pafp FAMILIAR FACES ALL AROUND ME // friendly confrontation

// please wait for @FERNPAW

It had taken some time to notice him among the throng of journeying cats. But once she did, she couldn't help but stare. She swears she recognizes some part of him...but the cat she'd fought with had patches of missing fur, baby blue eyes that bulged from his head, and a scrawny, scrappy frame. While still small, this tom had matured, bearing brighter orange fur and bright green eyes - and would you look at that, he has all of his fur! Finally, she catches sight of that white paw, and her face brightens with the realization.

"It is you!" She trills, a challenging grin stretching across her face. The small she-cat trots forward, tail held high as she catches up with him. Her movements are fluid and calm; she is very obviously not trying to start anything or challenge him, but there is a mischievous gleam in hazel eyes as she looks him up and down. "I wasn't so sure at first, but it really is you! The apprentice from Sunningrocks!" She had been just an apprentice - they'd both been so young back then. Surely that means he is a warrior now, too. "Did your fighting ever improve?" She jests with a toothy smile and playful wink, unaware her joke might be poorly received. She can be a bit tone-deaf like that at times.


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  • Angry
Reactions: Mosspool

He'd caught sight of the blue-and-white molly near the beginning of the journey, and had been making a conscious effort to avoid her. In doing so, Fernpaw hadn't noticed how she often glanced his way, instead watching his back only to make sure she wasn't going to sneak up on him. Truly, he doubted any conversation with her was going to go well. ThunderClan already bore their victory at Sunningrocks like a star-blessed emblem, and it'd be even worse if he faced someone who had been actively involved in his utter failure in that battle.

Apparently, today Fernpaw hadn't been watching carefully enough. It is you! Before he could even register what exactly was about to happen, the Thunderclanner was already bounding her way over to him. No doubt she was a warrior, now- but, surprisingly, he noticed no sharp hostility in her bright yellow gaze. For a moment, Fernpaw's confusion became extremely evident upon his marred features- why would she be nice?

Well, last time she'd seen him he'd definitely looked different- he couldn't hold her uncertainty against her. What did sting a little were her next words, but... without any bristling fur or baring fangs, he found it immediately unappealing to be offended. Still, a bit of hurt was slightly evident on his face when he said, "I think I'd definitely wriggle out of your pin, now." He'd been working on avoiding getting pinned more than anything- being lacking in the strength department, he'd begun to rely rather heavily on dodging.
penned by pin
Mosspaw, as ever, was sticking close to her clanmates when a loud voice caught her attention. She narrowed her eyes as she saw a Thunderclanner padding toward them. What did she want? The word Sunningrocks stopped her in her tracks. This was one of the cats that had sent her clanmates home beaten and bloodied. Her fur bristled. This journey was meant to be a time of peace and cooperation, and here this Thunderclanner was picking at old wounds. Openly mocking an apprentice no less. It was disgraceful behavior, an affront to the stars themselves.

The joking tone of the older molly was completely lost on her.

"He could take you any day." Mosspaw declared with cold confidence, her eyes sharp. She stepped up beside her clanmate in a show of support.

Part of her wanted to add that she could too. She had not been there that day, it had still been too early in her apprenticeship for her to go, and she still remembered the feeling of helplessness as her clanmates returned one by one. She remembered her sister Ashpaw stumbling home. She remembered the moment she feared her mother would not return at all. There was an itch under her pelt to get back at one of the cats that had caused all that pain.​
With the emotional intelligence of a rock, Stormywing does not see the pain her words cause. Her ears only twitch with interest at his response. "Oh yeah?" She retorts, her grin only growing as a mischievous glint in her eye shines. Walking for days had been so boring. It could be fun to liven things up a bit with a friendly spar.

An apprentice sidles up to the tom's side, her eyes narrowed and her words clipped. Her challenge does not fall on deaf ears; no, it invigorates her, filling her eyes with electricity as she swipes her tongue eagerly across grinning fangs. "Wanna prove it?" She shoots back, leaning into something akin to a play bow. Her tail swings wildly in the air, as if taunting. "No claws, of course!" This wouldn't be much fun if they got hurt two days into this grand journey.
It’s only a matter of time before either a ThunderClanner or a RiverClanner brings up Sunningrocks, and Iciclefang is not surprised to see it’s Stormywing who does so. In a particularly tone-deaf way, the gray tabby excitedly begins to prod at Fernpaw. The tortoiseshell’s ear flicks as she draws nearer, to sit beside Mosspaw. The scarred tabby demands a rematch, and although her tone is playful and relatively goodnatured, Iciclefang can feel the discomfort radiating from her littermate’s bright pelt.

She shifts her paws. “You want a sparring opponent so bad, then I’ll give you one,” she says. It’s less to protect Fernpaw than to save him—and herself, their Clanmates—further embarrassment. “Hopefully you prove to be a better opponent than that big black-furred oaf I fought at Sunningrocks.” She rises to her paws, putting a protective white-frosted foot forward.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Mosspaw at his side spouted words that made Fernpaw's pelt prickle a little bit- the rational part of him knew she was only trying to be nice, only trying to defend him from some sort of perceived slight- but it made it no less odd of a feeling. Her belief in him was appreciated, if indeed it was that and not just an effort to guard RiverClan's honour. Stormywing seemed to buy it, though- the Thunderclanners belief in his abilities, faith that he had actually improved enough to challenge him, was near-invigorating.

Before he could open his mouth to respond, though- an autumn-night shape slunk into his reduced periphery, taking on the challenge in his stead. What had before been a mixed feeling immediately became a sour one- the same one he'd felt when Iciclefang had offered without prompt to aid him in hunting, never having struggled with it herself. It must be wonderful, he thought bitterly, to just get everything right. The fact that Iciclefang had also tried in her life did not occur to him.

Fernpaw's face had noticeably fallen. After all this time, she still didn't think he could succeed in a simple spar? He narrowed his eyes at the frosty paw placed forward in a battle stance, a challenge meant for him already taken by another. "Oh yeah, she's much better than me anyway." Fernpaw spat irritably, back already turned to his sister as he strode away. He would leave her with her noble duty, or whatever it was.

\ out :(
penned by pin
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Iciclefang, who she has since learned the name of, is at the scene in an instant, placing a protective paw in front of the ginger tom and accepting the challenge for herself. For some reason, this only invigorates Stormywing more. Her rival ever since the day at the bridge...this would be fun. She grins, already sinking into a crouch. "Bring it on, RiverClanner," She growls through grinning fangs, hardly even paying attention to the red-furred apprentice stalking away.

Her focus is now solely on proving that she is way more awesome than this tortoiseshell. She lunges forward impulsively, fire lighting up her paws as she moves quickly to try and tackle the other. Her goal would be to bring her to the ground, pin her like she had pinned her clanmate all those moons ago. She is bigger than he is, though - fuller with muscle. Her kicks would be a lot more powerful than his had been.

The battle over Sunningrocks was a touchy subject for her. She had almost lost her life that day...almost never seen her kits or mate again. It was a day she never wanted to think of ever again, yet it still crept into her dreams, haunting her more often than she would admit. Ever once and awhile, her shoulder where she had been pinned against an underground rock still ached if she moved it wrong. With all of this walking, it was aching more than usual.

She had been avoiding the Riverclanners that were on the journey, but so far they all seemed to be somewhat tolerable. Flamewhisker hadn't been rude to anyone, but she was also not going out of her way to talk to them. It could be worse...what if Snakeblink had come? She didn't know what she would have done if the tom had accompanied them.

Her ears perk as she hears Stormywing challenging one of them to a spar. Green eyes narrow, and she watches with interest. She pads over to join the group, giving Stormywing a nod. There was nothing wrong with a no claws out spar. "Get her Stormywing!" the tabby encourages, sitting down to watch. She had full faith her clanmate would win.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

Fernpaw seems to bristle behind her, and his tone is cutting as he begins to stalk away. Iciclefang turns and watches him go with mild surprise. What had crawled into his nest and died? “Oh yeah, she’s much better than me anyway,” Fernpaw had snapped. Had he really wanted to fight this minnowbrained ThunderClanner—was he jealous, now, that it would be her instead? She stares after her littermate before shaking her head and turning back to Stormywing.

Stormywing does not hesitate to leap, spurned on by Flamewhisker’s cheers. Iciclefang lets the tabby crash into her, effectively pinning her to the ground. Her frame is just slightly bulkier than the RiverClan warrior’s, but she is not worried. She gets her hindlegs positioned on either side of Stormywing’s flank and attempts to heave upward with a kick; if she were to successfully dislodge the tabby, Iciclefang would roll back to her paws.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Dovethroat watches Stormywing approach Fernpaw from a distance, an odd feeling stirring in his stomach. Though he has found the squabbling over clan relations and needless faction-based thinking absolutely dreadful to deal with, Dovethroat does also find the cavalier, almost joking way in which the warrior treats the attack on Sunningrocks offputting. Surely some sort of medium behind these two thinks existed, but Dovethroat was beginning to truly lose hope that they would ever get there.

And yes, perhaps he also holds a grudge about Sunningrocks. He never claimed to be perfect, he would snort dismissively and hypocritically. He would, if he had any sort of backbone for that (which he does not).

More pertinent, however, is Fernpaw and Iciclefang—and while Iciclefang's masterful display of emotional ignorance is not surprising, he feels bad for Fernpaw all the same. His heart stinging with sympathy, he considers walking after him; his back even turns as he prepares to do so. However, the sound of cat hitting earth makes him peek over his shoulder; and he cannot deny that seeing Iciclefang get pinned to the ground gives him a touch a schadenfreude.

What? he tries to say to the angel on his shoulder, the good-thought Dovethroat. It's not like either of them will die—and I'm rooting for nobody. I win no matter who gets hurt. At least, that's what the little pitchfork-holding Dovethroat on the other shoulder is saying. Dovethroat conveniently remains undecided in this matter, but still stays to watch.

"Yeah Stormywing!" Stormpaw cheers like a newborn squirrel, popping up to press against her mother Flamewhisker's side with a boastful look in her eye. Fernpaw's dejection is lost on the tricolor cat, even though she can sorely relate to feelings of inadequacy. She choses purposefully to not deal with that side of her conscious, turning away from Fernpaw feels great in the moment, like she defeated some mental foe.

It is much, much easier to revert back to tribalistic mentalities in order to forget her individual insignificance.

"Show her who Sunningrocks really belongs to!" Her eyes glint as she raises her head proudly.

She feels the other's paws hook up against her flanks. Stormywing is caught off guard by just how powerful the RiverClanner's kick is; it sends her toppling off and skittering in the dirt off to the side. On agile paws, she swiftly rolls back to her feet and snarls, but there is no malice in her eyes, only the mischievous spark of playful competition. Competing is one of her favorite things in the world, second only to winning. With a non-serious growl, she pounces again, unthinking, in an attempt to barrel the tortoiseshell over if she succeeds in slamming her shoulder into her side. If it's successful, she will land off-balance, having thrown all of her focus and power into that strike. If she'll be easy to get her off her feet.
That infuriating grin widened and Mosspaw bristled even further. The Thunderclanner put forth a challenge, a spar to prove their claims were more than mere words. The idea sat well with Mosspaw. She had full faith that Fernpaw would put this minnowbrain in her place. The words he had said to her when they had spoken back at camp, just after volunteering for this journey, rang in her mind.

"I just know I can do it."

Which was why Mosspaw could only blink when Iciclefang stepped forward to offer herself for the challenge in Fernpaw's stead. He snapped back with an anger she had never known from him, and stormed off, leaving her confused. What had just happened? She turned, meaning to go after him.

Then the cheers from the Thunderclanners drew her attention back to the bout as it began in earnest, and her eyes narrowed. Fernpaw was momentarily forgotten as their words made her anger flare up anew. "Teach her a lesson Iciclefang." Mosspaw sneered with cold disdain. Regardless of who did the deed, what she wanted most was to see this Thunderclanner lose. Hopefully that would be enough to teach her to watch her tongue.​
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It’s been many moons since she’d faced off with a ThunderClanner, and Stormywing’s heft and strength surprise her. Still, she manages to kick the gray she-cat away from her to the sound of Mosspaw’s cheer. Had that been the end of it, the tortoiseshell would have been content to walk away, but the tabby retaliates quickly. Her paws quickly find purchase upon the meadowlike grass and she surges toward Iciclefang again, this time her paws placed squarely on her chest. The side-tackle ends in a half-roll, Iciclefang beneath this infuriating she-cat once more.

She flushes beneath her pelt. Pinned twice, a loss by any standard. She does her best to shove Stormywing away from her, searing under her fur. “Don’t touch me again, prey-thief,” she snaps, smarting from the loss. She gives Mosspaw an aggrieved look. “Hopefully you took something away from that. ThunderClan is bigger than us, and they love to throw their weight around.” She sighs, then gives the scarred white-and-blue tabby an angry look through a snow-blue gaze. “Happy with your victory? I hope so. It’s the last one you’ll have over me.

She’s a sore loser, but it’s largely because she’s never been a loser. The only equivalent she can find in her mind is her loss to the WindClan warrior with the single eye, pinning her to the ground with his teeth in the nape of her neck. The memory floods her veins with red-hot fire, and she stalks away, the ice in her body melted and replaced with simmering anger.

  • out ; we rolled for victory and sorry she's a sore loser LMAO
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Stormywing feels a sense of pride rush through her veins as she brings the she-cat to the ground again. She is beaming, but she sees very quickly that Iciclefang is not. She is shoved away and catches her footing in the dirt, eyeing the tortoiseshell incredulously. "Yeesh," She mutters in response, watching her speak to the apprentice who had been cheering her on. Ears folding back slightly, the warrior can only cock her head to the side, uncertainty weighing down her voice as she mews, "It was only a spar..."

But Icicefang storms off, leaving Stormywing standing awkwardly by herself in the dusty clearing that had been a battlefield for the two. She can't help but feel angry at the other's reaction. Her brow furrows, tail flicking with annoyance. She's the one that wanted to spar with me! "Yeah, yeah," She huffs after her, a hurt frown pulling at her lips before she, too, turns away.


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