falling in to patterns [ bee ]


Oct 10, 2022

Lately, the camp has been loud, with the announcement of Buck as their new deputy (Koi truly does not know how to feel, jealous, perhaps that Buck would have less time for her) and the height of the twoleg threat over. If she were anyone else, anyone else at all, she'd thrive, but Koi is Koipaw, the naïve, fearful child - She ducks away from an oncoming warrior, charging straight out of camp and she lets out a meek hiss of frustration. Loud, loud, so loud. Its driving her up the wall, with fluffed out fur and widened eyes.

Peace and quiet, its all she wants, so she rushes to the next den she sees. Shes breathing heavily as the noise somewhat dies down, trying to ground herself until she notices whose den she had so rudely intruded on. Inwardly she wants to cry, but she offers a shaky, sheepish smile, avoiding Beesongs gaze. "H- Hello." she shuffles her paws over the ground, trying her best to will up something witty, something funny, something cool, but nothing shakes from the innards of her mind. "Do you need... help... With your herbs- herbs?" please, don't kick me out. Her mind screams as she sits up, still avoiding the gaze of the medicine cat.

Beesong's always felt on edge in the midst of cacophony. Loud, harsh noises remind him too much of his father; screaming, claws screeching against the pavement of the alleyway, violent paws banging on the walls of the dumpster. It's one reason why he's thankful to have a solitary den to call his own. When it gets overwhelming, he could retreat into the hollow with an excuse of needing to sort herbs.

The camp is loud, today. Beesong is accustomed to the low murmur of idle chatter throughout the day, but this is different. Energy buzzes in the air, voices rise an octave too high, and it quickly becomes too much for them. So, they retreat. The darkness is welcoming to the cinnamon tabby as they slip into the hollow, sighing softly to themselves as if exhaling the tension wound tight around their muscles.

The entrance rustles. Beesong expects someone to burst through with cries of an injury somewhere, his teeth gritted in preparation for what's to come. But, a young apprentice ushers in without a peep, instead offering a sheepish smile in the terse silence. Beesong blinks. Perhaps, it is not helpful to stare at the meek she-cat. But he's expectant of something, because no one ever wants to be in this den without good reason.

Koipaw, if he recalls correctly, breaks the silence with a greeting as timid as her body language, and Beesong hums. "Hello," they echo with a confused quirk of their brow. Another bout of silence follows, and then... She asks if she could help with their herbs. Huh. Well, Beesong wasn't expecting this. They snort, shrugging. "Has training been that boring, then?" They retort lightheartedly. Admittedly, they're a little perplexed. No one would want to sort herbs without an underlying motivation; even they only spend extra time sorting herbs in order to keep their restless paws busy. They wonder what Koipaw's motivation is, as if wanting the company of the healer alone is unfathomable to them. "I don't care. Although, I hope your denmates won't mind you smelling of pungent plants tonight." It's a good-intentioned joke, but the execution leaves it feeling more blunt that mirthful.

Nevertheless, Beesong beckons her further into the den with a flick of his bobbed tail, stepping towards his storage with another hum.
He's quiet, he's quiet, thank you. Eyes shift to the side as he asks if training has been boring, it hasn't, really. Overwhelming, though, yes. She flicks an ear, taking a deep breath. Grounded, grounded, shes okay now. Breathe in, breathe out, calm. He says he doesn't care but the incessant fear and anxiety that she has just intruded, personal space, gah, so many so many thoughts run rampant. She opens her mouth much like a fish out of water but nothing comes out, so she closes it once more with burning cheeks.

He beckons her forth and on shaky paws she follows, deep breaths Koi, deep breaths. She steals a look at him, he doesn't seem mad and so the fur along her spine relaxes. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, and she even chuckles at the joke he makes. Perhaps it would not be all that bad, it'd be better than smelling like wet cat the whole time. "Anything is better than- than the fish smell that clings to others." she tries to quip in her own joke, but like his, it sort of falls flat tone-wise.

"What do you do... in here?" its a question born of genuine curiosity as she peers over him to their herb stocks. Lots of leaves, unknown things to her and all of the sudden she finds herself really intrigued. She points to the nearest leaf with her paw, tilting her head thoughtfully. "Whats this one?" and they all smelled so different... She finds herself wondering how he could keep up with all of them in the first place.