fall theme harvest moon DS l wolfwind


Sep 11, 2022

It'd been swimming in the back of his mind since the unfortunately incident with Tybalt and then Flycatcher that what had transpired was actually kind of fun. Really bad and ill mannered and immature but surprisingly fun. Scary though. After all, Tybalt didn't seem like he liked it much and on a cat with a worse disposition, Jay might have had his ears boxed in for something so dumb. He rubs the delicate flags at the idea then takes a deep breath and heads into a place he's actually never been before: the warriors den. He slides down the hole with his heart pounding in anticipation. For some reason, he's expecting a bunch of cats sparring or having some sort of intellectual battle or even talk about some super secret cool plan.

Instead, he finds that most of them are taking naps.

His face falls and he silently mouths 'oh,' only to hiss under his breath in anxiety when one shoots an annoyed look his way. It is just a den, maybe he was expecting too much. His disappointment doesn't change how tense he is after all and he picks his way through the bodies, looking for the familiar girl. Er, warrior girl. Warrior. Finding no luck, he does find the courage to finally call out (regardless of an annoyed 'shh!' that makes him wince), "Has anyone seen Wolfwind?" Maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't have come with the stars were out already. Except, if he hadn't set out when he had that first strong inclination to, he's not sure he would have come at all.

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Wolfwind, surprisingly, did her best to maintain a reasonable sleep schedule! Great warriors need sleep and stuff. They gotta rise early for patrols, too; and she figured out during her apprenticeship that there was no way for her to ever wake up at a reasonable hour unless she sleeps at a reasonable hour. So dutifully, she tucks herself within the warriors den. Hasn't let her sleep schedule move a BIT since she was promoted. But when she heres a summons for her, a whisper in a familiar sorta-pathetic voice that she can only identify as an apprentice needing her help (hers! specifically!!!) The good warrior thing to do is raise her head, and...

"Jaypaw?" she asks, squinting with only the dim light to aid her sleepy eyes. Pre and post sleep was just about the any time you'd find her voice at a normal level, lucky for the other warriors! Though, she's gotta wonder what's so important to have him poking around where the big-kids hang out in the dead of night. He only just moved to the apprentice den (or so she's heard). Well... whatever it is, he found Wolfwind the suitable one to help, and who is she to decline a soul in need?! "Whatcha' need me for?" she asks, making a move to stand, though she kinda half-commits and gives up near-immediately cause damn, it's leaf-fall and it's comfy!
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"Uh, yeah, hey. It's me," Jaypaw chuckles, trying to play it all cool but he's pretty bad at that. He's also taken aback because Wolfwind isn't screaming like a lunatic right now and he briefly surveys her to see if there's something wrong. No, nothing wrong, she just looks sleepy and he finds that he sort of prefers her like this. Jay smiles and when she fails to rise, he folds himself down by her side. Of course, he's none too eager to go stomping around outside either but he also wants to be secretive. Jay's ears flick to the side and he casts his gaze over each shoulder before focusing back in on Wolf. Then he starts with a tiny whisper so others can't hear- but it's too tiny, like no one can hear it. So he clears his throat and tries again, a bit louder this time, "Uhm, so... you were talking about pranks before... He sounds kind of sheepish all of a sudden, like he's having second thoughts. Jay pulls his lips tight and looks down before squinting his gaze and determination. No, it's too late to back out now. He'd look like a total kit-brain.

"Could you teach me some? Not, like, mean ones. Just... fun ones!" He gets loud toward the end and winces against a quick to come 'shush!' "Ehe... sorry..." Jay returns his attention to Wolf then and this time, his smile looks more confident. "Getting Tybalt and Flycatcher... it was- surprisingly fun!" His eyes light up at the admission and a grin threatens to sprout on his usually so innocent face.

/I'm sorry this is late!