camp falling to pieces [ returning to camp/injuries ]

( ) The trek back to the camp felt so much longer than it ever had. Leaning against Flycatcher, the red tabby slowly limped through the tunnel into the camp. Her face twisted slightly with pain, but even though it hurt, it was no where near the pain she had experienced when her dog bite was infected. If it hadn't been for Cinderfrost, she would have died. She was worried about Berryfrost looking at her wound this wasn't an open wound so at least she wouldn't have to worry about infection. Would he be able to help her? They'd find out soon enough. She lowered her head embarrassed as nearly all of the cats in the camp turned their attention towards them. Flycatcher had panicked the entire way here...if only she hadn't climbed higher up the tree, none of this would have happened.

"I'm okay...really. Maybe I can just sleep it off." she said quietly, hoping he wouldn't make another big fuss.

she has wrenched her right shoulder after falling from a tree
@Flycatcher @BERRYHEART
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When she had fallen from the tree, Flycatcher had watched her fall with bated breath. She had wanted to climb further and had jumped to the next branch, only for it to snap beneath her and send her back to the floor. They were fortunate that she hadn't fallen from too high but that hadn't stopped Flycatcher from jumping down and worrying over her on the floor. They had managed to get her back on her paws and slowly get back to camp but he imagined it can't have been comfortable. Flycatcher had made the journey longer than necessary by stopping frequently to check on her or ask if she was in pain. When they eventually got back to camp they were greeted by the surprised looks of their clanmates, likely unsure what to make of the two of them returning with Flamewhisker injured.

"Flamewhisker, you fell from a tree," Flycatcher pointed out, somewhat stern. She could have broken a bone for all they knew! His expression softened slightly and the brow that had been creased with worry eased away. "You should at least let Berryheart give you a once over. It would give us both piece of mind, I reckon."
Two voices caught Emberstar's ear and her head turned. Flycatcher and Flamewhisker were returning to camp, that was good. Her attention almost wandered away from them before she noticed the limp in the molly's step, the pain in her gaze, and how she leaned against the tom beside her. She got up from where she sat and hurried over.

Catching the latter end of her lead warrior's statement, the leader nodded in agreement. "Flycatcher is right, you need to see Berryheart. Does it hurt? How bad?" Emberstar questioned, hovering like a concerned parent. She examined the injury uselessly, as though she had the skills to devise how bad it was.

"Flamewhisker fell from what? What happened?" He'd been in the middle of a walk when he caught sight of the pair and noticed Flamewhisker limping back to camp and is a little breathy from catching up to the trio. Jaypaw trots over quickly, confusion and concern painted across his orange caped face as he looks over his mentor's hurts. He comes to stand beside Emberstar now and nods with vigor. What if she's more hurt than she knows? What if her leg comes off in her sleep and they can't put it back on? Even if his mentor is being stubborn, he'll help her, and quickly the young tom turns to go run and find their medicine cat. Breathless again, he sniffs and pops his head into the den in search of the new healer."Berry, Berry! Flame needs help- I mean, maybe she needs help- for her leg!" He toddles in place with impatience, ready to lead him back.


He often found himself lost in this den, but not from sprawling scope- no, simply from the pure solitude of it. Lost did not always have to be bad did it? Lost in thoughts, in reverie, in memory... truly, that was the purest form of bliss. At the beck and call of those who cried his name, it was not exemplary that he had been unprepared for interruption. Thankfully, no-one was in the den to see the blink of tangible surprise across his speckled features, still entirely unaccustomed to his new role.

Heaving himself to his paws, for a moment he wanted to ask for advice from his hailer- none other than Sprawls. But what an off-putting sign that would be! Though he knew the truth, he knew also that it would not be wise to make his uncertainty clear. With his predecessor's turbulent exile, what ThunderClan needed most- and what was essential to the perfect home- was stability. If nothing else, he hoped his tranquility could offer that- so, giving Sprawls a nod of gratitude for leading him over, Berryheart set his askew gaze upon Sunset.

"Your leg...?" A simple inquiry, but it did the job. It was all he knew- help with her leg- and no blood kissed the air, nor could he spot the tear of a wound. Thankfully.
( ) In response to his words, she would slowly nod. Her teeth gritted as she tried to lower her paw to the ground, but pain shot through her once more. She was able to move it at least, so that was a good sign at least. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she wished to lay down. Emberstar's voice caught her off guard, and she licked her chest fur a few times embarrassedly at her sign of affection towards Flycatcher. "It doesn't hurt as bad as the dog bite I had when I joined...but it does hurt a lot."

She heard Jaypaw's voice, but he was already racing towards the medicine den before she could reassure him that she was alright. Her heart swelled as she was thankful to have such a thoughtful apprentice. It was only moments before Jaypaw returned with their new medicine cat. "I fell from the Great Sycamore and uh...landed kinda weird. I don't think it's broken because I can move but my shoulder hurts really bad."