FALLING STARS & meeting 2.25.23

The sun is only rising when Blazestar leaves his den, a faint golden outline kissing the pines surrounding SkyClan's camp. He leaps onto to the Highbranch in one fluid motion, the crisp wind battering his thick coat. Mutely, he takes a heartbeat to survey his camp. Warriors are beginning to awaken, poking about the fresh-kill pile, stretching, heading to the apprentice's den to wake their proteges.

Blazestar pulls them all in with a yowl: "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" He looks down on them all, waiting for a substantial portion of his warriors and apprentices to gather. He waits for three in particular, their mentors in tow, before he begins.

"We have much to talk about at this Clan meeting," he begins. "But first, we honor three apprentices who have passed their assessments and are ready to become SkyClan warriors. Basilpaw, Quillpaw, and Twitchpaw, please step forward."

His heart twinges. He's watched Basilpaw and Twitchpaw grow from tiny kits into fine and competent cats. He's watched Quillpaw come into his own after living as a rogue, finding his own sort of gruff loyalty for his Clan and those who live in it. This, like Butterflytuft's and Cosmosbloom's warrior ceremony had felt, is well-earned and hard-fought.

"I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." In the eyes of StarClan, these cats would live to fight fiercely for SkyClan until they retired to the elder's den.

"Basilpaw, Twitchpaw, and Quillpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" His gaze focuses on the three very different toms who stand below him, waiting for their affirmations before he begins to name them.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Quillpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Quillstrike. StarClan honors your fighting skills and your bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Quillstrike, a fitting name for the powerful and confident young warrior -- Blazestar only hopes he continues to refine those skills and dedicate his life to using them for the good of SkyClan. He has faith that Quillstrike is capable of that.

"Basilpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Basilpatch. StarClan honors your commitment and your honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Blazestar hadn't been sure the young tom would ever be ready for warriorhood, but he has faith in the doe-eyed chimera.

"Twitchpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Twitchbolt. StarClan honors your intelligence and your resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Twitchbolt's mother and father were not here to see his victory, but Blazestar knows they must be looking down on him from StarClan, finally recognizing him for the incredible young tom he is.

The Ragdoll leaps from the Highbranch so he can rest his chin on Quillstrike's head, then Basilpatch's, then Twitchbolt's. "Well done," he murmurs to them all.

He will wait for SkyClan to congratulate and cheer for the new warriors, and then he will ascend his perch again to continue with his ceremonies.


@TWITCHPAW @Quillpaw @BASILPAW @HARPYFALL @ThistleBack @Daisyflight

Since that assessment- Twitchpaw had not stopped feeling like he was going to faint. Not that such a feeling was uncommon, not with him, but... it all just felt so soon. Even though- well, he'd been training with Daisyflight for the better part of six moons now, he'd been on plenty of patrols, caught his fair share of food... it just didn't feel right. For some cats he'd never even stopped being Twitchkit and now he wasn't going to be Twitchpaw anymore? Twitch- fur, pelt, claw... whisker... whatever it was, he just hoped it would suit him. Maybe that it'd be a bit kinder to him, too. Show off some strong inner trait, other than the- surface level spasms, easy to see...

Called by the leader, who was he to refuse? Under the instruction of a lead warrior, too- through all of it he was meant to forge forward, but walking toward Blazestar felt like trying to rip an ancient oak tree from the ground. Still- alongside Basilpaw and Quillpaw he just about managed it, though he couldn't help but steal a few wayward glances at Basilpaw and- Quillpaw, perhaps a little more at Quillpaw. There were eyes everywhere- singing his knotted fur, but he kept his eyes fixed primarily forward.

When prompted, he spoke his vow. "I- I do, yeah," stammered its way out, barely thinking about the connotations of it. At the cost of your life- but he would, he really would. Never would he take those words back, even given time to thing.

Quillpaw was dubbed Quillstrike- it fit him, suited the prowess he knew the chimeric tom had. A look, a smile- hoping to catch Quillstrike's periphery before fixing his gaze back to Blazestar again. Basilpaw became Basilpatch, and... it was strange seeing him grow up too, that prone-to-tears kitten he'd once known, but... he deserved it.

Then- it was him. Everyone, everything was looking at him in that moment- in the stasis of those words. The limbo between warrior and apprentice, but then- the name flew from Blazestar's pale lips, his new name, the new him. He'd thought maybe that name would change him- it'd make him something better than he already was. But Twitchbolt suited him, who he was now, better than any name that could have improved him. Bolt- like those great forks of lightning he'd always admired, the passion of them, the speed. Intelligence- resilience. That was who he was in the eyes of the leader, no better or worse. And he smiled, really and truly, though it wavered on his face.

Sparing a glimpse behind him instinctively- there was no grinning face by the nursery as there had been upon his ascension to apprenticeship. But there was a calico face with sour-apple eyes he'd come to know better than many others. Pride a nettle-green gleam in her eye, maybe... if he looked hard enough. Twitchbolt met Blazestar's touch, his praise, as normally as he could. The dither of his limbs didn't bother him, and... though the morning looked clear, he hoped it might storm tonight.
penned by pin ✧
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Sharpeye's gaze was firmly focused on Blazestar as the meeting was called to order, though he made a point of remaining near Coyotepaw, wherever the tom wished to sit. Idly he flexed his lower jaw which caused it to click loudly, a little louder than he had hoped it would, but damn it had felt good. Blinking slowly, he tuned in on the current announcements and he wasn't disappointed either. From afar he had watched Quillpaw, Twitchpaw and Basilpaw grow up, now they were finally shedding their apprentice rankings and becoming fully fledged warriors. A rare smile of pride found its way onto his features as he looked upon the trio as they received their warrior names. "Quillstrike! Twitchbolt! Basilpatch!" He chanted the names loudly and clear whilst tapping a paw on the ground in a moment of excitement. Though he was swift to return to silence as he resumed his usually neutral posture and expression.


It was a strange thing to know your fate, and then to sit patiently waiting for it to come to you. Never before had Quillstrike known what to expect at a clan meeting, but today as large paws carried the tom forward, he knew he would not be leaving the crowd as the boy he stood among them as. And frankly, he wasn't sure what to think of it or what it meant to him- if it meant anything at all. He'd never had ambitions or dreams of becoming a warrior, had simply wanted a place to call home where he could live a normal life.

So far, Skyclan had given that to him.

He knew he owed them for that, and the chimera would give whatever was left of himself to the group in order to keep hetting it, but that didn't mean he felt ready for any of this. He didn't feel any smarter or wiser than when he'd first gotten here, still looked at Thistle and Blaze and Sheep and Orange and saw real adults that he would never be able to lump himself in with. And yet, he'd held his own against Thistleback in his assessment, had caught a large piece of prey and then battled it out in the top of Tallpines with the clans Lead Warrior.

If you'd replaced his name with anyone elses it would have sounded impressive even to him, and yet he found himself having a hard time admitting to himself that he was ready for this, that he was a warrior.

Still, he stepped forward when Blazestar called for him, mismatched gaze as steady as his large paws as the towering youth came forward. He had started this with Twitch, Basil, Fig, and Butterfly, and while they weren't all standing together then, it felt right to have the other two toms beside him as he made his may to stand before the leader and Deputy.

He didn't know what kind of warrior he would be, but as Blazestar spoke the words to them, " do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Quill knew that he would, knew that if his loyalty and life were the cost of him being able to live in this place with these cats, he would gladly give it.

"I promise."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Quillpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Quillstrike. StarClan honors your fighting skills and your bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

It wasn't a silly name like Quilltoes, and for that he was silently grateful. Quillstrike was a good name, one that properly reflected what it was the clan needed from him- a good reminder of what his role in the clan would be from then on out. Blazestar had said it himself; the stars honor your fighting skills and bravery. If that's where his value lay for them, then they could have it; his courage, his claws, his strength. He would keep them all safe as best he could.

Basilpatch was named next, and then Twitchbolt, and he can't help but meet the latters eyes in a brief exchange before it happens, the corner of his lips quirking upward in a silent exchange of words. Neither of them had parents here to fuss over them, to tell them how proud they were or to gush about how far they'd come. The connections they had to cats in the crowd were limited to friends and mentors, but neither stood alone or unseen.

When all three of them finally stood, newly named, before Blazestar, the ragdoll lept down from his perch to rest his chin atop Quills head. The chimera stiffened slightly at the gesture, but relaxed easily enough. The last time he and Blazestar had stood face to face like this, it had been back when he'd attacked that apprentice in camp, before he was thrown to Thistleback like raw meat to a dog.

"Well done."

The words were unexpected, a praise he'd never thought he'd hear from them after the mess Quill had made back in his early apprenticeship days, and he didn't know what to say in response. So, he simply nodded, mismatched eyes of fire and ice meeting the ragdolls for a moment before shifting to search for the familiar piebald coat of his mentor.

He had something to say to the bastard who'd made his life hell for the last few moons.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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Fireflypaw waited from the mouth of the medicine den as the Meeting was called, listening intently with flicking ears. He looked a bit comical, really- his ears swiveling to and fro, twitching and gliding with every tone change. He huffs softly.

Twitchbolt, Quillstrike, and Basilpatch.

His ears swivel forward in interest, excitement bubbling in his gut. Even with all that was done, Firefly was fully prepared to cheer for his friends. "Twitchbolt! Quillstrike! Basilpatch!" He shouts their names, a large grin on his face- they were going to be grown-ups soon, so they had bigger responsibilities now. Things would change, soon. He only hoped it was for the better.
Blazestar joins his Clan in chanting for the new warriors before he lets the silence fall. "Quillstrike! Basilpatch! Twitchbolt!" He can see the uncertainty in their eyes, the self-doubt, but he wants them to know SkyClan honors them and will continue to do so.

Once the chanting dies down, Blazestar will direct his attention to some other cats in the crowd. "Hailstone, you have requested a name change to commemorate your decision to leave your Twolegs." He lifts his tail, tilting his head towards the reddening morning sky. "Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name." He lowers his gaze to the blue tabby's. "From this moment on, he will be known as Ashenclaw, for the new life he's chosen to lead."

This is a different sort of ceremony, one Blazestar has never conducted before. The words sounded right as they left his maw; he only hopes StarClan will continue to recognize Ashenclaw as the same cat. Will they recognize him still? He does not know; he can only hope.

"Termitepaw, you are in need of another mentor since yours has retired. Ashenclaw will take over your training from this day forward." He will wait for the newly named warrior and the nervous young apprentice to touch noses before progressing.

"This is not a ceremony, but it is an important matter. Silversmoke, please step forward." The silver tabby won't be expecting this -- Blazestar had kept his mouth shut, except for to his council members. The Ragdoll dips his head to the warrior below him. "Silversmoke, you have displayed great judgment and bravery. I ask you to join my council as a lead warrior." A gleam enters dark blue eyes. "Do you accept?"

@SILVERSMOKE congrats !!!!! super excited to welcome you to the team. you and silversmoke have been a great part of keeping skyclan active!!! :,D there are still some warriors i'm keeping an eye on for IC reasons and/or activity monitoring!!!!

next post will be windclan discussion and activity shoutouts <3


"Quillstrike! Basilpatch! Twitchbolt!" Silversmoke's voice had been one among many, drowned out by the more enthusiastic cries of those who'd long awaited the day to invite new warriors into the clan. He would be cheering his own apprentice's name one day, a meeting that would likely bring equal parts relief and pride in the spotted tabby. For now, he could safely say that the new warriors before him had earned their names. Fervant blinks marked the tabby's face once another name was thrown into the mix, Hailstone, and a cautious side-eye was offered to his friend as they were offered a new name - a clan name. It was easy to forget that the large cat didn't have one already. Recognising it as a sign that he was leaving his Twoleg life behind him, Silversmoke offered a grateful nod toward the newly named Ashenclaw. He did not know if it would be out of place to congratulate him verbally, so he would wait until another spoke up before offering his own words of encouragement.

Then, out of nowhere, he heard his name.

He took a step forwards, his nose pointed up towards Blazestar. The stares of a dozen clanmates burned into the back of his head, igniting his ears with uncomfortable heat. Silversmoke kept his expression neutral, prideful, yet void of any of the concerns that being the center of attention may have offered at that moment. He had little clue as to why the leader called him forwards, speculation ran rampant as he locked eyes with the ragdoll. Perhaps he had said something out of place, perhaps his reprimands of Chrys were too harsh, or, perhaps he'd done something well, he didn't detect a grave air in the point's tone. The words 'great judgment' and 'bravery' caused another warmth to brew in the tabby's body, this time in his heart, which seemed to dance and skip with joy at being recognised for such things. He didn't think his judgment was special, nor that he was particularly brave, he just did what he believed was right for SkyClan - which meant following orders and giving opinions no matter how unpopular they may be. Those same eyes that often stared so coldly towards the clan slowly widened as it revealed that Blazestar was inviting him to be a lead warrior.

His head bowed low, the spotted tabby had to remember to breathe as a new wave of emotions hit him. "I accept." There was the slightest waver to his stoic tone, a joy that threatened to seep into his voice that he had to remind himself to hold back from revealing. Silversmoke finished his bow. When he rose, he acknowledged himself as SkyClan's newest lead warrior. A smirk began to creep across his muzzle, he could only imagine how Slate must have been feeling about this development.


Just like Butterflytuft, Twitchpaw was another apprentice that Greenpaw'd expected to graduate alongside him. Instead, he graduates with a different group of apprentices, all of which push Greenpaw and his siblings even closer to helming the title of SkyClan's Oldest Apprentices.

What a strange thought, that his own days as an apprentice are nearing their end. That one day, he'll wake up in a new den, with a new name, all without the structure of training with Sheepcurl to fill his time up. Greenpaw pushes those thoughts aside, to congratulate SkyClan's newest warriors instead.

"Quillstrike! Basilpatch! Twitchbolt!" he cheers among the crowd. Fitting names for all of them - Greenpaw can only hope the same for himself. Something that doesn't indicate how deadly his namesake is, he can only beg the stars for.

The next ceremony, leaves him with questions. Hailstone is to become a full-time warrior - which, in itself is nothing new, Greenpaw's own mentor had chosen that path herself, a shift from Churrodream to Sheepcurl that took some time to get used to. However, Greenpaw finds himself confused, when Blazestar proceeds to change Hailstone's name to Ashenclaw - a request from the grey tabby.

They could change names? Hailstone was... already void of a kittypet's name, wasn't it? Why change it? Greenpaw didn't know that was a thing he could do.

He'll... He'll have to ask the warrior about it later.

"Ashenclaw! Ashenclaw!" he still cheers, despite his confusion. Ashenclaw is assigned to be Termitepaw's new mentor afterwards, and Greenpaw thinks the meeting is just about done, until another name is called. Silversmoke.

Chrysalispaw's mentor is promoted to lead warrior. Viridian gaze lights up in amusement. Perhaps the apprentice will conduct himself better, now, with a higher rank watching over him.

"Silversmoke! Silversmoke!" he chants with the crowd, before seeking out the reaction of the new lead's apprentice among the audience.
A spine snakes under barbed black fur as he makes his way among the gathered, the orange of dawn painting all their coats. Silhouetting the leader as he calls to them. Thistleback filters behind Quillpaw’s hocks naturally. Skull hoisted high and proud, to display the soldier he had crafted. He only hoped the same honor could be given to his daughters, he approved of their mentors so with that he could rest easy. Today, was Quillpaw’s day. Thistleback had an affectionate wingspan for all of his non-blood misfit children, the black tabby was no exception.

" Quillstrike!, Basilpatch, Twitchbolt!" he cheers along with them with a hoarse howl. He steps aside as Blazestar is properly welcoming them to their new titles. Finds his place next to Snowpaw, his next success.

Hailstone’s name changes before the stars, to Ashenclaw. Thistleback nods, liking the sound of his friend’s new name already. Silversmoke being invited to the circle of council was something Thistleback already knew but had vehemently approved. He was tough and level.

Familiar mismatched eyes face away from the audience of Blazestar now, seeking and finding him. " shouldn’t you be celebrating with your fellow newly-warriors? Quillstrike " his muzzle lifts into a smirk and he can’t hide the glimmer of pride he had for Quillstrike.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

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Blazestar's voice no longer makes him flinch like it used to and for that he's grateful. Another meeting of apprentices recieving mentors and more importantly apprentices becoming warriors. The senior apprentices are finally 12 moons, time flies. He feels like he blinked and they were still sharing the apprentice den and dreaming wistfully of the future. The names chosen are interesting to him. Strike-for fighting prowess? Bolt for speed? Patch for appearances? Snowclaw for killer. He blinks and shakes his head, focuses on cheering with the crowd.
"Quillstrike! Basilpatch! Twitchbolt!"
His voice rises with the others to chant the names, welcoming the new cats into warriorhood and he feels his throat tighten with every utterance. Eventually that would be him. Eventually he would have to be named by Blazestar and he dreaded it still. He was afraid of what it might be and though he knew the ragdoll was not a cruel tom no matter what name was given to him it would carry a heavy meaning. He could not even imagine what might be chosen and the unease tangled into his shoulders; he found himself slouching despite himself.
With Quillstrike now a warrior it was just him and Thistleback and he scanned the crowd of cats for his mentor with wary golden eyes; fearful and unsure. With Quillpaw he could easily take a backseat to training, he could allow the other more forward tom to take the reigns but now he was the lone student for the lead warrior and his fear of disappointing the tom was almost overwhelming.
Silversmoke is promoted as he finds the black and white tom in the crowd, his mouth opens to mindlessly cheer but its drowned out by the others. "Silversmoke!" He wants to be a good enough apprentice that he would not shame his mentor or his mother, a lead warrior as well, that he could be deserving of a name that spoke of his loyalty and not his foolishness. Snowpaw blinked, golden eyes still fixated on Thistleback approaching Quillstrike to congratulate him, he admires him. He wants to be like him. He had seen Coyotepaw the other day mimic the other with some awkward grooming just to show his admiration and he wishes he could be as unapologetically open with his feelings.
Thistleback had chased him from camp to console him, gave him the hard truths of the world and was there for him. He wants to be a cat Thistleback would be proud of knowing. He wants to be a SkyClan warrior.

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Angry at all the things I can't change
Blazestar calls for a meeting and soon there are ceremonies that commence shortly after. Quillpaw, Basilpaw, and Twitchpaw all receive their warrior names as Coyotepaw takes a seat quietly along the outskirts of the group, watching. The less attention he pulls toward himself the better. Green eyes fall upon the newly made warriors, noting their various expressions during such a joyous occasion. But the celebration fails to stop there as his current guard is named lead warrior. He hardly knew anything about the silver tinged tom but based on everyone's shouts he must have been deserving of the role.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith


Even now, as a newly made Skyclan warrior, Quill didn't know what to think about Thistle. There was a part of him that was deep-rooted in it's stubbornness toward the older male, some rebellious teenage bullshit that wanted to cling to the harsher details of the relationship; rude wakeup calls, the snide remarks, the insanely high expectations. And yet, that part of him seemed farther away than it had when he'd first started out as Thistle apprentice. The resentment he'd once held, the frustration and mistrust he'd held toward the other, it all seemed so muted now, as if it had never been important to begin with.

"Shouldn' you be celebrating with your other newly-warriors, Quillstrike?

The look in Thistles gaze makes something in his chest twist with relief and happiness, and maybe just a bit of something bittersweet. Why couldn't his own parents ever look at him like that?

The words were answered with a familiar shrug, because really, Quill didn't give a damn about celebrating. He would if the others asked him to, but he wasn't above breaking off to do his own thing- to tend to other business first.

"Wanted to say thanks, first. You know... for everything."

And maybe it was just their ears not hearing right, but one might be able to pick up on the uncertainty bleeding through his normal monotony. He didn't like opening up to others. It made it far to easy for them to step inside and wreck what precious little sanity and inner-peace he had left, but he supposed at the end of the day he was grateful to Thistleback for all he'd done- for not writing him off as a lost cause, for making him put in the effort to better himself, for giving him the tools to do something more than just coast through life looking after himself.

Maybe Deer was right- maybe Quill would be a good warrior, and if he was he knew it would have nothing to do with own instincts or ambitions.

Whatever good came of him, whatever sword or shield he managed to become, was something forged in the flames of Thistlebacks fire- and he'd always owe the tom for that.

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall chimera tomcat with broad shoulders and several scars
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Blazestar awaits the chanting to fall by the wayside for the newly-named cats. He seeks a kit with plush fur in the crowd, her face dark with stripes in a pattern identical to his own. He beckons her forward with a sweep of his tail.

"One last ceremony before I make my announcement," he says. "Apple, you've reached the age to become an apprentice. From this day forward, you will be known as Applepaw. Your mentor will be Cardinalshine." He finds the tabby in the crowd and gives him a nod. "Cardinalshine, I expect you to teach all you know to Applepaw so she may learn to become a true SkyClan warrior."

It's the last of his namings. He will wait for the apprentice and mentor to touch noses before he moves onto the badger in the camp -- the WindClanners. He clears his throat, indicating his Clan should silence themselves.

"You are all surely aware that we currently have two injured WindClan cats in our camp. I've spoken with Dandelionwish, and what he's told me is... troubling." His eyes darken with anger as he recounts the story. "Dandelionwish spoke out against Sootstar for her raid on our Clan, and he was imprisoned for it. She claimed she received a prophecy from StarClan telling her he was a traitor. He's been replaced by another cat. Dandelionwish said she intended to have him killed." His claws grip the bark of the Highbranch. "Dandelionwish attempted to flee from WindClan and sustained injuries from his Clanmates. The same Clanmates he once served as medicine cat. Daisypaw was caught in the fray. They would have injured her as well, if not killed her."

His tail begins to twitch madly. "Dandelionwish and Daisypaw will be staying with us. Sootstar's brutality knows no end, and I will not condemn cats who have never raised their claws against us to die." His eyes shoot towards Coyotepaw for a moment, but he does not say anything. That was the exception to this law -- and his Clan, by now, knew it. "They will hunt and fight for SkyClan now when their injuries have healed. Dandelionwish, you will train Daisypaw to be a SkyClan warrior once you are able to work."

His attention turns to his Clan again. "There will be no mentions of Dandelionwish, Daisypaw, or Coyotepaw at Gatherings or border patrols. All three of them will refrain from going on those patrols. I do not put it past Sootstar to make trouble for us if she receives confirmation they are here. That's an order. If any of you are found breaking it, you are risking bringing war onto our Clan." His voice is as close to steely as it can get.

He will pause for a heartbeat to answer any questions or explain himself further to his cats if need be; if there is nothing, he will dismiss the meeting and leap from the Highbranch.

// @APPLE @CARDINALSHINE also sorry this is so late y'all

also activity shoutouts for February: @orangeblossom @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw @Daisyflight @ThistleBack @sheepcurl @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Sharpeye @QUILLSTRIKE @TWITCHBOLT @Dandelionwish @FIGPAW @GREENPAW @CHRYSALISPAW @Howlpaw @MUSHROOMPAW @Coyotepaw @TERMITEPAW

thanks so much for working hard to keep our Clan active <3 every single one of you is appreciated so much!

remember your cat must be on the census to receive a shoutout! if they weren't on the census prior to march they wouldn't have made it on this one, but they will be eligible next time!


A part of her had feared that her mother might have denied her the chance to take the step up in the clan, but fortunately it hadn't come to that in the end. Apple felt nothing but relief as her name was called up and she was swift to hurry forward into position with an excitable wiggle of her tail. It took all her strength to avoid squealing loudly as she came to stand before her new mentor, Cardinalshine. "I'll do my very best!" The young Ragdoll cooed before moving to reach up to touch noses with the other.

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