camp falling leaves and simple things ღ rta/recovery

Being sick with the plague that was spread across the territory was far from a pleasant experience. Though in some ways, she was lucky it had been caught early enough for her to take the cure and recover. It was nice, being able to view the world with clarity and not in a feverish dream-like state. Stepping outside of the med den once Wolfsong had deemed her fully recovered, Whitepaw blinked noticing the lack of a few familiar faces. Frowning in concern, the ivory femme made her way to the apprentice den, spotting her old nest. "Oh... I should get some new moss..." The apprentice mumbled, shifting from paw to paw. She felt almost awkward, returning to the den after being gone for so long. Though having Cottonpaw for some company as she recovered was nice when the former tunneler wasn't busy. "Hopefully Ambertail will let us get back to training soon." She murmured to herself, gathering up the old moss as she peered around camp and the somber energy in the air.

"You are leaving the medicine cat den?" Whitepaw had earned herself a shadow in her retreat back to the apprentice den, tiny russet brown dipped paws tracking after her on alarmingly quiet steps; near stub of a tail held high as he crouched and crept along and only broke his cover the moment he actually came to the den mouth to peer inside. To Bearkit, leaving the medicine cat den was not favorable - it was where he and his siblings stayed after all so she must have done something terrible to be sent away given its prestige. The talk and whisper of sickness in the camp was not hard to miss, but he would be lying if he said he paid it too much attention outside acknowledging it was a thing. All of the deeply sick cats still remaining once they had now lungwort left to spare had been sent away - to where? He had no clue, he could only assume it was somewhere else that they might be taken cared of. Another clan? Another medicine cat? If his ðir could not make them healthy again then surely no one else was capable at all. Wolfsong was, as far as he was concerned, the most intelligent and skilled medicine cat around.
shadow of the moon
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Sunlitkit shadowed behind Bearkit in his own following of Whitepaw, snowy paws treading silently behind her littermate. She didn't like being on her own, not when she had someone she knew to follow behind. Their ðir was occupied, and Sunlitkit was too afraid of disturbing Cottonpaw if she had Snakehiss around. Unlike Bearkit, however, Sunlitkit was appreciative to see another face leave the den she shared with her family. Not that Sunlitkit disliked strangers, but they invoked a certain nervousness with her that made her paws and tail cold with nerves. She didn't like having to converse with them, and waking up in the same space as them was... awful, some mornings. Especially since some mornings, Featherkit and Rivekit had a particular mood to boot. Sunlitkit's eyes flick nervously between Bearkit and Whitepaw as her older littermate addresses the other, slowly stepping out from behind Bearkit to rake her gaze over Whitepaw. Despite Sunlitkit and Bearkit being near the same size, she certainly acted as though she was much smaller, trying to hide behind him and follow his shade.

"Um... excuse me..." Sunlitkit speaks up, cocking her head to one side. "Why do you need moss?" Her staple questions have begun, even through her nerves. "Oh - are you no longer sick?" Sunlitkit knew that their ðir couldn't fix all the sickness, that they'd been moved out of camp - and it had made more restful nights, in the absence of their constant coughing. But she worried about what happened to them, outside of the safety of Wolfsong and Sunstride. Her fathers were strong, healed and protected the Clan. Why were the sick moved away? Could they not be taken care of?


Rivekit was indeed a rough riser. Her sleeps were deep and heavy, and while she didn't snore, she awoke like a wraith of anger. It normally took a good meal or some water to cool her temper, but Bearkit and Sunlitkit had left out before she was fully away. A grumble left the sibling as she picked herself up from the den, following a few minutes later with perked ears. She inhaled to speak, though with a slightly grumpy tone, she wasn't as loud as she normally was. "You could say being healthy means you leave the medicine cat den. Are you not healthy? Should I go get my ðir?" Rivekit asked honestly, vision tipping to look up at the apprentice.
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In her departure, she had gathered a small crowd of kits that followed her, it seemed. Blinking, she turned towards the trio as they all gave off their own questions. With a soft smile, she nodded at their questions and provided answers. "My nest is rather old since I was sick. But since I'm better, I don't want to take up space for Wolfsong or Cottonpaw." She explained quietly, her ears flicking. She knew the sickness had yet to stop, that much was obvious given the business of the medicine cat and his apprentice. But while those who would catch the sickness had moved elsewhere, the den could benefit from having the nests vacant once more, couldn't it?