pafp FALLING LIKE SNOW // repairing dens


Dec 16, 2023

The nursery den had collapsed after the snowfall yesterday, and Perchberry was one who actually didn't mind to help repair it. He had been doing chores like this all the time as an apprentice so he had gotten used to it. For him it was a nice distraction from his daily duties as a warrior which he still didn't feel completely comfortable with. Perchberry had went out early that morning to collect what he needed to start the job of repairing the den, and as he was first on the scene went straight into work as he used the help of reeds to start weaving the holes back together. It didn't took long before he had company or maybe he had lost track of time.

Perchberry cast a glance to the side to acknowledge whoever it was who had decided to join on this task. He hadn't been expecting to see one of the lead warriors in here, Iciclefang. Oh. That made him feel a little bit anxious. Anyone's company would make him feel that way but especially if they held a higher rank then he did. Quickly he would look back over at his work as he tried to concentrate so he wouldn't mess up. After some bit of work one of the holes had finally been finished. Perchberry took a moment to observe his work to make sure it was going to hold at least for sthe time being. Wondering how the lead warrior was doing the warrior cast a careful look back at them and find them still working on one of the holes. To be honest it looked like she was having problems with it.

Perchberry after some careful thinking decided to approach the lead warrior and cleared his throat awkwardly to reveal his presence. " Uhm, you ne-need help...maybe?" he softly asked and slightly flinked his ears back not wishing to intrude or upset her. Mybe she knew what she was doing after all just doing it in her own way?.

// @iciclefang

Unlike Perchberry, Iciclefang’s paws itch to be out on patrol or hunting in the riverlands. She misses the gentle swat of reeds against her pelt, the thrill of the chase after scenting a vole or a shrew, the beat of her paws against the earth. Still, even as a lead warrior, certain tasks took priority. Hazecloud and her little ones would be cold if she and Perchberry didn’t finish patching the hole in the nursery; a fierce snowdrift had caused a slight dip in the side, a gap too large to let sit for long with such tiny kits in leafbare. The tortoiseshell thinks morbidly of their deceased sibling, little belatedly-named Snowflakekit, and her paws begin to work faster, albeit clumsier. She hates weaving with a dull passion; it’s never been her strong suit, unlike Perchberry, who finishes his side swiftly and then moves onto the next. When he looks at her with curiosity shining in his eyes and asks her if she needs help, she swallows her pride and offers the timid young warrior a slight smile.

I’d love a bit of help. I’m having trouble with this bit right here,” she says, pointing an ivory-dipped paw to the tangle of reeds and bracken her paws keep unfurling. She sits back for a moment, stretching and waiting for the black-and-white tom to take her place. “You’re good at this.” It's a blunt and obvious observation, more than a compliment, but she lets it linger in the air like one nonetheless.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

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The good fortune he had to be assigned to swapping out nests meant that there was less time for Redpath to try to drag him out of the camp again. He loathed every moment he lingered beyond the sheltered, woven walls of the dens he'd grown up in and try as StarClan might, not even an addition to the warrior code seemed to spare him from further, related miseries. Why did he have to train to be a warrior?

He knows in his heart of hearts a good prince should be willing and able to defend his subjects, that the noble thing to do is strengthen himself so he might protect others but... He is afraid. And he isn't afraid to admit it to himself either. If warriors months his senior could die suddenly and dramatically in battle, what hope did the little chimera have?

Some diluted polite discussion is easy to eavesdrop on when there's some... holes... still in the nursery walls. He pokes his head up to peer at the two warriors from where he sits on the inside, gazing out at the slowly closing gap where the other two are and offers a tense smile.

"Make sure.... it's extra safe," he supplies helpfully, pressing a paw gently at the patch job to see if it gives under his modest touch.​
Small, finicky tasks such as weaving or den repair were not within Larchtuft's wheelhouse. He couldn't imagine doing Ravensong's job for many reasons, but perhaps most of all because of all it required careful handling of herbs, berries, roots, and the like. It was the most he could do to tidily disassemble a piece of prey. Catching the prey, now, that was a different story, one told again and again - and told once more as the scruffy warrior padded into camp, fresh off a hunting patrol, jaws heavy with a trio of water voles. It had been an exciting chase through the winter-wearied reeds, but he'd triumphed in the end, and satisfaction still simmered beneath his striped coat.

Larchtuft laid the voles down onto the fresh-kill pile, lifting his head as he spotted Iciclefang and Perchberry standing by the walls of the nursery. He drew nearer with curiosity in his warm eyes, admiring their progress thus far, and finding himself particularly impressed with Perchberry's handiwork. Amusement enticed a small grin to appear on his white muzzle as Valepaw gently prodded the freshly-repaired wall. "Real test will be to see if it stands up to kits." he observed with a brief swish of his tail. He glanced over at the pair of warriors who were working on the repair and inquired, "Do you need any more materials? I could go fetch some." Despite having only just returned to camp, he was more than willing to leave again. It felt like the least he could do, considering that he was sure he'd make the walls less sturdy if he turned his clumsy paws on them.