familiar yet new faces [o; crashing returns]


my eyes wide shut
Nov 11, 2023

ooc: Marlin's speech is bold & italic and Crashing's is just bold. Crashingtide does have memory loss, but it is beginning to return. He goes by Tide right now because that is all he could remember. So, if someone calls him Crashingtide, he may question who that is/be unsure if they are talking to him.

ic: Two figures walked together, both seemingly unaware of this being a clan's territory. Yet one of them seemed to have a hint of confusion on their face. This heavily marred feline looked around, trying to get his thoughts together. He was quiet as they walked, his lumbering paws would be familiar to any RiverClan cat that had known him before his disappearance. His marred pelt looked different, more scars adorned his muddy brown fur, and he walked with a limp - the evidence of a fox attack survivor. The companion to Crashingtide was much smaller, sleek, coat as dark as midnight.

"Anything yet, Tide?" The companion asked.

"It...seems...familiar." The lumbering feline spoke. "But I can't tell just yet, Mar."

Marlin, or Mar, sighed. Crashingtide had come to him with memory loss and barely alive, escaping the fox. As a healer, the ebony feline worried as all he had remembered was Tide, the name spoken a few moons ago. Mar thought that if Crashingtide came to the area he was familiar with, it would spark something in him. Yet, Crashingtide could barely remember anything. The brown tabby let out a grunt sound as he thought. The large feline moved with a purpose now without warning. The former RiverClan cat padded towards his favorite spot without even thinking about it. He threw caution to the wind, the feline kept pushing forward despite the new smell that took over, the scent markers.

Crashingtide was hit like a freight train as he passed over the border. "Home. RiverClan."

"You're remembering?"
The ebony feline asked. "RiverClan? We're...in clan territory??" The loner slunk down and stopped in his tracks. Crashingtide went back to the feline and laid down beside him. "Mar, you're okay. If you need to go, please go. I'll wish you a safe journey. You have been an amazing friend and I owe you my life." He pressed his nose to the other's head. "Please promise me that you'll come by the border and visit sometime."

"I promise, Tide." The feline responded. "I promise, but I can't be here when they find you. I've heard stories and I just...can't."

"I understand. I don't want you in harm's way."
Crashingtide's response was calm, sad, but yet full of understanding. "Goodbye, my friend."

"Goodbye, my friend."

With that Mar left with a sorrowful glance and the brown tabby nodded, then rose to his paws. Heading towards the spot he had been going towards before. The brown tabby feline rushed, nearly sprinting there. As he approached he stopped on the shoreline, the peace washed over him as he stood there. He was quietly observing, the memories still trying to return to him. He just remembered this spot, his place to relax, to heal. The large tom climbed into the water that was before him, the soft waves hitting him gently on the side. His mismatched eyes closed as he stood there in the natural wave pool. The tide rocking him back and forth, easing him. He smiled brightly.

He shouldn't have intruded, but here he was. Back home. A place that was still unfamiliar to him yet beckoned him. This place felt right, as if he had been there so many times before. Crashingtide opened his eyes to look around once more when he was met with a pair of eyes. "Sorry. Uh, sorry."

An unfamiliar scent plagues her nose that wasn't neither belonging to the new kittypets, twolegs or the pollution caused by the creatures. Long legs trek across and an exhausted chambray gaze meets another and she pauses in her steps, her blood chilling to the touch and eyes narrow at the suspicious figure for a moment. It takes a moment until she realizes it's the missing Crashingtide that had they could never find and assumed that the fox that attacked him, had killed him. A surprised expression replaces the tensed, “Crashingtides.

He had been gone for what felt a moon or two, hadn't he not? “You're alive. Let's get you back to camp and see Lichenstar, and them.” Troutsnout would murmur as she gives distance for the tom-cat and turns on her paws, attempting to guide the newly returning tom-cat back to his home. Everyone surely missed him and he would be back at a home where everyone was family and sought to only help each other. It took a village to raise a child, and he would be a nice addition to help train the new kittypets that Lichenstar allowed to stay after they helped their members escape.

Unfamiliar scent had Ferngill wary, though he was as ever armed with politeness- the unexpected sight of Crashingtide cut through him like fox-claws. So often was RiverClan saddled with missing Clanmates; it happened more often that a cat turned our missing rather than dead. Of course- some had returned, like Ashpaw- some had turned up dead, like Wolverinefang- more had never been found at all. Troutsnout's calm response was not mirrored in Ferngil- as soon as recognition snapped into the glimmer of a verdant eye, he was bounding over, a blur of flame.

"Crashingtide! You're home!" His voice was joyous birdsong, rising into the air with pitched excitement. Oh, he couldn't believe it! This- this had to be some sort of miracle- all signs had pointed to Crashingtide being dead, but he wasn't! Unless- unless this was StarClan, somehow- oh, but then Troutsnout wouldn't be here, would she?

Ferngill gave the brown furred she-cat a grin. "I don't know how you're so calm," he chuckled, before thrilled attention found its way back to Crashingtide. "Yeah- let's get you back, I- I bet you're exhausted. Then you can tell us what happened."
penned by pin
જ➶ Smelling the scent of something unfamiliar set he4 on edge. It always did considering everything that Riverclan has went through and she snaps her eyes up, peering through the brush at the stranger before her. Her tail snaps back and forth before she slips her way from the undergrowth. The older apprentice frowns and the hostility in her gaze is never hidden, open for everyone to see. Distrust is clearly there as well and she gives herself a wide birth when it comes to Troutsnout. Her gaze flicks to Ferngill and then towards the returning individual. "Shouldn't we get Lichenstar first before bringing him back to camp?" Her maw snaps afte4 her sentence. There is a jagged edge to her voice but she at least doesn't have her hackles raised. At the moment she is just curious of the situation. A cat missing and suddenly returning is no small feat.

But they need to be sure of the other's return, right? Ears slowly move forward then as she latches her gaze on Crashingtide then. Quirking a half smirk she settles down and curls her tail against her body. "Welcome back, I guess. How long have you been gone?"