pafp FALL DOWN 𓆟 forgotten food

[ pls wait for @SANDPAW ♡ this is for tilapia!! she's found a half eaten burger washed ashore in camp :') ]

Splashpaw lingers in the shade of a willow tree, a splay of fish bones picked clean before her. She's settled in a crowd of apprentices, listening as the conversation flows between warrior names, hunting patrols, the twoleg issue hopefully being gone. Her first few weeks in RiverClan were more eventful than she figured, but at least it wasn't all bad. She seems to have made some friends - even if some are only friendly with her because they'll be escaping the drama soon for warriorhood.

As the conversation shifts yet again, Splashpaw lets a breeze tussle her curly fur. A scent tickles her nose - something foul smelled and rotten, but it garners her curiosity nonetheless. "Do you guys smell that..." she starts, eyebrows pinching together as she stands to look over at the nearby river. Of all that's washed ashore, in the recent moon, Splashpaw cannot say that she's seen anything edible (though most would say that's debatable.) Whatever this is, it smells like it was good once, but now is waterlogged and falling to pieces. Splashpaw blinks, and she pitches a quieter, "D'you think it's safe to eat..." to the nearest cat.

It's not. She knows it's not. But food is food, right?
ꕀꕀ Unlike some of his clanmates, the pale tortoiseshell doesn’t really mind the new apprentice’s presence. She isn’t hurting anyone by being here, and she isn’t especially annoying, so Sandpaw sees no reason to dislike her. If anything, he doesn’t need to care, seeing as he’ll be a warrior by the next month—so long as he passes his assessment, of course. In truth, he feels a bit bad for her, having to transition from whatever her life was before to the life of a RiverClanner, and having to put up with the likes of Midnightpaw while she’s at it.

In short, he doesn’t mind Splashpaw. So the tom has no issue with sitting around talking with her, even though he’s only stuck in camp for a couple more days. He’s more than ready to get back to work hunting and patrolling, but until then he sees no issue with enjoying a relaxing conversation. His attention is pulled from the topic at hand, though, when an utterly foul scent wafts past his nose. Splashpaw seems to have noticed it as well, and questions whether they all smell it—he nods, and stands along with the younger apprentice as she moves to check it out. The thing that’s caught her eye is immediately obvious, and his nose wrinkles at the sight.

With only one eye, he isn’t the most keen of vision within RiverClan, but still Sandpaw can tell that the thing she’s found is unnatural. "Do not eat that," he warns, in a voice calm yet concerned. Nothing strange is ever good, the tom has observed. For all that he knows, this rotting, disintegrating piece of… something… could be poison planted by twolegs. With all their recent activity, it’s a possibility that Sandpaw has to consider. Still, Splashpaw is clearly not a RiverClanner born and raised—he’s heard rumor that the she-cat is actually from ShadowClan. The marshland clan seems to always be short on prey, driven to the edge of starvation at all times, and so if she’s actually from there, she probably thinks everything is good. "Why are ya even considerin’ eatin’ it? Ain’t no reason ta’ eat twoleg garbage when there’s perfectly good fish in the river."

  • ooc:
  • 82323997_8rfjaVRxLB38SEE.png
    SANDPAW ❯❯ he/him, apprentice of riverclan
    pretty, silky-furred tan tortoiseshell with one yellow eye. calm and hardworking, but can become snappy if angered.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
𓆝 . ° ✦ With all the items that had been washing up in camp from the twolegs as of late, Mosspool had her eye on the shoreline. The moment that Splashpaw began padding over toward something at the river's edge, the lead warrior followed after her. Even with all the twoleg stuff she had seen over the past few weeks, this one was strange. The water had obviously done a number on it, but even before that she couldn't begin to imagine what it was supposed to be.

Which made it all the more surprising when Splashpaw wanted to know if it was edible.

Mosspool made a face. "Sandpaw is right." She declared, eyeing the waterlogged mush skeptically. "We do not need to stoop so low as to eat twoleg food." Even if it did not smell as rancid as some twoleg food that she had encountered on patrols near twolegplace, it looked unnatural and unappitizing. She did not understand why Splashpaw seemed so drawn in it. Part of her couldn't help but wonder if the kit was really more Shadowclanner than Riverclanner after all. Either way, a single piece prey was not worth risking her clanmates lives for; especially not in Greenleaf. In the worst of Leafbare she might have considered it, but even then it might have been too much of a risk.
 ° .  . ° 
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  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Ferngill was used to frisking the shoreline for trinkets- it was a habit he'd never really grown out of, though he'd managed to suppress the urge to gather every single sparkly thing that happened to catch the sunlight. Now, well- there was something noble about it, wasn't there? All sorts of Twoleg contraptions had started washing up, some of them hooked and dangerous, drawing beads of blood- he was not long behind Mosspool in approaching, a frown etched subtly on normally-bright features.

There was still an uneasiness in his gut about Splashpaw... about what possible retaliation there would be from ShadowClan. With all of this- this Twoleg stuff, could they really afford a conflict? For now, though, there was a more pressing matter- and that was... whatever rotting, awful thing laid now at the apprentice's paws. Sandpaw vehemently expressed his disgust, and Ferngill emphatically nodded.

"Yeah, and who knows what... stuff they put in their food." The fiery tom shuddered, thinking about the strange things they'd found... he imagined if Twoleg activities were peculiar, their diets were even more so. "Let's just get rid of it... bury it somewhere. I don't want it poisoning the fish."
penned by pin