private FALLING FURTHER & FURTHER AWAY — snakehiss


wrong side of heaven
Nov 28, 2023

The recent events had left WindClan divided, now weaker due to the conflict that had arisen at the time of the split. Berrysnap was unsure of how things were going to play out but found herself focusing on one cat in particular as of late. The molly's head would turn as she entered the camp, seeking out a specific tom she had not previously grown close to. With his new position of power, she found herself more interested in getting to know him. After all, he was important now, and they shared the same points of view. "Look at you all important now. Cottonpaw must be out of her hare-brained mind to break up with the new deputy of WindClan." She'd muse, giving the tom a teasing glance as she made her way to sit beside him without seeking permission to do so. As late in the day as it was, everyone had completed their assigned tasks for the day, leaving them the opportunity to socialize as they saw fit.


Nothing more than a half-lidded, defeated glance is offered to Berrysnap as the she-cat moves in to sit with Snakehiss and chat. It's none of your business, Snakehiss wants to bite back, but he finds himself... drained. The past several days had sent him spiraling into an emotional whirlwind — fury, stress, conflict, embarrassment, sadness. He doesn't have it in him, at least not tonight, to lash out at a clanmate. Besides, it was not as if Berrysnap was trying to provoke him... at least it didn't seem so. Snakehiss had given Berrysnap a bit of trouble in the past due to her rogue heritage, but other than that, they had not interacted much on a one-to-one basis.

Part of him feels that talking about it would make him feel worse, but... Snakehiss had a lot to get off his chest, admittedly. It wasn't as if his father, Heatherpaw, or Cottonpaw ( obviously ) was around to confide in anymore. He hesitated to overshare with Berrysnap, but Snakehiss supposed he could indulge the slightest bit, "She never explained why." The dark-pelted tom stares forward, flicking the tip of his tail. "I did everything for her. I made her happy. I gave her my time and attention. I..." Had he not been good to her? Is that not what happened in a courtship? "There's nothing much I can do. She's Sootstar's daughter." He couldn't march into her den and demand answers; he'd probably get a stern look from Sootstar for getting within mere hair-lengths of her child. Snakehiss was expected to avoid the medicine cat apprentice entirely now if he could help it, and simply bite his tongue and move on. It wasn't as if he had truly loved the blue smoke she-cat, but... his pride still wished and pleaded for closure. What had made her change her mind about him so quickly? Or had she thought this way about him all this time?

  • 71016142_9rYADptBxGUs9zn.png
  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; deputy of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

The girl had never even explained why she broke up with Snakehiss? That seemed odd. Who in their right mind wouldn't have mentioned such a thing? "That seems odd. Who in their right mind wouldn't explain why they're breaking up with someone? It doesn't make any sense." Pausing, she would look at the tom curiously as he explained further. She didn't see why it would matter, wouldn't Sootstar be thrilled to have someone like himself as her daughters potential mate? "You don't think Sootstar would be thrilled to have someone such as yourself as her daughter's mate? Surely she'd be thrilled her daughter was the deputy's mate. Keep the power in the family no?" Berrysnap would attempt to lay her tail upon Snakehiss's shoulders in a comforting manner, hoping he wouldn't be upset by the act. The pair weren't close by any means, and she found herself feeling sorry for him. In a way.

There it is again, the sense of embarrassment and shame. It bubbles in his gut like acid, his chest twinging as if suffering a fresh wound. Snakehiss ducks his ears slightly as Berrysnap appears to take pity on him, offering consolation that no other clanmate has even thought to spare him thus far.

When the she-cat practically takes the words out of his mouth, detailing the elaborate plan that he had from day one, Snakehiss gives a dispirited shake of his head. "I thought so as well." He murmurs. Whatever Cottonpaw's reason was, it was surely all her own and not that of her mother's. Would there be any reason why Sootstar would disapprove of their courtship?

"Perhaps it's a good thing my father ran off when he did. He always expected me to take a mate. To know I had been so close, just for her to go an' do that..." There was really no reason for Snakehiss to be confiding in Berrysnap like this. He could have just told her "thanks for the sympathy", or even to go away, but... getting things off of his chest was like a breath of fresh air.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; deputy of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles