camp falling through the vines ;; intro.


May 20, 2023
i've got boulders on my shoulders,
collarbones begin to crack!

Timbersnap watches idly as a monster roars past the Thunderpath, blinking idly at the giant object as it passes. How many cats have died from this path, he wonders? How many were dumb enough to run across the path without looking? He turns his back to the foul-smelling thing, head pushing through the ferns once more as he begins to pad back to camp. He supposes it was better to remain far away from the dangerous path, but he couldn't say he wasn't curious. His paws carry him through the marshes, paws sticky with mud as they squelch with every step.

That is, until he sees a few familiar faces. He stops, giving a tired little smile to them.

"What are you doing? Need any help?" He asks, voice hoarse as he avoids eye contact. If they denied his help, he'd just keep walking and pretend he didn't just get rejected. Shame wasn't his favorite emotion.

· TIMBERSNAP , cismale — he / him
╰ ‣ shadowclan. warrior.
╰ ‣ raised in the marshes. previously named timber.
╰ ‣ 14 moons old. ages monthly on the 8th.
· SH SPOTTED CINNAMON TABBY W/ HIGH WHITE , smells like mudwater , status — 100%
╰ ‣ [reference] sporting long limbs and a lanky body, timbersnap is a rather large cat with not enough meat on his bones to fill out most of his body. beneath his fluffy, short-haired coat, you can slightly see muscles that stretch with every movement. he isn't the most impressive looking tom, but he certainly keeps himself neat and tidy as much as possible. his eyes are a swampy green, slanted and oval-shaped.
╰ ‣ no accessories.
╰ ‣ no scars/injuries.
· NPC x NPC , siblings tbd
╰ ‣ demisexual heteroromantic. single.
╰ ‣ no children.
╰ ‣ mentally and physically ?? . medium . medium .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by saeyoung .
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“Whew! Gimme a heartbeat to catch my breath,” Forestshade pants, ears angling back as she ducks her head wearily. She and her patrol had just been chasing down a marsh rabbit, and it had just barely escaped their clutches. She huffs in frustration through her quick breaths, clearly not used to missing catches.

Her ear flicks as the sound of paw steps announces Timbersnap’s arrival. “Marsh rabbit just had the upper paw on us this time. We can follow the trail and try to find it again, but…likely long gone now,” The torbie explains dryly, finally straightening herself again when she begins to breathe more evenly. She doesn’t usually lose her breath so easily, but she shrugs it off and blames it on the humidity.

// apprentice tag @orchidpaw

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

It was an odd sight to see a marsh rabbit get the upper paw with Forestshade, her dark blue gaze looking at the older warrior before her eyes drifted onto Timbersnap with a dip of her head in greetings to the warrior. "Perhaps we can corner it? Spit one way and chase the rabbit into another" the warrior suggested smoothly while her tail flicked slightly at such thoughts. It was a perfect ambush plan so it could work...and there was plenty of them here to attempt to corner their unfortunate little thing of prey that managed to slip away from paws.

"It could also provide a good lesson for the apprentices" the warrior expressed smoothly while her gaze drifted down towards Forestshade's little tag-along, and then towards the other two warriors, normally not the one to suggest such ideas but...since Forestshade was struggling they might as well divulge in a plan that could potentially work in their favor instead of allowing it to easily slip away from them. Ears swerved a bit while she took a deep breath in, catching the strong smell of the marsh rabbit that escaped them while a small hum came from her throat, waiting for the others to respond to the suggested idea.
જ➶ With ease he lounges in the bough of a branch, brilliant blue eyes blind to the world while he takes it all in with the deep tones of amber. There are a lot of thoughts circling through his mind and namely one that had to deal with how to get rid of a certain Thunderclan apprentice. Catching them alone seems to be the best option. Even so that will be tricky. His thoughts are broken up as he hears voices, the rushing of paws and heavy breathing. The long limbed tom slips his way down from the tree and he lands near the group with that unsettling smile still upon his muzzle. "Catching rabbits are we? Sounds so like Windclan but then again I think our rabbits taste better." A chuckle leaves his throat before he looks at Forestshade and how winded the other seems.

"Maybe you need to take a break Forest. You might fall over if not." He offers little in the way of help unlike Timbersnap. There is no real want to help, he doesn't really like rabbit afterall.

The cinnamon tabby often found herself near the Thunderpath, she lead patrols often and there was something about the visceral curiosity of someone getting run over that left her eyes settled on the grey road near-permanently when she was near it. It was not enjoyment of blood or suffering that drove her, only the desire to see and do new things at every opportunity, though, she would be grateful if it wasn't another clanmate that gave her such an experience. Moving closer to the cats gathered, Ferndance blinked softly as the conversation veered towards Forestshade's failed catch. Unusual indeed. She puffed her chest out and gracefully fell back onto her haunches, her whiplike tail curling around her forepaws as she prepared to offer her wisdom "I think if we made Timbersnap's ears a little bigger, he would look like a rabbit," the she-cat suggested with a tilt of her head. He had a similar coat to hers, only splashed with more whites and lined with spots. Ok so maybe his coat wasn't similar at all, but that had nothing to do with his ability to disguise himself. "We can send him in their burrow and they would be none the wiser. Then... we murder them all from the inside out. rabbits for everyone." Ferndance smiled proudly at her idea, her wispy voice edged with a peppiness.

can we leave it behind? "That sounds absolutely delightful Ferndance. What would we do without your keen strategy." Came a low grumble from behind the patrol. Sabletuft's voice was weighed with dry sarcasm, tone dull. He glanced over to Forestshade, curiously surprised at how quickly she had tired herself out. He still felt like he could pad on for some time, and she was supposed to be the spring chicken compared to him.

His sights rest on Timbersnap then, as if finally noticing the tom was there. He recognized the acid scent of the Thunderpath and, for just a split second felt his heart lurch in his chest. No- there wasn't any ThunderClan scent either. Sunnyday hadn't been waiting for him. He could calm down. His head would dip in a wordless greeting to the younger warrior.

"Why not." Sabletuft agreed with Ravenwatcher. "Timbersnap, you wanna tag along while you're with us? Might be more than just rabbit out of this."— tags

-- app tag @loampaw
Orchid has never seen her mentor miss a catch in the time that they were together, and quite frankly, she finds it to be a terrifying thought. Is she sick? Did Toadleap get me sick, and I gave it to her? She avoids her mentors eyes as she comes to a stop besides her, her heart beating loudly in her chest. Or would Forestshade have them practice their hunting crouch all day again? Their shoulders already ache, but she just wants the best for you. Mama's voice echoes in her mind as she draws in a sharp breath, easily catching her own compared to her mentor.

I think Ferndance's way is much better, but they hold their tongue, eyes fluttering shut as she lets the adults talk. They don't want to hunt down the rabbit again, they don't want to give Forestshade a reason to be disappointed- She just wants whats best, and so she finds herself nodding along to Ravenwatchers words along with Sabletuft.