You know, she'd never think she'd partake in one of those things the elders mentioned. She had never stopped to look around her and take in everything. Then again, it's not like she saw much compared to feeling. Once she had become a tunneler everything was pitch black, there was nothing to see to speak. All there was were sounds, scents, and sensations. Half the time she didn't know what exactly she touched, her guesses were vague if anything. And even when she was above ground, there was not much to see. Windclan had a few trees yes, but you'd actively have to be looking for one to see them. Windclan has always slept in the open moors. Grasses were what they knew above ground, while underground it was a whole different territory. The thing is. When you're in the tunnels. Not much changes. It's not like there's a leaf-bare or green-leaf in the tunnels. Maybe that's why in Thunderclan territory she finally takes it all in.

Don't get her wrong. She loves the moors, but there's something magical here. She's seen a tree before, but never this abundance of them nor these array of colors. If you asked her what a tree looked like, she would say it had green leaves. Coughs, she never sought out Windclan trees in leaf-fall before. However, here the leaves were not green. They were shades of yellow, red, and brown. Part of her wants to explore past their boundaries, but she knows better. As much as she would like to see the ground covered with these array of colors, it was not worth stirring up Thunderclan. For now she waits at the edge of the river, watching as leaves drift gently into the water. I used to think this was stupid. Hmph, maybe I am getting old. Mothmoon is taking awhile. Hehe, maybe she's talking to someone. Ah, maybe I should ask someone out.

Maybe it has to do with the leaves. Now she knows what other's mean when they say it reminds them of change. She hopes that she too will become beautiful someday. An ear twitches at the sound of paws. Without missing a beat she turns and smirks "Didja go on a date?" What? it's not a bad thing to ask Mothmoon if she went on a date. It's not like she'll make fun of her for it. Besides, she would be lying to say she didn't want to know who caught Mothmoon's fancy. However, she plays nice with the younger warrior. Oh, how she hates to remember that Mothmoon was once Fogbound's apprentice. At least she thinks. Geez I hope my memory doesn't change like these leaves. Anyhow she adds, "Unfortunately my date today are the leaves here. If only a nice cat could fall from these trees that I can snatch away."

/ @mothmoon when i'm not entirely sure if this is labeled correctly considering technically they would be in shadow right now sweats