Family Shenanigans {ThistleDeer Fam}

Jun 14, 2022
( ) Deersong would slowly wake from where she was curled up beside Thistleback in the warrior's den. The dawn light was barely filtering into the small holes of the bramble walls and the molly would take a moment just to drink in her mate's sleeping face, finding comfort in how peaceful he looked. She would lift her head and gently lick his cheek, hoping to stir him from his slumber because she had a special plan today.

Rising from her nest she would slip outside and breathe in the warm new-leaf air, allowing it to bring energy to her body and soul. After giving her pelt quick grooming, she would trot towards the apprentice den and stick her head inside, her cooing voice soft yet loud enough for her kits to hear her, "Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Rosepaw, Sunflowerpaw. Wake up, my gems, Meet me and Papa at the camp entrance, ok?"

Backing back out of the den, she would turn and if Thistleback was up and outside, she would bound over to him and nuzzle him affectionately as she purred, "How would you feel about a little family time before the rest of the clan get moving?" Her half-tail would swish behind her as she smiled up at him, and for the first time in moons, the molly looked genuinely excited. "We can show these little stars of ours why we're called 'Skyclan'."

It had been one of her favorite things as a kit, her father teaching her how to climb and pulling herself further and further into the sky. She only hoped their children shared her enjoyment of the skill and family time.


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Angry at all the things I can't change
There is a soft cooing that stirs the flaxen hued apprentice from his slumber, mint shaded eyes cracking open with a squint as the first rays of morning light covered his vision. Slowly he sits up, careful not to kick or knock anyone awake as he picks his way through the den. Bobbing his head Coyotepaw exits the sleeping area, pausing to stretch sleepy muscles. For a moment he peeks over his shoulder to see if the others were in tow before stepping closer toward his adoptive mother and father. "What did you have in mind exactly?" Coyotepaw asks, taking a groggy seat upon the ground. Parting his jaws in a wide yawn, he shakes his head, hoping to rid himself of the remaining tiredness.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith


Dawn has barely reached it tendrils into the sky when the sound of something soft drifted past pointed ears. They stirred slightly in response as the sound pulled a core memory from the backs of their mind- laying at a belly and kneading soft fur. Dual colored eyes blinked open tiredly and ears swivled slightly upon a narrow-shaped head, what was going on? They watched as Coyotepaw got up from the nest at the sound and it took a moment to swim past the sleepiness into recongizing the sound; Deersong.

Mom They thought quietly though didn't move to stand right away. The sun wasn't even out and there was still fresh dew clinging to their pelt as well as the mossy nest below them; what was so important so early? Briarpaw though wanted more than anything to go out there and greet the world with their mother- they couldn't bring themselves to do such a thing. Deersong had been absent for some time and it felt like they didn't really have a mother to begin with.

Briarpaw didn't understand the hardships their mother might've gone through with her depression, but it left a sour taste in the young apprentices' mouth. They needed their mother more than anything in the first few months of life- and she hadn't been there.

With the movement of their other siblings, Briarpaw gave a soft sigh through their nose before standing up and padding out of the den. Then gave a wide yawn, tiny teeth poking through and a tongue curling outwards, before shaking out their lilac tortie coat. White paws moved across the moss-covered floor of the apprentices' den before joining beside Coyotepaw with a meek and tired 'hmm?' in response. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
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the sun had barely even shown the first hints of it's arrival, far earlier than eve liked to wake up. but it was different when it was the soft coo of her mother asking for a walk. that would be far better than getting pulled from her comfy nest to train so early in the morning. she stirred immediately. despite the yawn parting her maw she moved quickly, as if she had been awake for hours.

eveningpaw delivered a few licks to stray furs, before looking around for the rest of her siblings. make sure they were up. coyotepaw was already heading out, briarpaw not long after. "ma said up!" it was a half whisper, half yell as she addressed rosepaw and sunflowerpaw. it was too dark to see where they were, but they had not yet left. she knew that much. immediately after, she was ducking out of the den herself, fluffy tail floating highly behind her. she fixed everyone with as bright of a grin she could muster despite her half lidded eyes from the wake. it was nice to be whole again. eve didn't care what it took to get there, just that things had seemingly returned to normal.

If Rosepaw were anything but half asleep at the moment, he is certain he would be mortified. To be risen from his sleep by his mom, who called them gems so sweetly– the other apprentices would never let this go. He'd be laughed at until he graduated, or perhaps even longer still. They would call him gem in a sickly-sweet voice, mocking her kindness. His siblings would have to shun him, they'd have to if they wanted to escape unscathed. It would be absolutely horrible. Still half-caught in the snare of sleep, Rosepaw buries his face beneath his paws and groans loudly, sleepily, as if the concern might vanish if he kept his face out of sight for long enough. Rather than allowing him that moment, though, Eveningpaw urges him along. Whatever he may feel about his parents (a great many complicated things that he could not hope to unravel so early in the morning), she was not one that he could refuse.

He pulls himself from his nest with a great yawn, his naturally spiky fur already held at a thousand unkempt angles. The apprentice makes no attempt to tame it. "What?" His voice is startlingly loud, bright eyes opening a little wider to look dazedly into Deersong's– a near identical color, he realized moons ago. "Mom," Rosepaw yawns, a drawn-out protest, "why'd you get us up so early? My mentor's gonna be looking for me, won't they?" Despite his worries about it, he shows no signs of wanting to back out of their family adventure. Instead, the tortoiseshell tom takes a few stretching steps closer.

  • ooc:
  • ──── rosepaw, named for his pelt color + in memory of his father's friend.
    ──── cis male. uses he - him only. unknown sexuality, but decidedly single.
    ──── apprentice of skyclan. mentor undecided/tba. deersong x thistleback.
    ──── five moons old. brother to eveningpaw, sunflowerpaw, and briarpaw.

    a spiky-furred tortoiseshell with blue eyes, slightly protruding fangs, and very tall ears. though still gangly with youth, he is growing to a solid, sturdy build that mimics his father's.
  • "speech"
Dreams roll behind dark tired lids, the tense strain of his shoulders alleviated by the soft feathers of their nest. Only a twitch of his muzzle occasionally be the only movement in his deep sleep. Deersong stirs him awake affectionately, and the lead’s jaws split into a massive yawn. Limbs crackling as he stretches. " mr’n… love " sleep chops his words as he issues a good morning to her.

The moss on his side goes cold, and he grumbles his way out of the nest. He was absolutely not a morning sort of cat, the sharp ache of his shoulders deigns to return. Lumbering outside of the warrior’s den, he squints in a scowl through the low pink light of early morning. Deersong is at the apprentice’s den briefly before returning to a very static-brained Thistleback. Rotating his jaws as she suggests a family day. " you know. The older I get, the less I like mornings… and it would seem the opposite for you, bird " he chuckles hoarsely, bowing his chest to the ground to stretch again. Claws ticking at the grass.

" all of them? " he jokes, knowing the chaos his children are quite capable of. Eveningpaw, Coyotepaw, and perhaps Rosepaw would be the easiest to keep up with. Especially Coyotepaw, boy was practically a man. Strange, time was an awful thing. Thistleback wanted his kids to stay kids.

" It’ll be healthy… especially for Coyotepaw " he murmurs to Deersong quietly. Waiting for the kids to start making their way over. He smiles tiredly to Coyotepaw and Eveningpaw. " don’t look at me, she’s the planner " he speaks accusingly with a tail flicked toward Deersong. " how was training yesterday ? " he asks the two as they wait.

" seems our kids inherited my distaste for mornings… " he comments, amused as he spots Rosepaw emerging with unkempt thorny hair. It was a strange sort of heart ache yet pride to see them as paws’ .

" stayed up all night chatting with Spiderpaw, eh? " he asks Briarpaw, a light tease in his words.

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    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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