give Berryheart a salute, "I'll go look for a beehive!" With Shiningsun of course. Afterwards he turns his attention to Evergreenbloom. "hey, actually what do we need? How much prey we have, and how much will it last? maybe we can focus more on other things like helping Berryheart find stuff! we're no medicine cats, but berryheart is one cat!" Maybe... Maybe he is speaking too much over things that are not his place. And by no means does he want to offend Berryheart. What he simply means is that just because they don't know anything about medicine doesn't mean they should let Berryheart shoulder finding resources all on his own.