private Fall from grace || Bone

Dec 5, 2023

I don't mind if the world spins faster

To say the least, Nightwhisper hadn't expected to get an apprentice at this meeting but...Chilledstar had surprised them with Bonepaw! Of course, she knew the other would be quite a pawful, but she was sure she could handle it and was quick to start on Bonepaw's training (of course while still in camp). It wouldn't take long for Nightwhisper to find the other and quickly approach them in easy strides. "Hey hey...Bonepaw! Congrats. Let's begin, yes? I can at least show you some things in the camp until you can go out" she spoke softly while her only golden gaze stayed on the tom and a warm smile on her lips.

"First off, what do you wish to learn?" She softly blinked and tilted her head at the other as she settled down, curling her tail around their paws while waiting for Bonepaw to respond. Already planning what they could do together for the 2 moons that Bonepaw will be trapped inside the clan's confinement. She knew the first moment that the two could go out she was sure to show the other around the territory. And oh... hunting too... maybe some combat training, simple of course while within the clan, and chores.. yes that too, she would make sure to do simple task for chores so Bonepaw didn't feel it was too tasking, yet keep it more gear towards having fun and train. Maybe she could tell stories too? No...Bonepaw would get bored.

She was just so eager to finally have an apprentice of her own! And wanted to do her best, for her apprentice, and of course, make Scalejaw proud of her.
*+:。.。 A pawful Bonepaw may be, but not so obviously at first comparatively to his siblings. In fact, the tom-kit's expression remained it's almost bored and neutral even when his siblings cried out all around him about the rule change. He didn't care. Though he was interested in exploring the territory and learning more about hunting through the actual sport rather than just rehearsing the moves, he didn't mind being in camp for a while longer. Especially after Needledrift's announcement, he was glad to remain close by as often as possible until his baby siblings were born.

He sees her approach him through the corner of his eye, and notices immediately the barely suppressed eagerness that thrums through her almost like a vibrating aura. As she approaches and starts to speak to him, he flips through his memory for more facts about the woman.

She was the daughter of Scalejaw, another cat he didn't know very well but was quite honored among the warriors. He'd heard her often be referred to with she and they pronouns interchangeably, so he made a mental note to continue that respect. Though he was curious about what happened to her eye, he wasn't tempted to ask as all that mattered was that he knew she was fully blind in that scarred left eye of hers. How that might affect training wasn't a bother to Bonepaw, he would adapt and actually appreciate learning how to train with the mindset that he may not always keep both his eyes as life's events unfold in its unruly fashion. Mostly though, he knew of Nightwhisper because he found it immensely funny that she was siblings not only to a Bonerattle but also a Shadefall.
Perhaps it was fate that he'd been apprenticed under Nightfall, or maybe he and Shadepaw were meant to be reincarnations that were born far, far too early? It was a funny thought. Though he couldn't imagine who among his siblings was supposed to be Nightwhisper's reincarnation - certainly not Bloodpaw, maybe Snowypaw? His mentor was much too shy to be either of the girls...or did personality not matter in death's schemes?

It did make him happy that in some cosmic way, he and Shadepaw were tied to each other, even if by a simple coincidental joke of naming schemes. Perhaps, whether Nightwhisper fit into the silly alternate universe of premature rebirths, she was, in a way, part of his family now. That wasn't a bad thought.

Bonepaw would simply nod when she finished speaking, seeing no need to waste words expressing his appreciation for her training plan. He watches her closely as she takes her seat, wrapping her tail around herself, and asks him a probing question. He doubts it's some sort of test, as the woman's eyes are so round and earnest he doubts she'd change her opinion of him no matter his answer. "I would prefer hunting. I'd be more useful if I knew how to hunt for my clan" he replies, staring at the woman through his bangs. She seems more of a hunter-type than an eager fighter, so the pairing matches up, though when the time comes and he's big enough to hold his own in a fight, he'll eagerly throw himself into that particular line of training.

Amusement pulls at him as he watches the gears turn in her head through the shine in her eye. It doesn't take a mind-reader to know Nightwhisper is already making plans upon plans for their training schedule, she's practically an open book! Again, he reflects on how lucky he is to have received a mentor so thoroughly invested in his training. She'll be a fine tutor, he's sure of it.

"What did you enjoy learning about when you were an apprentice?" he asks, taking a moment of silence first to let her shift through her thoughts before breaking the quiet.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently