faith, should I take a leap? | thistleback


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
I won't apologize for being who I am
Paws carried the boy swiftly over the meeting grounds once the gathering news commenced. Everyone would be glued to the latest events spilling from leader's lips and he would use this opportunity to finish speaking with Thistleback. Eyes of cool mint finally land upon the spiky urchin, his starclan given father. Coyote's pace quickens to close the gap between them, sealing it with a light pounce of collision. Cream forearms embrace the steely tom in a hug, a thunderous purr tearing from his throat as hot tears gather relentlessly within the corners of his eyes. His grip tightens, almost afraid to let him go lest he disappear into vapor. "I've missed much." He chokes between a sob, still holding on though the death grip begins to slacken. "She was right...she was. I hate it there. The things I've seen, the stuff they do. I can't take it anymore dad, I can't." He confesses in shuddering whispers, months of bottled emotion now uncorked and spilling forth. In this moment he finally did not feel the need to be strong, he could let himself melt into the vulnerable child he was alongside his father.

The mixture of other clan scents around him is a reminder that he does not have much time and so with visible reluctance, he lets go. Paws wipe at flowing tears that he now wished would stop, doing his best to compose himself once more so he could talk proper. "I never really wanted to leave. But on that day when I saw how quick a fight nearly broke out," A long sigh heavy with remorse falls from his lips. "I thought I was doing the right thing. Appeasing them to keep you all from getting hurt. But in the end, she still used me to harm everyone." Coyotepaw pin his ears, gaze falling to the ground below while his tail hugs his side. "Every time I try to fix a situation I break something else..." The screams and cries of the raid still haunted him. How could anyone from skyclan apart from Thistleback and Deersong possibly want him back. (@ThistleBack)
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
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