sensitive topics FALLEN ANGEL // intro/oneshot


Jun 25, 2022

He had no idea how he had ended up into this sickos company to be honest. It had just happend he guess. The guy had one day just showed up starting to follow him around and Scorch had done nothing to stop it. Like a little fly he let them fly around his head to bug them. At that time they had served thier role to be useful to him. Two cats were better then one and they had have skills to relay on. Lately though it had started to become a pain in his ass because his partner was far to crazy and all shit this one contunie to do do put him into danger as well. Scorch had been patient up to this point letting the other guy have his little fun. But he had enough of it. His patient was running on borrowed time. There was no point with having a reasonable conversation with them anymore. Today would end up becoming his final straw.

Rat, which was the other rogue name had just ended up killing some kits just because he had thought it was fun, because he had been curious over how thier insides would look, and what sort of screams kits could make when torturing them to death. Scorch had stood back doing nothing at all as the lunatic killed the three kits who had run away from home. It hadn't been long before the kits parents had arrived and just like expected they had been mad with grief and tried to hunt them down. Both had ended up with injures, Scorch once again getting dragged into this freak mad games. But it would end now.

After the two had escaped they had jumped up on a fence to walk along on it. Scorch walked silently behind them like he often did while his companion walked at the front bragging about his latest kill, and how fun it had been. Out of all crazy things they had done this most be the vilest one Scorch had wittness them doing. His expression revealed nothing though as he contunie on to walk behind them until they enterd a yard full with dogs. Not just any dogs but Scorch had heared they wouldn't hesitant to rip a cat apart into shreds. This was his opportunity he decided. " Hey Rat." he would call out to draw their attention to him, and as the other rogue started to change his position around to face them he made his move. Scorch didn't hesitant when he suddenly increased his speed to rush straight towards them and used his body to push the other rogue right of the fence, and from there he would watch as they fall backwards meeting Rat's widen eyes with pure shook as they had got completely caught of guard with Scorch ice cold ones. The moment Rat hit the ground below the dogs was there and Rat had little time to fight before his fate was claimed by the dogs fangs. Scorch watched with unmoving eyes as the dogs ript his now former partner in crime to pieces while agony like screams echoed through the whole alley. But he was left unfazed by the gruesome scene. " Crazy motherfucker." Were the words he would part them with before starting to walk away from there. Now he was finally free and once again he could walk the streets on his own.

No more lunatic by his side.

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