camp falling by the wayside ;; RTA


gentle voice
Jun 30, 2022

She's thankful for the peace that came with being in the nursery, honestly- her life as a Warrior was never done, but she found herself much more useful in the nursery with new kits. Mothers who preferred to work instead of stay with kits were common, so she supposed she had stuff to do constantly. Her head lays on her paws as she waits for any sign of life, too early in the morning for much of a response from the cats in the Clan.

Though, movement soon catches her eye and Cottontail is quick to chirp in greeting to the passerby. "Good.. Moorning.." Cottontail croaked out, smiling a toothy grin up at whoever it was that passed the molly by.

The low greeting of a drowsy voice snagged Berryheart's attention, the tiredness fraying her tone a perfect capture of how the tortoiseshell himself felt. It was not often he found himself an early riser, preferring to lay in... but today would be a day dotted with many short naps, he had decided. It would be best to set on his daily duties earlier, to knock them out of the way so that the newly-warming sunbeams might be taken advantage of once they filtered strong through the leaves around dawn. It had been a while since he had seen a blue sky... he was not content to waste it.

Lopsided eyes of olive slipped down to where Snowy lay, and the crooked fall of his lips lifted slightly in one of his subtle, stone-faced smiles. Silently did he return her greeting, his head pulled down in a polite nod of acknowledgement. A few moments of silence spanned the air, a slow blink overtaking the medicine cat's gaze. "Have you eaten?" he asked finally, the realisation that she should striking him, though his words were as measured and level as ever as they left him. With the severe nosedive the numbers of their fresh-kill had taken, it was important to ensure that the queens were well-fed.

It was early in the morning as Flycatcher approached the nursery. Patrols needed to be assigned soon, but he wanted to check in on his mate and kits before starting the day. As he approached the nursery, he spotted Cottontail and Berryheart outside. "Good morning," The deputy beamed, glancing at the queen as he spoke. "I hope Stormkit and Falconkit haven't been giving you any grief," Flycatcher chuckled.

Berryheart is a welcome sight, for sure; blue eyes blink delightfully as he dips his head in greeting to her. His lips move soon after, eyes dipping low to read them. It took a few seconds, but Cottontail finally replies when her brain processes what was said. "Mmmnope. I'm okay, though." It's all she needs, but nonetheless she smiles at the medicine cat in thanks. She enjoyed seeing him around; he was dutiful, and yet kept to himself when needed. Always so polite, too. Howlingstar surely did a good job raising him.

Flycatcher's voice is missed by deaf ears, but she does catch the tail-end of what he says on his lips. Stormkit and Falconkit. Grief. Giving you. "They're quite alright!~" A sing-song tone, nonetheless how horrible it sounded- off-key and cracking. She seats herself then, smiling at the two. "The nursery will be getting busy soon, with new-leaf coming. I'd like it if we could fortify the nursery further to protect us from the heat so the kits don't bake in there."
Duskkit quite likes Cottontail. Maybe it's because of the fun way she talks, or because she's nice. Little Wolf doesn't leave them for long, and doesn't go so far away that the kitten would ever have to worry about it, but it's good to know there's enough cats in there for all of them. That'd be the mature answer, anyway. Mostly, Dusk just likes that she has another adult to bother for tales of the world. Anything outside of this soft, safe bubble. Only with those stories could she prepare for the future, right? One day she'd be out there too! A great warrior like Howlingstar and Flycatcher, and all the brave ones who stood against the dogs. Those stories'll be passed along to all the other kittens that come, surely, so they can reenact the battle too.

Maybe Cottontail wouldn't mind playing a dog, sometime.

Having learned to catch her line of sight before she speaks, Duskkit moves to the entrance of the nursery and tap-tap-taps the molly's tail. She's still sleepy, rustled only from a light slumber by the eagerness of a kitten to see the world, and the faint rustling of the other queen's movements. "Why'd you get up so early?" she whispers, voice so quiet she must fear waking up her clanmates. It's only afterwards that she catches sight of the other two looming nearby, and it's with a mouth-splitting grin, still tinged with sleepiness, that Duskkit bonks her forehead into Berry's leg.

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskkit. kitten of thunderclan. she - her - hers.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"

A tippy-tap at her tail catches her attention, the molly turning her head instinctively to search for the source. It was much smaller than the others, so she had to crane her head down just enough for her to see them. Little One asks her why she got up early; a snort of amusement, soft and barely-there. "Hard to sleep in sometimes," She answers softly, "Things moving wake me up, and I don' like sleeping with my back to the entrance." As odd as it was, speaking to the little one with such fierce ambitions fed into her love for nurturing. If he wanted to be the greatest Warrior in the world, Cottontail would be his biggest cheerleader. That went for all of the youths of her Clan, as well. Everyone deserved someone to cheer them on, right?

Cottontail lifts her head to the cats present once more, grinning. "My kits are out running around like wildfire out there, thanks to being made Apprentices. I think they'll sleep good tonight."