camp falling into the deep blue | open; waiting


I wasn't looking for devotion
Mar 12, 2024
જ➶ It's happening. Theu are out there risking their lives for the safety of the clan. Running, running, racing to lure those beasts away. The molly has been pacing for the longest, back and forth in front of the apprentice den. So much so that she has worn a small trough into the ground. Shallow but a reminder of her worry. Will they be okay? Will someone die? Will the wolves turn back for them when they are done? Could they escape if things go wrong? All of these thoughts race scrambled in her mind and she isn't sure she can stand it much longer. Frankly she wants to know what is happening. Even if fear will stab into her heart she really just wants to know. A paw kicks at a broken stick and she lets out a frustrated sound before suddenly sitting down. Reality sinking in. There is nothing she can do. Not in this situation but sit with this feeling of dread in her chest. It's almost numbing and she glances to the nursery only for a moment, a glance to the warrior den and then to the one she left early this sunrise.

Home. She can only wait. Not protect it. Slowly pale colored ears pull back against her skull at the thought and it makes her claws scrape at the ground. Taking in a slow breath she tries to think of something to do. Anything. Maybe if she bats a mossball around she can try to distract herself and so she finds one, beginning to mindlessly smack it around. Trying her hardest to not think about it all.
Adderpaw found himself pacing near his insect hunting spot at the apprentice den, careful to avoid any little critters that could be scurrying under his paws as he went through his motions. Would they be successful in getting the wolves into WindClan territory and into the gorge, or would they lose more innocent souls in the process? The thought was followed by the apprentice immediately shaking his head, cussing himself out under his breath at the thought. Of course they would succeed! ThunderClan was full of elite warriors who could do anything they set their minds too! -- Right? Letting out the air that he had unconsciously inhaled to puff out his chest, the brown tabby sat with his eyes on the entrance, hearing his own heart pounding in his eardrums. Of course everything would be alright...

Somehow, the extremely clueless apprentice had not noticed Dustpaw near him and gave a surprised jump back as she past by him. His gaze had been so focused on the entrance that the blur of her fur was only noticed when it was passing his field of vision. Clearing his throat, which still ached from his screams of terror from the attack, Adderpaw acted as though he hadn't seen her, heavy paws now suddenly seeming very interesting as he examined them. He had been hoping he was the only one out here, everyone else tucked away in their dens and dreading the news. The tom should've expected for others to wait along with him. Flicking an ear, he turned his gaze away and to the side as he chose to speak: "Are you waiting, too?" He couldn't offer any sympathy, any kind words or anything that could possibly calm the she-cat's nerves -- he couldn't even calm his own shaky heart that thundered with each beat. But maybe he could offer some distractions with a bit of a discussion, no matter how much he may want to stay to himself at the moment. Adderpaw just couldn't see himself still remaining selfish in these moments.​
It seemed as though the remaining cats in ThunderClan were all holding their breath while the warriors and older apprentices took on the burden of luring the wolves away from the territory. Softpaw knew that she definitely felt as though she were in a state of limbo, not being able to do much other than help patch up the Clan - which wasn't nothing, she supposed, but it still gave her plenty of time to worry and fret over what might happen. Might, she reminded herself. There was no guarantee that anyone would be hurt, or worse, even if the odds seemed against them.

Catching sight of two of the other apprentices, Softpaw trotted over, hoping some conversation might take her mind off of the situation at paw. Dustpaw and Adderpaw, both older than she was, were sitting awkwardly in the same space, and Softpaw was sure that they had on their minds the same thing that she did.

"I think everyone is," she responded to Adderpaw as she settled her tail over her paws, though her gaze was on the moss-bal that Dustpaw was batting back and forth. "Do you think we could play a game while we wait?" The suggestion sounded childish, and Softpaw wasn't sure how she felt about the idea after she'd said it; but it was too late to take her words back.
જ➶ A gentle jolt makes her fur stand on end for a sort moment. Just like Adderpaw she did not expect anyone else to be out here within the clearing of camp especially with the tension so high. She feels like if she wanted to she could cut it with her claws but then again she supposes everyone is having a rough go of it. Waiting and hoping for the best. Waiting and hoping that everyone makes it back home as soon as possible. That this all goes well and no one gets hurt. Her muzzle cracks into a nervous half smile. A small chuckle leaving her through that sounds grating to her own ears. Too tense. " it that obvious?" Her tone is doused in worry and she shakes her head, cupping the mossball close to her now as she focuses her attention on her denmate. Well, it's better than just trying to keep herself preoccupied. Having someone to talk to will be nice considering the circumstances. Her maw parts but she closed it as she hears Softpaw speak and turning her snow laden skull towards the other the young molly nods gently. "I just hope that everyone comes back home. Thunderclan's lost too much as it is..." Soft is right, there is a hush around camp and when the younger apprentice speaks up about playing a game of mossball the cream colored molly flicks her eyes down to it.

A game meant to keep kits preoccupied now will keep them from tipping over the edge. Finding a small measure of humor in that she stands up. "Sure! Let's play a couple of rounds." With that said she flicks her tail before aiming to bat the ball high in the sky, hoping that one of them goes for the grab.